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Students who use the space for group or private study are able to keep a watchful eye on the day's activities. panorama_98CDE4EC_9519_7F8F_41E0_BC531AAF7E6C.subtitle = All members of the Seton Hall Law community are welcome to visit The Saint Thomas More Chapel for quiet reflection and prayer. The Law School Chaplain's mission is to assist with the growth, rejuvenation, and refreshment of the spirit not only for Catholics but for people of all faiths. panorama_D83D69A2_D597_82B2_41D9_3B608B351505.subtitle = Aquinas Hall is a co-ed residence hall housing approximately 490 students on four floors. Each suite houses 4-5 people of the same gender. Social and study lounges are available for students on each of the three floors, some containing a pool table, another a ping pong table and flat screen TVs. panorama_2C073A18_2710_D3CD_41B2_966ECD799887.subtitle = Aquinas Hall is a co-ed residence hall housing approximately 490 students on four floors. Each suite houses 4-5 people of the same gender. Social and study lounges are available for students on each of the three floors, some containing a pool table, another a ping pong table and flat screen TVs. panorama_2C07657A_2710_F04D_4139_4F7289EC7CA0.subtitle = Aquinas Hall is a co-ed residence hall housing approximately 490 students on four floors. Each suite houses 4-5 people of the same gender. Social and study lounges are available for students on each of the three floors, some containing a pool table, another a ping pong table and flat screen TVs. panorama_2C072005_2710_EFC7_41C3_2DE242C3AC61.subtitle = Aquinas Hall is a co-ed residence hall housing approximately 490 students on four floors. Each suite houses 4-5 people of the same gender. Social and study lounges are available for students on each of the three floors, some containing a pool table, another a ping pong table and flat screen TVs. panorama_2C07DE35_2710_33C7_41A1_F6B75F3A75C4.subtitle = Aquinas Hall is a co-ed residence hall housing approximately 490 students on four floors. Each suite houses 4-5 people of the same gender. Social and study lounges are available for students on each of the three floors, some containing a pool table, another a ping pong table and flat screen TVs. panorama_2C073926_2710_51C5_4182_D8B74C00E7DF.subtitle = Aquinas Hall is a co-ed residence hall housing approximately 490 students on four floors. Each suite houses 4-5 people of the same gender. Social and study lounges are available for students on each of the three floors, some containing a pool table, another a ping pong table and flat screen TVs. panorama_98C6740A_9519_FE8B_41E0_2C32A27312D6.subtitle = Aquinas Hall is a co-ed residence hall housing approximately 490 students on four floors. Each suite houses 4-5 people of the same gender. Social and study lounges are available for students on each of the three floors, some containing a pool table, another a ping pong table and flat screen TVs. panorama_2C07F402_2710_37BD_4199_85D700C30675.subtitle = Aquinas Hall is a co-ed residence hall housing approximately 490 students on four floors. Each suite houses 4-5 people of the same gender. Social and study lounges are available for students on each of the three floors, some containing a pool table, another a ping pong table and flat screen TVs. panorama_2BF87834_2711_FFC5_419E_838F9145D308.subtitle = As a House of Formation, the Seminary offers men preparing for the priesthood the personal, academic, ministerial and spiritual formation essential for their conversion to Jesus Christ and for their commitment to a life of service to the Church. \ \ As a School of Theology, the Seminary provides a theological and philosophical foundation for men and women pursuing undergraduate and graduate studies; preparing for ministries among the people of God; and varied opportunities for continuing theological education. panorama_98C8D7B7_951A_D998_41DB_5BA74B9F0A2C.subtitle = As a House of Formation, the Seminary offers men preparing for the priesthood the personal, academic, ministerial and spiritual formation essential for their conversion to Jesus Christ and for their commitment to a life of service to the Church. \ \ As a School of Theology, the Seminary provides a theological and philosophical foundation for men and women pursuing undergraduate and graduate studies; preparing for ministries among the people of God; and varied opportunities for continuing theological education. panorama_98C82008_951A_D677_41E1_B99C56388AB3.subtitle = As a House of Formation, the Seminary offers men preparing for the priesthood the personal, academic, ministerial and spiritual formation essential for their conversion to Jesus Christ and for their commitment to a life of service to the Church. \ \ As a School of Theology, the Seminary provides a theological and philosophical foundation for men and women pursuing undergraduate and graduate studies; preparing for ministries among the people of God; and varied opportunities for continuing theological education. panorama_2C06F378_2711_D04D_41BE_BC1B932A335A.subtitle = As a House of Formation, the Seminary offers men preparing for the priesthood the personal, academic, ministerial and spiritual formation essential for their conversion to Jesus Christ and for their commitment to a life of service to the Church. \ \ As a School of Theology, the Seminary provides a theological and philosophical foundation for men and women pursuing undergraduate and graduate studies; preparing for ministries among the people of God; and varied opportunities for continuing theological education. panorama_98C8B038_951A_F688_41D1_4EA287BB5ACB.subtitle = As a House of Formation, the Seminary offers men preparing for the priesthood the personal, academic, ministerial and spiritual formation essential for their conversion to Jesus Christ and for their commitment to a life of service to the Church. \ \ As a School of Theology, the Seminary provides a theological and philosophical foundation for men and women pursuing undergraduate and graduate studies; preparing for ministries among the people of God; and varied opportunities for continuing theological education. panorama_D83CB447_D597_81F3_41E8_A8B2E651B256.subtitle = As a House of Formation, the Seminary offers men preparing for the priesthood the personal, academic, ministerial and spiritual formation essential for their conversion to Jesus Christ and for their commitment to a life of service to the Church. \ \ As a School of Theology, the Seminary provides a theological and philosophical foundation for men and women pursuing undergraduate and graduate studies; preparing for ministries among the people of God; and varied opportunities for continuing theological education. panorama_98CB0164_951A_B6BF_41B6_DF7AD7ABDE62.subtitle = As part of Seton Hall's innovative simulation curriculum, the Part-Task Lab allows students to learn and practice clinical skills in small group interaction building confidence prior to clinical rotations. panorama_D83A9784_D594_8F76_41D5_DFDC22945A72.subtitle = Bethany Hall serves as a welcoming multipurpose space for visitors, the University community and alumni; it is the central location for the Office of Admissions and its activities, including campus tours and the home to many events, including guest speakers like Alex Rodriguez and Sonia Sotomayor. panorama_98C5C860_9517_B6B8_41CB_54BFD13ED5E0.subtitle = Bethany Hall serves as a welcoming multipurpose space for visitors, the University community and alumni; it is the central location for the Office of Admissions and its activities, including campus tours and the home to many events, including guest speakers like Alex Rodriguez and Sonia Sotomayor. panorama_2C03F043_2710_3043_41B7_243F6DB3E75C.subtitle = Bethany Hall serves as a welcoming multipurpose space for visitors, the University community and alumni; it is the central location for the Office of Admissions and its activities, including campus tours and the home to many events, including guest speakers like Alex Rodriguez and Sonia Sotomayor. panorama_2C03B5B8_2710_50CD_41C2_2EEAE89F6AFF.subtitle = Bethany Hall serves as a welcoming multipurpose space for visitors, the University community and alumni; it is the central location for the Office of Admissions and its activities, including campus tours and the home to many events, including guest speakers like Alex Rodriguez and Sonia Sotomayor. panorama_98C63968_9519_B688_41DF_58D82E004101.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_98C6F102_9519_B678_41D7_D4D858427273.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_98C6D8C8_9519_5788_41D4_5A8A2C5D2D2A.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_98C62F69_9519_4A89_41C8_4A4AFB853A16.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_98CF08F1_951A_F798_41DA_52A9506A14C7.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_98CF294F_951A_D688_41DE_9DB1D3253FA5.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. media_8AC5B661_9AD9_7E73_41D4_7CD011E6F304.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_98C6D2B7_9517_7B98_41E2_1CAA149F5DDF.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. media_9579FE71_9AD9_4E53_41D0_2027681AD11C.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_2C05DFD7_2713_D043_41A5_73822C17798F.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_D83BB90E_D595_8372_41E8_AD5933DD673E.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_D83B47C0_D595_8EEE_41E1_E026D887A168.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_D83B3195_D595_8296_41C0_414CB0C19979.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_D83B9B27_D595_87B2_41D8_3DF985014401.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_D83B4522_D595_83B2_41E8_AFCB5ECE99B0.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_D83BAF18_D595_9F9E_41CF_A7740B0ED05E.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_98C6D80C_9517_B68F_41DF_00A2B42EA622.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_D83BA916_D595_8395_4195_B1BDA91B7BEC.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_98C616C7_9519_7BF9_41CF_EDA055FC15CD.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_98C66EA2_9519_4BB8_419A_1419516A82C3.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_2C1AE393_2710_50C3_41B4_DEAE7011F400.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_2C1ACD89_2710_50CF_41C0_06228E504698.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_98C53123_9517_56B9_41D2_14453C672B52.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_2C1AB9AA_2710_30CD_41B9_5742C41A7D70.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_2C1A2F81_2710_D0BF_41B0_F10CE1681060.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_2C1A655B_2710_D043_4173_73DDD654A769.subtitle = Bishop Dougherty University Center, which holds the Dining Hall, Pirate’s Cove and Theatre-in-the-Round. The University Center has meeting spaces for clubs and activity areas for speakers, dances, such as the Event Room and Lounge. Students can also enjoy other food options such as Starbucks, Jersey Mikes, and on-the-go and take-out meal items. panorama_D83AFD4A_D594_83F2_41E6_7BDAE4A2659E.subtitle = Boland Hall, our largest freshmen residence on campus, houses over 700 first year students. North Boland is suite style so two rooms share a bathroom. South Boland is single gender by floor and is arranged so individual rooms share a community bathroom. panorama_2C077C69_2710_D04F_41C2_026F1731B359.subtitle = Boland Hall, our largest freshmen residence on campus, houses over 700 first year students. North Boland is suite style so two rooms share a bathroom. South Boland is single gender by floor and is arranged so individual rooms share a community bathroom. \ \ The Pirate's Cellar is located in the basement and is available for studying, television, pool games, programs, and other assorted activities. Campus Ministry, Division of Volunteer Efforts (DOVE), and Tutors-in-Residence are housed in the lower level of Boland Hall. panorama_2C06767C_2710_5045_41B9_FFE5DFD8A783.subtitle = Boland Hall, our largest freshmen residence on campus, houses over 700 first year students. North Boland is suite style so two rooms share a bathroom. South Boland is single gender by floor and is arranged so individual rooms share a community bathroom. \ \ The Pirate's Cellar is located in the basement and is available for studying, television, pool games, programs, and other assorted activities. Campus Ministry, Division of Volunteer Efforts (DOVE), and Tutors-in-Residence are housed in the lower level of Boland Hall. panorama_2C068A99_2710_70CF_41AE_40C513944E69.subtitle = Boland Hall, our largest freshmen residence on campus, houses over 700 first year students. North Boland is suite style so two rooms share a bathroom. South Boland is single gender by floor and is arranged so individual rooms share a community bathroom. \ \ The Pirate's Cellar is located in the basement and is available for studying, television, pool games, programs, and other assorted activities. Campus Ministry, Division of Volunteer Efforts (DOVE), and Tutors-in-Residence are housed in the lower level of Boland Hall. panorama_2C0742B6_2710_D0C5_41BA_AE292FB072D6.subtitle = Boland Hall, our largest freshmen residence on campus, houses over 700 first year students. North Boland is suite style so two rooms share a bathroom. South Boland is single gender by floor and is arranged so individual rooms share a community bathroom. \ \ The Pirate's Cellar is located in the basement and is available for studying, television, pool games, programs, and other assorted activities. Campus Ministry, Division of Volunteer Efforts (DOVE), and Tutors-in-Residence are housed in the lower level of Boland Hall. panorama_2C0748C3_2710_3043_41C2_E7618DA8B646.subtitle = Boland Hall, our largest freshmen residence on campus, houses over 700 first year students. North Boland is suite style so two rooms share a bathroom. South Boland is single gender by floor and is arranged so individual rooms share a community bathroom. \ \ The Pirate's Cellar is located in the basement and is available for studying, television, pool games, programs, and other assorted activities. Campus Ministry, Division of Volunteer Efforts (DOVE), and Tutors-in-Residence are housed in the lower level of Boland Hall. panorama_2C0680D6_2710_7045_4186_327DB4722687.subtitle = Boland Hall, our largest freshmen residence on campus, houses over 700 first year students. North Boland is suite style so two rooms share a bathroom. South Boland is single gender by floor and is arranged so individual rooms share a community bathroom. \ \ The Pirate's Cellar is located in the basement and is available for studying, television, pool games, programs, and other assorted activities. Campus Ministry, Division of Volunteer Efforts (DOVE), and Tutors-in-Residence are housed in the lower level of Boland Hall. panorama_2C068EA8_2710_50CD_41BF_94EF54C85806.subtitle = Boland Hall, our largest freshmen residence on campus, houses over 700 first year students. North Boland is suite style so two rooms share a bathroom. South Boland is single gender by floor and is arranged so individual rooms share a community bathroom. \ \ The Pirate's Cellar is located in the basement and is available for studying, television, pool games, programs, and other assorted activities. Campus Ministry, Division of Volunteer Efforts (DOVE), and Tutors-in-Residence are housed in the lower level of Boland Hall. panorama_D83D179C_D594_8E96_41DF_B066300172EC.subtitle = Boland Hall, our largest freshmen residence on campus, houses over 700 first year students. North Boland is suite style so two rooms share a bathroom. South Boland is single gender by floor and is arranged so individual rooms share a community bathroom. \ \ The Pirate's Cellar is located in the basement and is available for studying, television, pool games, programs, and other assorted activities. Campus Ministry, Division of Volunteer Efforts (DOVE), and Tutors-in-Residence are housed in the lower level of Boland Hall. panorama_D83D3CFA_D594_8292_41E5_009D39B5E55F.subtitle = Boland Hall, our largest freshmen residence on campus, houses over 700 first year students. North Boland is suite style so two rooms share a bathroom. South Boland is single gender by floor and is arranged so individual rooms share a community bathroom. \ \ The Pirate's Cellar is located in the basement and is available for studying, television, pool games, programs, and other assorted activities. Campus Ministry, Division of Volunteer Efforts (DOVE), and Tutors-in-Residence are housed in the lower level of Boland Hall. panorama_D83DE43A_D594_819D_41E1_3A4A27F2B1D7.subtitle = Corrigan Hall is where you will find the Music Department, classrooms and the Mobile Computing helpdesk. Students needing laptop assistance come here for help and repairs. panorama_98C67AC4_9519_CBFF_41D6_6BE32131B63E.subtitle = Corrigan Hall is where you will find the Music Department, classrooms and the Mobile Computing helpdesk. Students needing laptop assistance come here for help and repairs. panorama_2C1B7E4B_2711_D043_41A4_30919933D3B2.subtitle = Corrigan Hall is where you will find the Music Department, classrooms and the Mobile Computing helpdesk. Students needing laptop assistance come here for help and repairs. panorama_502C9E6A_499D_B28B_41C1_44CFDE6587D5.subtitle = Don't step on the seal! The seal is the formal symbol of our University, it's recognized by students and alumni world-wide as the symbol of all that Seton Hall has accomplished during its long history, and all that we will continue to accomplish in the years to come. As Pirates we respect this crest and we never step on it, or let anyone else step on it. Seton Hall tradition tells us that stepping on the seal leads to lower GPAs, prolonged graduation, and a host of other issues. If you have found that your foot has grazed the seal, you have 30 seconds to run to the Pirate Statue and rub the Pirate’s foot to try to reverse the curse! panorama_2C04FB64_2710_F045_41C1_D23B831FB959.subtitle = Duffy Hall is home to the bookstore and the offices for Housing and Residence Life, Parking Services, Card Access and Disability Support Services. panorama_2C04F58B_2710_D0C3_41B7_F0B5A4AE99B9.subtitle = Duffy Hall is home to the bookstore and the offices for Housing and Residence Life, Parking Services, Card Access and Disability Support Services. panorama_2C04AF3B_2710_D1C3_419F_7A49165A1632.subtitle = Duffy Hall is home to the bookstore and the offices for Housing and Residence Life, Parking Services, Card Access and Disability Support Services. panorama_D83A4368_D595_87BE_41E5_FAC4078DCF50.subtitle = Duffy Hall is home to the bookstore and the offices for Housing and Residence Life, Parking Services, Card Access and Disability Support Services. panorama_D839D900_D594_836E_41E3_0BD019B3D707.subtitle = Duffy Hall is home to the bookstore and the offices for Housing and Residence Life, Parking Services, Card Access and Disability Support Services. panorama_98C7C3C6_9516_D9FB_41B4_9C2FA485CBB1.subtitle = Duffy Hall is home to the bookstore and the offices for Housing and Residence Life, Parking Services, Card Access and Disability Support Services. panorama_98C7DC32_9516_CE9B_41D1_3356BFBF9036.subtitle = Fahy Hall consists of numerous academic departments, classrooms, a language lab, computer labs, the Pirate TV Studio, Global Learning Center and the Honors Program. panorama_2C05E55A_2713_D04D_41B2_CCB0BD297AF1.subtitle = Fahy Hall consists of numerous academic departments, classrooms, a language lab, computer labs, the Pirate TV Studio, Global Learning Center and the Honors Program. panorama_2C1A2F96_2710_30C5_41AD_DC9B861A7170.subtitle = Fahy Hall consists of numerous academic departments, classrooms, a language lab, computer labs, the Pirate TV Studio, Global Learning Center and the Honors Program. panorama_2C1A3218_2710_53CD_41BA_A470732CAAD9.subtitle = Fahy Hall consists of numerous academic departments, classrooms, a language lab, computer labs, the Pirate TV Studio, Global Learning Center and the Honors Program. panorama_2C1A0C33_2710_57C3_41BE_B286BCE6FF25.subtitle = Fahy Hall consists of numerous academic departments, classrooms, a language lab, computer labs, the Pirate TV Studio, Global Learning Center and the Honors Program. panorama_D96AD6DD_F9DD_E88F_41E0_A4453B666DFE.subtitle = Fahy Hall consists of numerous academic departments, classrooms, a language lab, computer labs, the Pirate TV Studio, Global Learning Center and the Honors Program. panorama_2C1A0BFC_2713_F045_41BA_F2C48D9058F9.subtitle = Fahy Hall consists of numerous academic departments, classrooms, a language lab, computer labs, the Pirate TV Studio, Global Learning Center and the Honors Program. panorama_2C1A062A_2710_33CD_41A8_E19783B58CF5.subtitle = Fahy Hall consists of numerous academic departments, classrooms, a language lab, computer labs, the Pirate TV Studio, Global Learning Center and the Honors Program. panorama_2C05E23A_2713_F3CD_41C0_6E3BAD7BB805.subtitle = Fahy Hall consists of numerous academic departments, classrooms, a language lab, computer labs, the Pirate TV Studio, Global Learning Center and the Honors Program. panorama_2C1A08F6_2713_D045_41A3_AEFF82E51F6B.subtitle = Fahy Hall consists of numerous academic departments, classrooms, a language lab, computer labs, the Pirate TV Studio, Global Learning Center and the Honors Program. panorama_98C8D2AC_951B_DB88_41AF_67EF01214CFF.subtitle = Flexible classrooms offer technology-enriched spaces with flexible wall configurations, adjusting to the needs of learners and programs. panorama_98CF2ACC_9519_4B88_41E2_427A0FE44DC8.subtitle = Get your Starbucks fix every day from Café Deni. Students and visitors who use this space to study and meet up with friends enjoy the warm and friendly environment with an excellent view of downtown Newark. panorama_98C88ADC_951B_CB8F_41CC_C32565C3CCED.subtitle = Huddle Rooms are available throughout the IHS campus to promote student group projects, collaboration for developing interprofessional skills, and faculty advising. panorama_2C03B608_2710_53CD_41B1_147EDC69CDB8.subtitle = In addition to having classroom spaces, Arts and Sciences Hall is home to the Academic Resource Center, the Math Learning Lab and the Writing Lab. This building is also where first-year students take their first of three philosophy-based courses. panorama_D83BA36F_D595_87B2_41E6_40A462783697.subtitle = In addition to having classroom spaces, Arts and Sciences Hall is home to the Academic Resource Center, the Math Learning Lab and the Writing Lab. This building is also where first-year students take their first of three philosophy-based courses. panorama_2C042A70_2710_305D_419C_68D873C75FDE.subtitle = In addition to having classroom spaces, Arts and Sciences Hall is home to the Academic Resource Center, the Math Learning Lab and the Writing Lab. This building is also where first-year students take their first of three philosophy-based courses. panorama_98C9E60A_951B_7A88_41E1_6A9499DB875E.subtitle = In the Interventions Lab, students practice assessing patients and performing therapeutic interventions for muscular and joint injuries as they would in real-life healthcare situations. panorama_98C9D66D_951B_5A89_41B5_F922D9EF482F.subtitle = In the state-of-the-art Therapeutic Exercise and Exercise Physiology Lab, future physical therapists and athletic trainers learn the necessary skills to treat patients who require assessment or rehabilitation related to orthopedic injuries. panorama_98C611BE_9519_D98B_41A1_4E4C5617C9C1.subtitle = Jubilee Hall is home to multiple academic departments including the Stillman School of Business, psychology, education, arts and sciences and the Office of International Programs. This building contains other areas including the Market Research Center, Sports Polling Institute, Esports lab, centers for Securities Trading and Business Analytics, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development, and the state-of-the-art trade room. panorama_98C54377_9517_FA98_41DC_AF31D9EC86CA.subtitle = Jubilee Hall is home to multiple academic departments including the Stillman School of Business, psychology, education, arts and sciences and the Office of International Programs. This building contains other areas including the Market Research Center, Sports Polling Institute, Esports lab, centers for Securities Trading and Business Analytics, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development, and the state-of-the-art trade room. panorama_D83AD192_D594_8292_41BB_A9C83067CCB5.subtitle = Jubilee Hall is home to multiple academic departments including the Stillman School of Business, psychology, education, arts and sciences and the Office of International Programs. This building contains other areas including the Market Research Center, Sports Polling Institute, Esports lab, centers for Securities Trading and Business Analytics, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development, and the state-of-the-art trade room. panorama_2C1BEA2B_2710_73C3_4180_D8305130F472.subtitle = Jubilee Hall is home to multiple academic departments including the Stillman School of Business, psychology, education, arts and sciences and the Office of International Programs. This building contains other areas including the Market Research Center, Sports Polling Institute, Esports lab, centers for Securities Trading and Business Analytics, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development, and the state-of-the-art trade room. panorama_2C1A4DBC_2710_D0C5_41BD_0B7B45AB938C.subtitle = Jubilee Hall is home to multiple academic departments including the Stillman School of Business, psychology, education, arts and sciences and the Office of International Programs. This building contains other areas including the Market Research Center, Sports Polling Institute, Esports lab, centers for Securities Trading and Business Analytics, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development, and the state-of-the-art trade room. panorama_2C1BF737_2710_31C3_4119_62A585BEB470.subtitle = Jubilee Hall is home to multiple academic departments including the Stillman School of Business, psychology, education, arts and sciences and the Office of International Programs. This building contains other areas including the Market Research Center, Sports Polling Institute, Esports lab, centers for Securities Trading and Business Analytics, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development, and the state-of-the-art trade room. panorama_2C1BA1DF_2710_D043_418A_C6BD59B51308.subtitle = Jubilee Hall is home to multiple academic departments including the Stillman School of Business, psychology, education, arts and sciences and the Office of International Programs. This building contains other areas including the Market Research Center, Sports Polling Institute, Esports lab, centers for Securities Trading and Business Analytics, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development, and the state-of-the-art trade room. panorama_2C1AEA1A_2710_F3CD_41B3_33602B810628.subtitle = Jubilee Hall is home to multiple academic departments including the Stillman School of Business, psychology, education, arts and sciences and the Office of International Programs. This building contains other areas including the Market Research Center, Sports Polling Institute, Esports lab, centers for Securities Trading and Business Analytics, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development, and the state-of-the-art trade room. panorama_2C1BED61_2710_507F_41B5_BC85CF2303C2.subtitle = Jubilee Hall is home to multiple academic departments including the Stillman School of Business, psychology, education, arts and sciences and the Office of International Programs. This building contains other areas including the Market Research Center, Sports Polling Institute, Esports lab, centers for Securities Trading and Business Analytics, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development, and the state-of-the-art trade room. panorama_2C1B9324_2710_51C5_41C1_44A83365EB26.subtitle = Jubilee Hall is home to multiple academic departments including the Stillman School of Business, psychology, education, arts and sciences and the Office of International Programs. This building contains other areas including the Market Research Center, Sports Polling Institute, Esports lab, centers for Securities Trading and Business Analytics, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development, and the state-of-the-art trade room. panorama_98CE44B6_9519_5F98_41D0_6E97E9CEC523.subtitle = Lecture halls are reserved for larger classes and legal symposia. Here, students are in a criminal law class. panorama_98C8650C_951B_5E88_41D3_2A303D3751C0.subtitle = Located on the left side of the Winter Garden lobby, the library offers plentiful collaborative study space as well as research stations. Supportive IHS librarians promote evidence-based practice and foster students’ life-long learning skills that lead to excellence in patient care. panorama_2C02FDDB_271F_D043_41B4_E264B528166F.subtitle = McNulty Hall, also known as the Science and Technology building, includes classrooms, science labs, and a rooftop with a greenhouse and observatory. Undergraduate students gain hands-on experience working side-by-side with well-known science professors conducting research, some of which is funded by the National Institute of Health. panorama_D83AF174_D594_8396_41E5_3E72841164AC.subtitle = McNulty Hall, also known as the Science and Technology building, includes classrooms, science labs, and a rooftop with a greenhouse and observatory. Undergraduate students gain hands-on experience working side-by-side with well-known science professors conducting research, some of which is funded by the National Institute of Health. panorama_2C1AEA20_2710_33FD_41C1_0A2F9AC5175E.subtitle = McNulty Hall, also known as the Science and Technology building, includes classrooms, science labs, and a rooftop with a greenhouse and observatory. Undergraduate students gain hands-on experience working side-by-side with well-known science professors conducting research, some of which is funded by the National Institute of Health. panorama_2C1BD4F3_2710_5043_418E_318210382A82.subtitle = McNulty Hall, also known as the Science and Technology building, includes classrooms, science labs, and a rooftop with a greenhouse and observatory. Undergraduate students gain hands-on experience working side-by-side with well-known science professors conducting research, some of which is funded by the National Institute of Health. panorama_2C1B8FC2_2710_50BD_41B4_97D5516F6921.subtitle = McNulty Hall, also known as the Science and Technology building, includes classrooms, science labs, and a rooftop with a greenhouse and observatory. Undergraduate students gain hands-on experience working side-by-side with well-known science professors conducting research, some of which is funded by the National Institute of Health. panorama_98C50FE2_9517_49B8_41DB_DF9F6747582C.subtitle = McNulty Hall, also known as the Science and Technology building, includes classrooms, science labs, and a rooftop with a greenhouse and observatory. Undergraduate students gain hands-on experience working side-by-side with well-known science professors conducting research, some of which is funded by the National Institute of Health. panorama_98CF060D_9519_5A88_41D0_441B1ECAF2EC.subtitle = Members of the Seton Hall Law School community gather in the Larson Auditorium for conferences, large meetings, guest speaker presentations, award ceremonies and training. New students gather in the auditorium for Orientation. panorama_2C035363_271F_D042_4187_D544EDA21D15.subtitle = Mooney Hall is home to our award-winning Center for Academic Success, which helps ease the transition from high school to college and provides mentoring for all incoming students. This building also houses the Gen 1 Program, Counseling and Psychological Services and Seton Hall’s Army ROTC, Pirate Battalion. panorama_D83A1D7D_D594_8396_41D2_37D336ED27A4.subtitle = Mooney Hall is home to our award-winning Center for Academic Success, which helps ease the transition from high school to college and provides mentoring for all incoming students. This building also houses the Gen 1 Program, Counseling and Psychological Services and Seton Hall’s Army ROTC, Pirate Battalion. panorama_D83D1935_D594_8397_41CB_DECCBB11E32A.subtitle = Named after Seton Hall’s founder, Bishop James Roosevelt Bayley, Bayley Hall houses the offices of Financial Aid, Student Employment, Registrar and Bursar, as well as the Career Center. panorama_2C0CD943_2710_3042_4195_5B2836D1DA57.subtitle = Named after Seton Hall’s founder, Bishop James Roosevelt Bayley, Bayley Hall houses the offices of Financial Aid, Student Employment, Registrar and Bursar, as well as the Career Center. panorama_2C035F13_271F_D1C3_41AB_1A8BDBA24973.subtitle = Once known as Stafford Hall, Muscarelle is one of its earliest buildings, now an impressive state-of-the-art academic building for classrooms for a variety of academic departments. panorama_D8261004_D58B_8176_41A8_40A98E96C99A.subtitle = Once known as Stafford Hall, Muscarelle is one of its earliest buildings, now an impressive state-of-the-art academic building for classrooms for a variety of academic departments. panorama_D87D231B_CB2C_25DB_41E5_20BEA2D5310A.subtitle = Owen T. Carroll Field has been on the grounds of Seton Hall University since 1907 and is the home of the men’s and women’s soccer teams, while Mike Sheppard Sr. Stadium is the home to the baseball team. panorama_854F4A52_9517_4A9B_41DA_72823CE21D43.subtitle = Owen T. Carroll Field has been on the grounds of Seton Hall University since 1907 and is the home of the men’s and women’s soccer teams, while Mike Sheppard Sr. Stadium is the home to the baseball team. panorama_98C6742E_9517_7E8B_41E2_5FFA986DDBBE.subtitle = Owen T. Carroll Field has been on the grounds of Seton Hall University since 1907 and is the home of the men’s and women’s soccer teams, while Mike Sheppard Sr. Stadium is the home to the baseball team. panorama_2C03296E_271F_F045_41C1_475E0764BB0D.subtitle = Presidents Hall dates back to 1867 and houses administrative offices including the Office of the President and the Office of the Provost. panorama_D83A3903_D594_8372_41E2_03403FB7CC3B.subtitle = Presidents Hall dates back to 1867 and houses administrative offices including the Office of the President and the Office of the Provost. panorama_98CF073E_9519_BA8B_41CB_A07DBFF85816.subtitle = Prospective students looking for the Admissions office can find it on the third floor. The staff here provides group and private tours of the law school and facilitates class visits. Just steps away are the Enrollment and Student Services Offices and the Dean's Suite. panorama_98C7BD40_9519_4EF7_41D5_2207CBC82850.subtitle = Schwartz Hall houses renovated classrooms, both small and amphitheater style, and is the current home of the Buccino Leadership Institute and the Division of Continuing Education and Professional Studies. panorama_98C6060A_9519_5A88_41B2_E727B8DDB75B.subtitle = Schwartz Hall houses renovated classrooms, both small and amphitheater style, and is the current home of the Buccino Leadership Institute and the Division of Continuing Education and Professional Studies. panorama_2C047104_2710_71C5_419B_31ECACADCFB5.subtitle = Schwartz Hall houses renovated classrooms, both small and amphitheater style, and is the current home of the Buccino Leadership Institute and the Division of Continuing Education and Professional Studies. panorama_98C68B66_9517_4ABB_41D3_CC02FCE09095.subtitle = Schwartz Hall houses renovated classrooms, both small and amphitheater style, and is the current home of the Buccino Leadership Institute, the Office of Graduate Affairs and the Division of Continuing Education and Professional Studies. panorama_98CE5365_9519_BAB9_41D2_9275B865D6DB.subtitle = Seton Hall Law School is home to two student-edited journals featuring critical analyses of today's most pressing legal issues. Journal members may access this private space for writing and editing from the lower level of the law library. panorama_D83ADB41_D594_87EE_41E9_1F586BC008CC.subtitle = Seton Hall provides housing for members of our priest community here at Gerety Hall. panorama_D83DBDE6_D594_82B2_41D5_DA98044B0101.subtitle = Seton Hall’s Chapel of the Immaculate Conception is rightly called the “Heart of the Campus.” In its almost 150 years it has welcomed generations of Setonians. The restoration, renovation, and renewal completed in 2008 gives present and future Setonians a noble sanctuary to practice their faith. Mass is held every day at various times. panorama_2C069B8C_2710_30C6_41C0_D43EAFBDA56C.subtitle = Seton Hall’s Chapel of the Immaculate Conception is rightly called the “Heart of the Campus.” In its almost 150 years it has welcomed generations of Setonians. The restoration, renovation, and renewal completed in 2008 gives present and future Setonians a noble sanctuary to practice their faith. Mass is held every day at various times. panorama_98C5EAAC_9517_CB88_41D3_C71F35CE3FFF.subtitle = Seton Hall’s Chapel of the Immaculate Conception is rightly called the “Heart of the Campus.” In its almost 150 years it has welcomed generations of Setonians. The restoration, renovation, and renewal completed in 2008 gives present and future Setonians a noble sanctuary to practice their faith. Mass is held every day at various times. panorama_98C8479C_951A_B98F_41D3_96345F7FA235.subtitle = Students can collaborate on a project or just relax and play pool, ping pong or table hockey in the welcoming Student Center. Down the hall, there is a campus bookstore and ample storage lockers for students. panorama_98C81F1B_951B_4A89_41DB_61F43E86944F.subtitle = Students can collaborate on a project or just relax and play pool, ping pong or table hockey in the welcoming Student Center. Down the hall, there is a campus bookstore and ample storage lockers for students. panorama_98CFED4D_9519_4E89_41D9_F2AF760CF910.subtitle = Students can purchase supplies for class, textbooks, electronics, snacks, and Seton Hall Law apparel and accessories at the bookstore. panorama_D83A6DFC_D595_8296_41D9_AC89780C074A.subtitle = Students gather on The Green to hang out and study. Seton Hall’s campus is completely wireless, enabling students to bring their Seton Hall laptops outside to study. Many outdoor events are hosted on The Green including clubs and organizations, holiday events and involvement fairs. \ \ The SEAL: Don't step on the seal! The seal is the formal symbol of our University, it's recognized by students and alumni world-wide as the symbol of all that Seton Hall has accomplished during its long history, and all that we will continue to accomplish in the years to come. As Pirates we respect this crest and we never step on it, or let anyone else step on it. Seton Hall tradition tells us that stepping on the seal leads to lower GPAs, prolonged graduation, and a host of other issues. If you have found that your foot has grazed the seal, you have 30 seconds to run to the Pirate Statue and rub the Pirate’s foot to try to reverse the curse! media_8A6E3AE2_9AD9_5671_41C2_CC82B082B043.subtitle = Students gather on the Green to hang out and study. Seton Hall’s campus is completely wireless, enabling students to bring their Seton Hall laptops outside to study. Many outdoor events are hosted on the Green including clubs and organizations, holiday events and involvement fairs. \ \ Don't step on the seal! The seal is the formal symbol of our University, it's recognized by students and alumni world-wide as the symbol of all that Seton Hall has accomplished during its long history. Seton Hall tradition is to never step on the Seal, and if you do, it may cause bad luck. If you have found that your foot has grazed the Seal, you have 30 seconds to run to the Pirate Statue and rub the Pirate’s foot to try to reverse the curse! panorama_98CEC124_9519_D6B8_41DD_BEB932228ED4.subtitle = Students looking for a quiet place to study can find it on the upper level of the law library. Part of this level shares a view with the Peter W. Rodino, Jr. Reading Room, and provides a portion of the 21 group study rooms available to students. panorama_98CEFA26_9519_CABB_41CA_C51804858851.subtitle = Students looking for a quiet place to study can find it on the upper level of the law library. Part of this level shares a view with the Peter W. Rodino, Jr. Reading Room, and provides a portion of the 21 group study rooms available to students. panorama_98CBE9D2_951B_499B_41D0_F4CCBF4BA74E.subtitle = Students practice their physical examination skills in the Exam Table Lab. Each bed has a designated headwall, providing ample equipment for peer-to-peer practice and faculty-assisted lab sessions. The space also mimics an outpatient treatment center for simulations with standardized patients. panorama_DA8C2FC8_D597_9EFE_41D0_A8E4471F1563.subtitle = Take a break with classmates in the IHS cafeteria. On the menu: coffee and a delicious selection of gourmet breakfast and lunch options – both grab-and-go and freshly made items. panorama_D83D9BD0_D597_86EE_41D4_A03D4BE8882C.subtitle = Take a break with classmates in the IHS cafeteria. On the menu: coffee and a delicious selection of gourmet breakfast and lunch options – both grab-and-go and freshly made items. panorama_98CE5D20_9519_4EB7_41D6_1B9268BA4823.subtitle = The Center for Social Justice (CSJ) at Seton Hall Law School is one of the nation’s strongest pro bono and clinical programs. The CSJ empowers students to gain critical, hands-on experience by providing pro bono legal services for economically disadvantaged residents in the region. panorama_98CB5B06_951B_CA7B_41DF_621FC1ABD8C2.subtitle = The Communication Station is a hub of activity where students from all health professions hone their skills of working together to collaborate for achieving the best patient care plans or hand off of care between professions. panorama_D83B6120_D594_83AD_41DE_5E363B794534.subtitle = The Complex consists of Serra, Neumann, and Cabrini halls and houses approximately 550 upper-class students. The Complex amenities include Suite style rooms with 4 - 7 people of the same gender sharing 1 bathroom, lounges on every floor, vending machines, microwaves, and laundry rooms on the 1st floor of all buildings and fully furnished rooms complete with beds, desks, dressers, and wardrobes. panorama_D83AFC31_D594_81AE_41E9_485F40B1D62C.subtitle = The Complex consists of Serra, Neumann, and Cabrini halls and houses approximately 550 upper-class students. The Complex amenities include Suite style rooms with 4 - 7 people of the same gender sharing 1 bathroom, lounges on every floor, vending machines, microwaves, and laundry rooms on the 1st floor of all buildings and fully furnished rooms complete with beds, desks, dressers, and wardrobes. panorama_D83A45D0_D594_82EE_41D2_C4F4D1ADBB78.subtitle = The Complex consists of Serra, Neumann, and Cabrini halls and houses approximately 550 upper-class students. The Complex amenities include Suite style rooms with 4 - 7 people of the same gender sharing 1 bathroom, lounges on every floor, vending machines, microwaves, and laundry rooms on the 1st floor of all buildings and fully furnished rooms complete with beds, desks, dressers, and wardrobes. panorama_2C048D97_2711_F0C3_4183_B6708808E8AE.subtitle = The Complex consists of Serra, Neumann, and Cabrini halls and houses approximately 550 upper-class students. The Complex amenities include Suite style rooms with 4 - 7 people of the same gender sharing 1 bathroom, lounges on every floor, vending machines, microwaves, and laundry rooms on the 1st floor of all buildings and fully furnished rooms complete with beds, desks, dressers, and wardrobes. panorama_2C05B1EB_2710_3043_41AE_5E4E44FEFFF7.subtitle = The Complex consists of Serra, Neumann, and Cabrini halls and houses approximately 550 upper-class students. The Complex amenities include Suite style rooms with 4 - 7 people of the same gender sharing 1 bathroom, lounges on every floor, vending machines, microwaves, and laundry rooms on the 1st floor of all buildings and fully furnished rooms complete with beds, desks, dressers, and wardrobes. panorama_2C05AC88_2710_30CD_41C0_79E79D321064.subtitle = The Complex consists of Serra, Neumann, and Cabrini halls and houses approximately 550 upper-class students. The Complex amenities include Suite style rooms with 4 - 7 people of the same gender sharing 1 bathroom, lounges on every floor, vending machines, microwaves, and laundry rooms on the 1st floor of all buildings and fully furnished rooms complete with beds, desks, dressers, and wardrobes. panorama_2C05DA11_2710_73DF_41C1_A76EF129C86F.subtitle = The Complex consists of Serra, Neumann, and Cabrini halls and houses approximately 550 upper-class students. The Complex amenities include Suite style rooms with 4 - 7 people of the same gender sharing 1 bathroom, lounges on every floor, vending machines, microwaves, and laundry rooms on the 1st floor of all buildings and fully furnished rooms complete with beds, desks, dressers, and wardrobes. panorama_2C0487E0_2711_D07D_41AA_62882922B2E2.subtitle = The Complex consists of Serra, Neumann, and Cabrini halls and houses approximately 550 upper-class students. The Complex amenities include Suite style rooms with 4 - 7 people of the same gender sharing 1 bathroom, lounges on every floor, vending machines, microwaves, and laundry rooms on the 1st floor of all buildings and fully furnished rooms complete with beds, desks, dressers, and wardrobes. panorama_2C05CF9B_2710_50C3_4177_3E3E91180BEB.subtitle = The Complex consists of Serra, Neumann, and Cabrini halls and houses approximately 550 upper-class students. The Complex amenities include Suite style rooms with 4 - 7 people of the same gender sharing 1 bathroom, lounges on every floor, vending machines, microwaves, and laundry rooms on the 1st floor of all buildings and fully furnished rooms complete with beds, desks, dressers, and wardrobes. panorama_2C05C5B7_2710_50C3_41BA_72CFA4B80243.subtitle = The Complex consists of Serra, Neumann, and Cabrini halls and houses approximately 550 upper-class students. The Complex amenities include Suite style rooms with 4 - 7 people of the same gender sharing 1 bathroom, lounges on every floor, vending machines, microwaves, and laundry rooms on the 1st floor of all buildings and fully furnished rooms complete with beds, desks, dressers, and wardrobes. panorama_D83D2658_D594_819D_41E4_85172C932E77.subtitle = The Department of Public Safety is committed to helping members enjoy a safe and secure environment both on campus and off. Students will often see Public Safety officers around campus and at the vehicle gates to ensure students are safe and serve as an additional resource of campus security. panorama_98CB6A74_951B_CA9F_41D2_9A697BC92427.subtitle = The High-Fidelity Simulation Center replicates an in-patient hospital setting. This high-technology suite is home to our manikin family which includes diverse backgrounds and ages. The manikins bring enhanced realism, enabling students to build the confidence necessary for success during clinical rotations in a hospital setting and employment after graduation. The space is recorded, allowing for student self-reflection, interprofessional team interaction, and faculty evaluation. panorama_98C882D6_951B_DB9B_41C1_1828E6799808.subtitle = The High-Fidelity Simulation Center replicates an in-patient hospital setting. This high-technology suite is home to our manikin family which includes diverse backgrounds and ages. The manikins bring enhanced realism, enabling students to build the confidence necessary for success during clinical rotations in a hospital setting and employment after graduation. The space is recorded, allowing for student self-reflection, interprofessional team interaction, and faculty evaluation. panorama_98C8D2DA_951B_FB8B_41D3_8025D4487D28.subtitle = The High-Fidelity Simulation Center replicates an in-patient hospital setting. This high-technology suite is home to our manikin family which includes diverse backgrounds and ages. The manikins bring enhanced realism, enabling students to build the confidence necessary for success during clinical rotations in a hospital setting and employment after graduation. The space is recorded, allowing for student self-reflection, interprofessional team interaction, and faculty evaluation. panorama_98CAD8E3_951A_F7B9_41E2_801C5A000127.subtitle = The Interprofessional Health Sciences (IHS) campus offers a forward-thinking approach to healthcare education, bringing together future health professionals in fields including athletic training, healthcare administration, health sciences, nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, physician assistant and speech-language pathology. \ \ The IHS campus houses the College of Nursing and School of Health and Medical Sciences and is co-located with the Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine, with which Seton Hall has an exclusive B.S./M.D. joint-degree program. panorama_98CB7965_951A_B6B8_41E1_36DAB9A3F5FD.subtitle = The Interprofessional Health Sciences (IHS) campus offers a forward-thinking approach to healthcare education, bringing together future health professionals in fields including athletic training, healthcare administration, health sciences, nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, physician assistant and speech-language pathology. \ \ The IHS campus houses the College of Nursing and School of Health and Medical Sciences and is co-located with the Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine, with which Seton Hall has an exclusive B.S./M.D. joint-degree program. panorama_98CBB1CE_951B_598B_4193_2D287C1B3FFE.subtitle = The Learning Studios have small tables with integrated technology, large display monitors to enable group work and interactive lectures from professors or guest speakers. The classroom is equipped for students to collaborate with peers and faculty. panorama_98CF6F92_9519_C99B_41D7_D88248EF6007.subtitle = The Peter W. Rodino Law Library Center for Information and Technology brings together library and information technology professionals, providing a streamlined research experience for our students. The facility is open from 6 a.m. to midnight each day, providing seating and study space for nearly 600 students. panorama_98CE905E_9519_F68B_41AC_9DF101492128.subtitle = The Reading Room on the main floor of the law library offers students abundant natural light and spectacular views of the New York City skyline. It is named after Peter W. Rodino, Jr., a congressman from New Jersey who served as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and oversaw the impeachment process against President Richard Nixon. panorama_98C98C94_9519_CF9F_41D7_9CF6B4426F55.subtitle = The Richie Regan Recreation & Athletics Center is the home of the Seton Hall Department of Athletics and Recreation. The facility boasts a set of cardio stations, two dance studios, free and circuit weight training options, the Walsh Gymnasium as well as men's and women's locker rooms with direct access to the Arthur E. Imperatore Natatorium. \ \ Rub the Pirate statue's foot for good luck. The Pirate statue at the Recreation Center is a symbol of our Pirate Pride, and everything Seton Hall stands for. When you've stressing over a test, worried about a paper or just need some good fortune, rub the Pirate's foot and good things will happen. panorama_98C9E688_9519_5A77_419C_48D93AA99623.subtitle = The Richie Regan Recreation & Athletics Center is the home of the Seton Hall Department of Athletics and Recreation. The facility boasts a set of cardio stations, two dance studios, free and circuit weight training options, the Walsh Gymnasium as well as men's and women's locker rooms with direct access to the Arthur E. Imperatore Natatorium. \ \ Rub the Pirate statue's foot for good luck. The Pirate statue at the Recreation Center is a symbol of our Pirate Pride, and everything Seton Hall stands for. When you've stressing over a test, worried about a paper or just need some good fortune, rub the Pirate's foot and good things will happen. panorama_98C94FDB_9519_4988_415A_8A445A987844.subtitle = The Richie Regan Recreation & Athletics Center is the home of the Seton Hall Department of Athletics and Recreation. The facility boasts a set of cardio stations, two dance studios, free and circuit weight training options, the Walsh Gymnasium as well as men's and women's locker rooms with direct access to the Arthur E. Imperatore Natatorium. \ \ Rub the Pirate statue's foot for good luck. The Pirate statue at the Recreation Center is a symbol of our Pirate Pride, and everything Seton Hall stands for. When you've stressing over a test, worried about a paper or just need some good fortune, rub the Pirate's foot and good things will happen. panorama_D83CEA41_D597_81EF_41DC_A76A019FB429.subtitle = The Richie Regan Recreation & Athletics Center is the home of the Seton Hall Department of Athletics and Recreation. The facility boasts a set of cardio stations, two dance studios, free and circuit weight training options, the Walsh Gymnasium as well as men's and women's locker rooms with direct access to the Arthur E. Imperatore Natatorium. \ \ Rub the Pirate statue's foot for good luck. The Pirate statue at the Recreation Center is a symbol of our Pirate Pride, and everything Seton Hall stands for. When you've stressing over a test, worried about a paper or just need some good fortune, rub the Pirate's foot and good things will happen. panorama_98C6644A_9519_DE8B_41AA_8978C9E7C22F.subtitle = The Richie Regan Recreation & Athletics Center is the home of the Seton Hall Department of Athletics and Recreation. The facility boasts a set of cardio stations, two dance studios, free and circuit weight training options, the Walsh Gymnasium as well as men's and women's locker rooms with direct access to the Arthur E. Imperatore Natatorium. \ \ Rub the Pirate statue's foot for good luck. The Pirate statue at the Recreation Center is a symbol of our Pirate Pride, and everything Seton Hall stands for. When you've stressing over a test, worried about a paper or just need some good fortune, rub the Pirate's foot and good things will happen. panorama_98C9BC47_9519_CEF9_41D0_F5AE4969C7A6.subtitle = The Richie Regan Recreation & Athletics Center is the home of the Seton Hall Department of Athletics and Recreation. The facility boasts a set of cardio stations, two dance studios, free and circuit weight training options, the Walsh Gymnasium as well as men's and women's locker rooms with direct access to the Arthur E. Imperatore Natatorium. \ \ Rub the Pirate statue's foot for good luck. The Pirate statue at the Recreation Center is a symbol of our Pirate Pride, and everything Seton Hall stands for. When you've stressing over a test, worried about a paper or just need some good fortune, rub the Pirate's foot and good things will happen. panorama_D83CDF44_D597_9FF5_41E8_4B1EB14F3AD8.subtitle = The Richie Regan Recreation & Athletics Center is the home of the Seton Hall Department of Athletics and Recreation. The facility boasts a set of cardio stations, two dance studios, free and circuit weight training options, the Walsh Gymnasium as well as men's and women's locker rooms with direct access to the Arthur E. Imperatore Natatorium. \ \ Rub the Pirate statue's foot for good luck. The Pirate statue at the Recreation Center is a symbol of our Pirate Pride, and everything Seton Hall stands for. When you've stressing over a test, worried about a paper or just need some good fortune, rub the Pirate's foot and good things will happen. panorama_98C9BEF4_9519_4B9F_41CB_B14DE59B426C.subtitle = The Richie Regan Recreation & Athletics Center is the home of the Seton Hall Department of Athletics and Recreation. The facility boasts a set of cardio stations, two dance studios, free and circuit weight training options, the Walsh Gymnasium as well as men's and women's locker rooms with direct access to the Arthur E. Imperatore Natatorium. \ \ Rub the Pirate statue's foot for good luck. The Pirate statue at the Recreation Center is a symbol of our Pirate Pride, and everything Seton Hall stands for. When you've stressing over a test, worried about a paper or just need some good fortune, rub the Pirate's foot and good things will happen. panorama_98C9A743_9519_7AF9_41E0_F9885E62D2C6.subtitle = The Richie Regan Recreation & Athletics Center is the home of the Seton Hall Department of Athletics and Recreation. The facility boasts a set of cardio stations, two dance studios, free and circuit weight training options, the Walsh Gymnasium as well as men's and women's locker rooms with direct access to the Arthur E. Imperatore Natatorium. \ \ Rub the Pirate statue's foot for good luck. The Pirate statue at the Recreation Center is a symbol of our Pirate Pride, and everything Seton Hall stands for. When you've stressing over a test, worried about a paper or just need some good fortune, rub the Pirate's foot and good things will happen. panorama_2C039A92_2710_30DD_41B9_EF1C566AD958.subtitle = The Richie Regan Recreation & Athletics Center is the home of the Seton Hall Department of Athletics and Recreation. The facility boasts a set of cardio stations, two dance studios, free and circuit weight training options, the Walsh Gymnasium as well as men's and women's locker rooms with direct access to the Arthur E. Imperatore Natatorium. \ \ Rub the Pirate statue's foot for good luck. The Pirate statue at the Recreation Center is a symbol of our Pirate Pride, and everything Seton Hall stands for. When you've stressing over a test, worried about a paper or just need some good fortune, rub the Pirate's foot and good things will happen. panorama_98C99820_9519_56B8_41DD_709A02531934.subtitle = The Richie Regan Recreation & Athletics Center is the home of the Seton Hall Department of Athletics and Recreation. The facility boasts a set of cardio stations, two dance studios, free and circuit weight training options, the Walsh Gymnasium as well as men's and women's locker rooms with direct access to the Arthur E. Imperatore Natatorium. \ \ Rub the Pirate statue's foot for good luck. The Pirate statue at the Recreation Center is a symbol of our Pirate Pride, and everything Seton Hall stands for. When you've stressing over a test, worried about a paper or just need some good fortune, rub the Pirate's foot and good things will happen. panorama_98CB20C6_951A_F7FB_41E0_FA9000CC6B49.subtitle = The Skills Lab is a dedicated space for students to apply their knowledge related to an in-hospital or long-term patient care environment. This area is an important cornerstone that helps students build the core skills to integrate into professional practice and clinical readiness. One of the labs is home to the College of Nursing, where students practice health assessment and skills prior to attending clinical rotations. panorama_98C86378_951B_BA97_41CD_1B29CABD5F5A.subtitle = The Speech and Voice Outcomes (SVO) Lab investigates acoustic and auditory-perceptual measures of speech and voice and is equipped with a soundproof booth for recording and listening to speech in silence. The lab is also used in learning simulations for students in the Speech-Language Pathology program. panorama_98CB29CE_951B_498B_41E1_1D761F62DB5F.subtitle = The Standardized Patient Center replicates individual exam rooms with the necessary healthcare equipment to conduct a thorough intake and physical examination with a patient. The high-technology space is recorded allowing for student autonomy as they develop in their curricula. The recordings serve as an important educational advancement allowing for student self-reflection and faculty evaluation without interference. The space helps to build self-confidence and clinical decision-making skills prior to attending clinical rotations or to confirm graduation readiness. This space is transformed to meet individual program needs for enhanced realism. panorama_98CBE179_951B_5688_41D8_6E87B07A03F2.subtitle = The Standardized Patient Center replicates individual exam rooms with the necessary healthcare equipment to conduct a thorough intake and physical examination with a patient. The high-technology space is recorded allowing for student autonomy as they develop in their curricula. The recordings serve as an important educational advancement allowing for student self-reflection and faculty evaluation without interference. The space helps to build self-confidence and clinical decision-making skills prior to attending clinical rotations or to confirm graduation readiness. This space is transformed to meet individual program needs for enhanced realism. panorama_D83CB486_D597_8172_41D1_D33773F14168.subtitle = The Walsh Library, opened in 1994, is a great place to conduct research, study and rent out books with various study lounges across three floors. \ \ Other spaces include the Walsh Gallery, a nonprofit exhibition gallery; Teaching, Learning, and Technology (TLT) Center; Space 154, a collaborative, interactive and discovery lab; various Centers and Institutes; and Dunkin Donuts. panorama_98C78B81_9516_CA78_41D5_594052144FE3.subtitle = The Walsh Library, opened in 1994, is a great place to conduct research, study and rent out books with various study lounges across three floors. \ \ Other spaces include the Walsh Gallery, a nonprofit exhibition gallery; Teaching, Learning, and Technology (TLT) Center; Space 154, a collaborative, interactive and discovery lab; various Centers and Institutes; and Dunkin Donuts. panorama_98C792DE_9516_FB8B_41DE_AC3658824424.subtitle = The Walsh Library, opened in 1994, is a great place to conduct research, study and rent out books with various study lounges across three floors. \ \ Other spaces include the Walsh Gallery, a nonprofit exhibition gallery; Teaching, Learning, and Technology (TLT) Center; Space 154, a collaborative, interactive and discovery lab; various Centers and Institutes; and Dunkin Donuts. panorama_2C05C3CA_2710_504D_41C3_7E3DE55A1377.subtitle = The Walsh Library, opened in 1994, is a great place to conduct research, study and rent out books with various study lounges across three floors. \ \ Other spaces include the Walsh Gallery, a nonprofit exhibition gallery; Teaching, Learning, and Technology (TLT) Center; Space 154, a collaborative, interactive and discovery lab; various Centers and Institutes; and Dunkin Donuts. panorama_98C7B9B0_9516_C998_417D_1ED674DC9338.subtitle = The Walsh Library, opened in 1994, is a great place to conduct research, study and rent out books with various study lounges across three floors. \ \ Other spaces include the Walsh Gallery, a nonprofit exhibition gallery; Teaching, Learning, and Technology (TLT) Center; Space 154, a collaborative, interactive and discovery lab; various Centers and Institutes; and Dunkin Donuts. panorama_2C05B9A5_2710_30C7_419F_A41C72362385.subtitle = The Walsh Library, opened in 1994, is a great place to conduct research, study and rent out books with various study lounges across three floors. \ \ Other spaces include the Walsh Gallery, a nonprofit exhibition gallery; Teaching, Learning, and Technology (TLT) Center; Space 154, a collaborative, interactive and discovery lab; various Centers and Institutes; and Dunkin Donuts. panorama_2C04001B_2710_EFC3_41C0_6D1B0C4C0969.subtitle = The Walsh Library, opened in 1994, is a great place to conduct research, study and rent out books with various study lounges across three floors. \ \ Other spaces include the Walsh Gallery, a nonprofit exhibition gallery; Teaching, Learning, and Technology (TLT) Center; Space 154, a collaborative, interactive and discovery lab; various Centers and Institutes; and Dunkin Donuts. panorama_2C042F29_2710_51CF_41B7_8D15F20E3FBD.subtitle = The Walsh Library, opened in 1994, is a great place to conduct research, study and rent out books with various study lounges across three floors. \ \ Other spaces include the Walsh Gallery, a nonprofit exhibition gallery; Teaching, Learning, and Technology (TLT) Center; Space 154, a collaborative, interactive and discovery lab; various Centers and Institutes; and Dunkin Donuts. panorama_D83A83A8_D594_86BE_41D4_C0542E45F4E9.subtitle = The Walsh Library, opened in 1994, is a great place to conduct research, study and rent out books with various study lounges across three floors. \ \ Other spaces include the Walsh Gallery, a nonprofit exhibition gallery; Teaching, Learning, and Technology (TLT) Center; Space 154, a collaborative, interactive and discovery lab; various Centers and Institutes; and Dunkin Donuts. panorama_2C040473_2710_D042_4193_B4E2DD44EAB7.subtitle = The Walsh Library, opened in 1994, is a great place to conduct research, study and rent out books with various study lounges across three floors. \ \ Other spaces include the Walsh Gallery, a nonprofit exhibition gallery; Teaching, Learning, and Technology (TLT) Center; Space 154, a collaborative, interactive and discovery lab; various Centers and Institutes; and Dunkin Donuts. panorama_98CDE5E4_9519_59BF_41AA_9F3BC38660E0.subtitle = The bright and expansive atrium is one of the first things to greet you as you enter the law school building. At six stories tall, the atrium provides an impressive backdrop for daily activities and special events. panorama_98CE6CB8_9519_4F97_41DD_F492906816B2.subtitle = The cafeteria in Seton Hall Law is open daily for breakfast and lunch, with extended hours during exams. Students can choose a snack or meal to grab-and-go, make a salad at the fresh salad bar or order from the menu at the grill or sandwich station. panorama_D83CBFB1_D597_9EAE_41E3_3571E63A508E.subtitle = The chapel at the IHS campus is open to all students for quiet reflection. Catholic Mass is held daily. panorama_D83FF578_D597_839E_41C0_FF21D297A4C9.subtitle = The chapel at the IHS campus is open to all students for quiet reflection. Catholic Mass is held daily. panorama_98C9D516_9519_BE9B_41DE_B31662F5F65C.subtitle = The historic Walsh Gymnasium first opened in 1941 and it is currently the exclusive location for all Seton Hall women’s basketball home games and volleyball matches. panorama_98CF47F8_9519_D988_41DC_3BBF29CC7CBE.subtitle = The main floor of the law library provides access to the Learning Center - a space where staff can showcase technology and tools students can use in their legal practice. Professional librarians are also available for one-on-one research consultations. The main floor remains a popular spot, providing the largest amount of group study space. panorama_98CF58AD_9519_F789_41D3_88B79291F66C.subtitle = The main floor of the law library provides access to the Learning Center - a space where staff can showcase technology and tools students can use in their legal practice. Professional librarians are also available for one-on-one research consultations. The main floor remains a popular spot, providing the largest amount of group study space. panorama_D83A2DFA_D594_8292_41EA_21A3F8E0CB88.subtitle = The red brick historical building across Seton Drive is the University’s original Carriage House, which now houses art studios. panorama_2C039B84_2710_70C5_4190_024584D6B19C.subtitle = The red brick historical building across Seton Drive is the University’s original Carriage House, which now houses art studios. panorama_98CAC086_951A_B67B_41DB_16C2F6755F71.subtitle = The state-of-the-art Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Lab provides experiential learning opportunities for future clinicians collaborating with patients in a home setting. For example, students learn how to assess and help post-operative patients master routine tasks such as cooking, laundry, bathing, and other simple daily activities. panorama_98C87D72_951B_4E9B_41D2_935ECC5AF7C2.subtitle = This lobby boasts a spacious welcome center for both Seton Hall University and Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine students. The large atrium features inspirational artwork and is a gateway to the cafeteria, chapel, and library. panorama_98C5016D_9517_D689_41AE_0068EF03D321.subtitle = This yellow brick building, McQuaid Hall, is home to the School of Diplomacy and International Relations and the College of Arts and Science’s Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. panorama_D83D6E6E_D597_81B5_41E9_96CF9C28C3E8.subtitle = This yellow brick building, McQuaid Hall, is home to the School of Diplomacy and International Relations and the College of Arts and Science’s Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. panorama_D83984F2_D594_8292_41DB_C10A233E5E2F.subtitle = Welcome to Seton Hall University, where Pirate Pride runs deep. A powerhouse on and off the court, this Division 1 school is bursting with energy and opportunity. Located in the quaint town of South Orange, New Jersey, Seton Hall is just 14 miles from New York City. Ranked one of the top schools for internships and highest paid graduates, Seton Hall is the place where Great Minds can grow and explore in a nurturing community, with small classes and powerful alumni connections. panorama_D83A22BC_D594_8696_41EA_38E7C3073853.subtitle = Welcome to Seton Hall University, where Pirate Pride runs deep. A powerhouse on and off the court, this Division 1 school is bursting with energy and opportunity. Located in the quaint town of South Orange, New Jersey, Seton Hall is just 14 miles from New York City. Ranked one of the top schools for internships and highest paid graduates, Seton Hall is the place where Great Minds can grow and explore in a nurturing community, with small classes and powerful alumni connections. panorama_98CF04F8_9519_7F88_419D_6EE5FAB1B895.subtitle = When students need a break during the day, they can relax between classes or meet with friends in the student lounge. panorama_D83A2EB7_D595_9E93_4194_1AA896C0A8DC.subtitle = Xavier Hall houses nearly 520 upperclassmen and contains seven floors making it the tallest building on campus. From the top floors, you can catch a glimpse of New York City. This building also features a quiet space in the Mother Seton Chapel of the Word, a lounge on every floor, three 24-hour study lounges and a Game Room with a pool table, foosball table & big screen TV. panorama_2C04FD4C_2710_3045_41BF_14741BED1F71.subtitle = Xavier Hall houses nearly 520 upperclassmen and contains seven floors making it the tallest building on campus. From the top floors, you can catch a glimpse of New York City. This building also features a quiet space in the Mother Seton Chapel of the Word, a lounge on every floor, three 24-hour study lounges and a Game Room with a pool table, foosball table & big screen TV. panorama_2C076E0B_2710_73C3_41BA_05AD2AA5356F.subtitle = Xavier Hall houses nearly 520 upperclassmen and contains seven floors making it the tallest building on campus. From the top floors, you can catch a glimpse of New York City. This building also features a quiet space in the Mother Seton Chapel of the Word, a lounge on every floor, three 24-hour study lounges and a Game Room with a pool table, foosball table & big screen TV. panorama_2C0778FC_2710_5045_41BB_6E78D0EE0751.subtitle = Xavier Hall houses nearly 520 upperclassmen and contains seven floors making it the tallest building on campus. From the top floors, you can catch a glimpse of New York City. This building also features a quiet space in the Mother Seton Chapel of the Word, a lounge on every floor, three 24-hour study lounges and a Game Room with a pool table, foosball table & big screen TV. panorama_2C048904_2711_D1C5_41AC_85A63C117C28.subtitle = Xavier Hall houses nearly 520 upperclassmen and contains seven floors making it the tallest building on campus. From the top floors, you can catch a glimpse of New York City. This building also features a quiet space in the Mother Seton Chapel of the Word, a lounge on every floor, three 24-hour study lounges and a Game Room with a pool table, foosball table & big screen TV. panorama_2C04E37B_2710_3043_41AE_1B545826A624.subtitle = Xavier Hall houses nearly 520 upperclassmen and contains seven floors making it the tallest building on campus. From the top floors, you can catch a glimpse of New York City. This building also features a quiet space in the Mother Seton Chapel of the Word, a lounge on every floor, three 24-hour study lounges and a Game Room with a pool table, foosball table & big screen TV. panorama_2C04C42A_2711_F7CD_41C1_2A8E0D8DC2C7.subtitle = Xavier Hall houses nearly 520 upperclassmen and contains seven floors making it the tallest building on campus. From the top floors, you can catch a glimpse of New York City. This building also features a quiet space in the Mother Seton Chapel of the Word, a lounge on every floor, three 24-hour study lounges and a Game Room with a pool table, foosball table & big screen TV. panorama_2C0723C3_2710_7043_41A7_E962F237C544.subtitle = Xavier Hall houses nearly 520 upperclassmen and contains seven floors making it the tallest building on campus. From the top floors, you can catch a glimpse of New York City. This building also features a quiet space in the Mother Seton Chapel of the Word, a lounge on every floor, three 24-hour study lounges and a Game Room with a pool table, foosball table & big screen TV. ### Title album_37E159DF_2710_7043_41B5_76BB3B81031E_0.label = 001 (1) photo_A0A061DA_B1C4_C07F_41CF_3BB7D9DC9CCC.label = 003 photo_A0A061DA_B1C4_C07F_41CF_3BB7D9DC9CCC.label = 003 album_A2EC87F4_B1CC_4034_41E4_6154775F1FFC_0.label = 005 album_3676CD6E_2710_3045_41BE_5FEDC91DA975_0.label = 005 album_A2EC87F4_B1CC_4034_41E4_6154775F1FFC_2.label = 025 album_3676CD6E_2710_3045_41BE_5FEDC91DA975_2.label = 025 album_A2EC87F4_B1CC_4034_41E4_6154775F1FFC_3.label = 030 album_3676CD6E_2710_3045_41BE_5FEDC91DA975_3.label = 030 album_364C6A0F_2710_53C2_41A2_BA3E8AADB564_0.label = 042 album_3676CD6E_2710_3045_41BE_5FEDC91DA975_4.label = 049 album_A2EC87F4_B1CC_4034_41E4_6154775F1FFC_4.label = 049 photo_A19A55FA_B1C4_C03F_41E5_09DCA393561F.label = 053 photo_A19A55FA_B1C4_C03F_41E5_09DCA393561F.label = 053 photo_A1E93ABC_B1C4_C034_41DD_7A4A6B922184.label = 058 photo_A1E93ABC_B1C4_C034_41DD_7A4A6B922184.label = 058 photo_A1E9EF29_B1C4_C1DD_41D6_68A9B6DBF7B8.label = 068 photo_A1E9EF29_B1C4_C1DD_41D6_68A9B6DBF7B8.label = 068 album_3676CD6E_2710_3045_41BE_5FEDC91DA975_5.label = 085 album_A2EC87F4_B1CC_4034_41E4_6154775F1FFC_5.label = 085 album_A3C9406A_B1CC_405F_41B3_B4E81B929295_0.label = 1 album_A32C1113_B1CB_C1CD_41CF_BF302279B575_0.label = 1 album_3676CD6E_2710_3045_41BE_5FEDC91DA975_1.label = 19-017_SetonHall_0500 album_A2EC87F4_B1CC_4034_41E4_6154775F1FFC_1.label = 19-017_SetonHall_0500 album_A5E4AA61_B1C4_C04D_41D4_D354B1C21C0D_0.label = 19-017_SetonHall_0839 album_A59A27FC_B1C5_C034_41DC_9C3892D2B8B5_0.label = 19-017_SetonHall_1124-2 album_A596E2F0_B1C4_404B_41C1_53E17F507B56_0.label = 19-017_SetonHall_1145 album_A596E2F0_B1C4_404B_41C1_53E17F507B56_1.label = 19-017_SetonHall_1163-2 album_A596E2F0_B1C4_404B_41C1_53E17F507B56_2.label = 19-017_SetonHall_1172 album_A596E2F0_B1C4_404B_41C1_53E17F507B56_3.label = 19-017_SetonHall_1174-2 album_A2AB1C68_B1C4_405B_41E4_62D40E0E50B9_0.label = 19-017_SetonHall_1613 album_A5E5A823_B1C4_4FCD_41D8_46C1129B7702_0.label = 19-017_SetonHall_1627 album_A59A27FC_B1C5_C034_41DC_9C3892D2B8B5_1.label = 19-017_SetonHall_1649 album_A5ABDFD8_B1C4_C07B_41E0_C4C246E0D81E_0.label = 19-017_SetonHall_1669 album_A5ABDFD8_B1C4_C07B_41E0_C4C246E0D81E_1.label = 19-017_SetonHall_1701 album_A438DB12_B1DC_C1CF_41DE_E8D8FD87B1E5_0.label = 19-017_SetonHall_1718 album_A438DB12_B1DC_C1CF_41DE_E8D8FD87B1E5_1.label = 19-017_SetonHall_1754 album_A438DB12_B1DC_C1CF_41DE_E8D8FD87B1E5_2.label = 190618-0109 album_A3C9406A_B1CC_405F_41B3_B4E81B929295_1.label = 2 album_A4F5068F_B1C4_40D5_41D6_0CB4F79D5544_0.label = 20230414-Health-Tour-136 album_A4F5068F_B1C4_40D5_41D6_0CB4F79D5544_1.label = 20230414-Health-Tour-152 photo_A38CD10F_B1FC_41D5_41CA_F4B0C7AA64B1.label = 2023_4_17_SHU_Science_117 photo_A38CD10F_B1FC_41D5_41CA_F4B0C7AA64B1.label = 2023_4_17_SHU_Science_117 photo_A178F58E_B1FC_40D7_4182_7BDE6C171AAF.label = 2023_4_17_SHU_Science_172 photo_A178F58E_B1FC_40D7_4182_7BDE6C171AAF.label = 2023_4_17_SHU_Science_172 photo_A17709E0_B1FC_404B_41C3_D0097288B9F6.label = 2023_4_17_SHU_Science_224 photo_A17709E0_B1FC_404B_41C3_D0097288B9F6.label = 2023_4_17_SHU_Science_224 photo_A1773E23_B1FC_43CC_41E5_70DF813D4223.label = 2023_4_17_SHU_Science_257 photo_A1773E23_B1FC_43CC_41E5_70DF813D4223.label = 2023_4_17_SHU_Science_257 photo_A1779288_B1FC_40DB_41C6_9F2CD8F24527.label = 2023_4_17_SHU_Science_317 photo_A1779288_B1FC_40DB_41C6_9F2CD8F24527.label = 2023_4_17_SHU_Science_317 album_A34B17D3_B1CF_C04D_41DE_A2F949AEEE0A_0.label = 2023_4_18_SHU_Trading_011 album_A34B17D3_B1CF_C04D_41DE_A2F949AEEE0A_1.label = 2023_4_18_SHU_Trading_161 album_A34B17D3_B1CF_C04D_41DE_A2F949AEEE0A_2.label = 2023_4_18_SHU_Trading_167 album_A34B17D3_B1CF_C04D_41DE_A2F949AEEE0A_3.label = 2023_4_18_SHU_Trading_278 photo_A029A178_B1FC_C03B_41C4_CD37C0ADEC1F.label = 2023_4_18_SHU_Trading_291 photo_A029A178_B1FC_C03B_41C4_CD37C0ADEC1F.label = 2023_4_18_SHU_Trading_291 album_A34B17D3_B1CF_C04D_41DE_A2F949AEEE0A_4.label = 2023_4_18_SHU_Trading_335 album_A5F48E91_B1CC_40CC_41D9_B39504DA275F_0.label = 2023_4_19_Painting_007 album_A5F48E91_B1CC_40CC_41D9_B39504DA275F_1.label = 2023_4_19_Painting_018 - Copy album_A5F48E91_B1CC_40CC_41D9_B39504DA275F_2.label = 2023_4_19_Painting_054 - Copy album_A5F48E91_B1CC_40CC_41D9_B39504DA275F_3.label = 2023_4_19_Painting_089 - Copy album_A3C9406A_B1CC_405F_41B3_B4E81B929295_2.label = 2023_4_20_Campus_0109 album_A3C9406A_B1CC_405F_41B3_B4E81B929295_3.label = 2023_4_20_Campus_0438 album_A3C9406A_B1CC_405F_41B3_B4E81B929295_4.label = 2023_4_20_Campus_0630 photo_A17796D0_B1FC_404B_41D5_A2AAFF658DEC.label = 2023_4_21_SHU_Science_051 photo_A17796D0_B1FC_404B_41D5_A2AAFF658DEC.label = 2023_4_21_SHU_Science_051 photo_A1762B2E_B1FC_41D4_41E0_455314E9B8CD.label = 2023_4_21_SHU_Science_234 photo_A1762B2E_B1FC_41D4_41E0_455314E9B8CD.label = 2023_4_21_SHU_Science_234 photo_A1760F9B_B1FC_40FD_41D4_C15E9977CE8B.label = 2023_4_21_SHU_Science_348 photo_A1760F9B_B1FC_40FD_41D4_C15E9977CE8B.label = 2023_4_21_SHU_Science_348 photo_A176141A_B1FC_C7FF_41D5_949A72BFBFBF.label = 2023_4_21_SHU_Science_358 photo_A176141A_B1FC_C7FF_41D5_949A72BFBFBF.label = 2023_4_21_SHU_Science_358 photo_A17658CF_B1FC_C054_41E1_C68D71361BCF.label = 2023_4_21_SHU_Science_657 photo_A17658CF_B1FC_C054_41E1_C68D71361BCF.label = 2023_4_21_SHU_Science_657 album_A00A67FA_B1C7_C03F_41E0_CA39DC7DC7FF_0.label = 2023_4_21_SHU_SportsMedia_303 album_A00A67FA_B1C7_C03F_41E0_CA39DC7DC7FF_1.label = 2023_4_21_SHU_SportsMedia_310 album_A00A67FA_B1C7_C03F_41E0_CA39DC7DC7FF_2.label = 2023_4_21_SHU_SportsMedia_405 album_A00A67FA_B1C7_C03F_41E0_CA39DC7DC7FF_3.label = 2023_4_21_SHU_SportsMedia_491 album_A3C9406A_B1CC_405F_41B3_B4E81B929295_5.label = 2023_4_21_SHU_VBall_127 panorama_98CAD8E3_951A_F7B9_41E2_801C5A000127.label = 2200 Hub panorama_98CB7965_951A_B6B8_41E1_36DAB9A3F5FD.label = 2400 Hub panorama_98CF04F8_9519_7F88_419D_6EE5FAB1B895.label = 2nd Floor Seating album_A2AB1C68_B1C4_405B_41E4_62D40E0E50B9.label = Activities of Daily Living Lab panorama_98CAC086_951A_B67B_41DB_16C2F6755F71.label = Activities of Daily Living Lab panorama_98CF073E_9519_BA8B_41CB_A07DBFF85816.label = Admissions panorama_D83C73CE_D594_86F5_41E7_085F495CF661.label = Alfieri Hall panorama_D83D69A2_D597_82B2_41D9_3B608B351505.label = Aquinas Hall panorama_2C073926_2710_51C5_4182_D8B74C00E7DF.label = Aquinas Hall - Lobby panorama_2C07DE35_2710_33C7_41A1_F6B75F3A75C4.label = Aquinas Hall - Sky Lounge panorama_2C073A18_2710_D3CD_41B2_966ECD799887.label = Aquinas Hall - Suite with Triple panorama_2C07F402_2710_37BD_4199_85D700C30675.label = Aquinas Hall - Suite with Triple panorama_2C07657A_2710_F04D_4139_4F7289EC7CA0.label = Aquinas Hall - Suite with Triple panorama_2C072005_2710_EFC7_41C3_2DE242C3AC61.label = Aquinas Hall - Suite with Triple panorama_98C6740A_9519_FE8B_41E0_2C32A27312D6.label = Aquinas Hall Common Area album_A5F48E91_B1CC_40CC_41D9_B39504DA275F.label = Art Gallery panorama_98C654D4_9516_BF98_41E0_15680601D192.label = Arts & Sciences and Schwartz shared vestibule panorama_2C039B84_2710_70C5_4190_024584D6B19C.label = Arts Center panorama_D83A2DFA_D594_8292_41EA_21A3F8E0CB88.label = Arts Center panorama_2C03B608_2710_53CD_41B1_147EDC69CDB8.label = Arts and Sciences - Atrium panorama_D83BA36F_D595_87B2_41E6_40A462783697.label = Arts and Sciences Hall panorama_2C042A70_2710_305D_419C_68D873C75FDE.label = Arts and Sciences Hall - Academic Resource Center panorama_98CDE5E4_9519_59BF_41AA_9F3BC38660E0.label = Atrium panorama_98CF060D_9519_5A88_41D0_441B1ECAF2EC.label = Auditorium album_A00A67FA_B1C7_C03F_41E0_CA39DC7DC7FF.label = Baseball Field panorama_D83D1935_D594_8397_41CB_DECCBB11E32A.label = Bayley Hall video_EA105BD0_F94A_9896_41EB_88B2039367AB.label = Bayley Hall - Career Center panorama_2C0CD943_2710_3042_4195_5B2836D1DA57.label = Bayley Hall - Registrar, Financial Aid, Pre-Professional Advising panorama_98C5C860_9517_B6B8_41CB_54BFD13ED5E0.label = Bethany Hall panorama_D83A9784_D594_8F76_41D5_DFDC22945A72.label = Bethany Hall panorama_2C03F043_2710_3043_41B7_243F6DB3E75C.label = Bethany Hall - Event Room panorama_2C03B5B8_2710_50CD_41C2_2EEAE89F6AFF.label = Bethany Hall - Office of Admissions photo_A13DC6B5_B1FC_4034_41DE_3270F6278E0D.label = Blue_Day_2022_139 photo_A13DC6B5_B1FC_4034_41DE_3270F6278E0D.label = Blue_Day_2022_139 photo_A15F7A73_B1FC_404D_41D3_EBCE9B565AF7.label = Blue_Day_2022_200 photo_A15F7A73_B1FC_404D_41D3_EBCE9B565AF7.label = Blue_Day_2022_200 photo_A15F4E28_B1FC_43DB_41C9_FE4B7C6EEA0C.label = Blue_Day_2022_249 photo_A15F4E28_B1FC_43DB_41C9_FE4B7C6EEA0C.label = Blue_Day_2022_249 photo_A15E924A_B1FC_405F_41C3_2B8B6CB1F2EF.label = Blue_Day_2022_279 photo_A15E924A_B1FC_405F_41C3_2B8B6CB1F2EF.label = Blue_Day_2022_279 panorama_D83D3CFA_D594_8292_41E5_009D39B5E55F.label = Boland Hall panorama_D83AFD4A_D594_83F2_41E6_7BDAE4A2659E.label = Boland Hall - Campus Ministry panorama_2C0680D6_2710_7045_4186_327DB4722687.label = Boland Hall - Campus Ministry Administrative Office panorama_2C06767C_2710_5045_41B9_FFE5DFD8A783.label = Boland Hall - Campus Ministry Lounge panorama_2C077C69_2710_D04F_41C2_026F1731B359.label = Boland Hall - Double Suite panorama_2C068EA8_2710_50CD_41BF_94EF54C85806.label = Boland Hall - Double Suite panorama_2C0742B6_2710_D0C5_41BA_AE292FB072D6.label = Boland Hall - Double Suite panorama_2C0748C3_2710_3043_41C2_E7618DA8B646.label = Boland Hall - Double Suite panorama_D83D179C_D594_8E96_41DF_B066300172EC.label = Boland Hall - Lobby panorama_2C068A99_2710_70CF_41AE_40C513944E69.label = Boland Hall - St. Joseph Chapel panorama_98CFED4D_9519_4E89_41D9_F2AF760CF910.label = Bookstore panorama_D83AFC31_D594_81AE_41E9_485F40B1D62C.label = Cabrini Hall panorama_2C05C5B7_2710_50C3_41BA_72CFA4B80243.label = Cabrini Hall - Double Room panorama_2C05B1EB_2710_3043_41AE_5E4E44FEFFF7.label = Cabrini Hall - Triple Room panorama_2C05CF9B_2710_50C3_4177_3E3E91180BEB.label = Cabrini Hall - Triple Room panorama_2C0487E0_2711_D07D_41AA_62882922B2E2.label = Cabrini Hall - Triple Room panorama_2C05DA11_2710_73DF_41C1_A76EF129C86F.label = Cabrini Hall - Triple Room panorama_2C048D97_2711_F0C3_4183_B6708808E8AE.label = Cabrini Hall - Triple Room album_A5E4AA61_B1C4_C04D_41D4_D354B1C21C0D.label = Cafeteria panorama_98CE6CB8_9519_4F97_41DD_F492906816B2.label = Cafeteria panorama_DA8C2FC8_D597_9EFE_41D0_A8E4471F1563.label = Café panorama_D83D9BD0_D597_86EE_41D4_A03D4BE8882C.label = Café panorama_98CF2ACC_9519_4B88_41E2_427A0FE44DC8.label = Café map_37E87CE9_2710_504F_41BA_D8407A89DC8D.label = Campus map panorama_98CE5D20_9519_4EB7_41D6_1B9268BA4823.label = Center for Social Justice album_364C6A0F_2710_53C2_41A2_BA3E8AADB564.label = Chapel panorama_D83FF578_D597_839E_41C0_FF21D297A4C9.label = Chapel panorama_98C5EAAC_9517_CB88_41D3_C71F35CE3FFF.label = Chapel panorama_98CDE4EC_9519_7F8F_41E0_BC531AAF7E6C.label = Chapel panorama_D83CBFB1_D597_9EAE_41E3_3571E63A508E.label = Chapel panorama_2C069B8C_2710_30C6_41C0_D43EAFBDA56C.label = Chapel of the Immaculate Conception panorama_D83DBDE6_D594_82B2_41D5_DA98044B0101.label = Chapel of the Immaculate Conception panorama_98CB5B06_951B_CA7B_41DF_621FC1ABD8C2.label = Communication Station panorama_D83DE43A_D594_819D_41E1_3A4A27F2B1D7.label = Corrigan Hall panorama_2C1B7E4B_2711_D043_41A4_30919933D3B2.label = Corrigan Hall - Asset Management panorama_98C67AC4_9519_CBFF_41D6_6BE32131B63E.label = Corrigan Hall - PC Services album_A3389A21_B1CC_43CC_41B9_F995CDD10634.label = Creator Studio album_A476BA53_B1DB_C04D_41E5_88D9CC8310B8_0.label = DT6Q1960 album_364C6A0F_2710_53C2_41A2_BA3E8AADB564_1.label = Darcangelo40thWeddingMass-156 photo_A1E9B3D3_B1C4_C04D_41CF_9CC04295AFA4.label = Darcangelo40thWeddingMass-157 photo_A1E9B3D3_B1C4_C04D_41CF_9CC04295AFA4.label = Darcangelo40thWeddingMass-157 panorama_D83A4368_D595_87BE_41E5_FAC4078DCF50.label = Duffy Hall panorama_D839D900_D594_836E_41E3_0BD019B3D707.label = Duffy Hall panorama_2C04F58B_2710_D0C3_41B7_F0B5A4AE99B9.label = Duffy Hall - Bookstore panorama_2C04FB64_2710_F045_41C1_D23B831FB959.label = Duffy Hall - Bookstore panorama_2C04AF3B_2710_D1C3_419F_7A49165A1632.label = Duffy Hall - Parking Services, I.D., Disability Support Services (2nd Floor) panorama_98C7C3C6_9516_D9FB_41B4_9C2FA485CBB1.label = Duffy Hall - Residence Life panorama_98CBE9D2_951B_499B_41D0_F4CCBF4BA74E.label = Exam Table Lab album_A59A27FC_B1C5_C034_41DC_9C3892D2B8B5.label = Exam Table Room album_A5F48E91_B1CC_40CC_41D9_B39504DA275F_4.label = FH41_Painting_I_003 - Copy album_A3389A21_B1CC_43CC_41B9_F995CDD10634_0.label = FH_58B_Digital_Art_021 album_A3389A21_B1CC_43CC_41B9_F995CDD10634_1.label = FH_58B_Digital_Art_024 album_A3389A21_B1CC_43CC_41B9_F995CDD10634_2.label = FH_58B_Digital_Art_058 album_A3389A21_B1CC_43CC_41B9_F995CDD10634_3.label = FH_58B_Digital_Art_097 album_A2CE938C_B1CC_40DB_41D1_95D65A605AF0_0.label = FH_Digital_Cinema_Production_007 album_A2CE938C_B1CC_40DB_41D1_95D65A605AF0_1.label = FH_Digital_Cinema_Production_026 album_A2CE938C_B1CC_40DB_41D1_95D65A605AF0_2.label = FH_Digital_Cinema_Production_054 album_A2CE938C_B1CC_40DB_41D1_95D65A605AF0_3.label = FH_Digital_Cinema_Production_068 album_A2CE938C_B1CC_40DB_41D1_95D65A605AF0_4.label = FH_Studio_Production008 album_A2CE938C_B1CC_40DB_41D1_95D65A605AF0_5.label = FH_Studio_Production065 panorama_98C7DC32_9516_CE9B_41D1_3356BFBF9036.label = Fahy Atrium panorama_2C1A062A_2710_33CD_41A8_E19783B58CF5.label = Fahy Hall panorama_D96AD6DD_F9DD_E88F_41E0_A4453B666DFE.label = Fahy Hall panorama_2C1A0C33_2710_57C3_41BE_B286BCE6FF25.label = Fahy Hall panorama_2C1A2F96_2710_30C5_41AD_DC9B861A7170.label = Fahy Hall album_3676CD6E_2710_3045_41BE_5FEDC91DA975.label = Fahy Hall panorama_2C05E23A_2713_F3CD_41C0_6E3BAD7BB805.label = Fahy Hall - Art Studio panorama_2C05E55A_2713_D04D_41B2_CCB0BD297AF1.label = Fahy Hall - Atrium panorama_2C1A08F6_2713_D045_41A3_AEFF82E51F6B.label = Fahy Hall - Creator Space panorama_2C1A0BFC_2713_F045_41BA_F2C48D9058F9.label = Fahy Hall - Lecture Hall panorama_2C1A3218_2710_53CD_41BA_A470732CAAD9.label = Fahy Hall - TV Studio album_A2EC87F4_B1CC_4034_41E4_6154775F1FFC.label = Fahy Hall General panorama_D83A22BC_D594_8696_41EA_38E7C3073853.label = Farinelli (Front) Gate album_A32C1113_B1CB_C1CD_41CF_BF302279B575.label = Fitness Center panorama_98C8D2AC_951B_DB88_41AF_67EF01214CFF.label = Flexible Classroom album_A596E2F0_B1C4_404B_41C1_53E17F507B56.label = Gait and Motion Analysis Lab panorama_D83A6DFC_D595_8296_41D9_AC89780C074A.label = Galleon Lawn panorama_D83ADB41_D594_87EE_41E9_1F586BC008CC.label = Gerety Hall media_8A6E3AE2_9AD9_5671_41C2_CC82B082B043.label = Green panorama_D83984F2_D594_8292_41DB_C10A233E5E2F.label = Green album_37E2B4BC_2710_F0C5_419E_CF6B747FB4B1.label = Green album_A32C1113_B1CB_C1CD_41CF_BF302279B575_1.label = Gym3 album_A3AFC606_B1CC_C3D4_418E_96AC5A62B135_0.label = HI-res-DAY-1-008 album_A3AFC606_B1CC_C3D4_418E_96AC5A62B135_1.label = HI-res-DAY-1-012 album_A3AFC606_B1CC_C3D4_418E_96AC5A62B135_2.label = HI-res-DAY-2-013 album_A3AFC606_B1CC_C3D4_418E_96AC5A62B135_3.label = HI-res-DAY-2-016 album_A3AFC606_B1CC_C3D4_418E_96AC5A62B135_4.label = HI-res-DAY-2-048 album_A3AFC606_B1CC_C3D4_418E_96AC5A62B135_5.label = HI-res-DAY-2-054 album_A4F5068F_B1C4_40D5_41D6_0CB4F79D5544.label = Hi-Fi Suite panorama_98C882D6_951B_DB9B_41C1_1828E6799808.label = High Fidelity Suite - Adult panorama_98C8D2DA_951B_FB8B_41D3_8025D4487D28.label = High Fidelity Suite Labor and Delivery panorama_98CB6A74_951B_CA9F_41D2_9A697BC92427.label = High Fidelity Suite Peds panorama_98C88ADC_951B_CB8F_41CC_C32565C3CCED.label = Huddle Room video_A8749592_A68C_090F_41E1_4B7C8DEFA932.label = IHS Campus panorama_98C8B038_951A_F688_41D1_4EA287BB5ACB.label = Immaculate Conception Seminary Chapel panorama_98C8D7B7_951A_D998_41DB_5BA74B9F0A2C.label = Immaculate Conception Seminary Hallway panorama_98C82008_951A_D677_41E1_B99C56388AB3.label = Immaculate Conception Seminary Lobby panorama_98C9E60A_951B_7A88_41E1_6A9499DB875E.label = Interventions Lab panorama_D83AD192_D594_8292_41BB_A9C83067CCB5.label = Jubilee Hall album_37E159DF_2710_7043_41B5_76BB3B81031E.label = Jubilee Hall panorama_98C54377_9517_FA98_41DC_AF31D9EC86CA.label = Jubilee Hall panorama_98C611BE_9519_D98B_41A1_4E4C5617C9C1.label = Jubilee Hall panorama_2C1AEA1A_2710_F3CD_41B3_33602B810628.label = Jubilee Hall - Atrium panorama_2C1A4DBC_2710_D0C5_41BD_0B7B45AB938C.label = Jubilee Hall - Auditorium panorama_2C1B9324_2710_51C5_41C1_44A83365EB26.label = Jubilee Hall - Classroom panorama_2C1BA1DF_2710_D043_418A_C6BD59B51308.label = Jubilee Hall - Esports Lab panorama_2C1BED61_2710_507F_41B5_BC85CF2303C2.label = Jubilee Hall - Lounge panorama_2C1BEA2B_2710_73C3_4180_D8305130F472.label = Jubilee Hall - Office of International Programs panorama_2C1BF737_2710_31C3_4119_62A585BEB470.label = Jubilee Hall - Trading Room panorama_98CBB1CE_951B_598B_4193_2D287C1B3FFE.label = Learning Studio album_A5E5A823_B1C4_4FCD_41D8_46C1129B7702.label = Learning Studio panorama_98CE44B6_9519_5F98_41D0_6E97E9CEC523.label = Lecture Hall album_37E2B4BC_2710_F0C5_419E_CF6B747FB4B1_0.label = Lester_050415_2588 panorama_D83CB447_D597_81F3_41E8_A8B2E651B256.label = Lewis Hall/Immaculate Conception Seminary panorama_2C06F378_2711_D04D_41BE_BC1B932A335A.label = Lewis Hall/Seminary - Chapel panorama_2BF87834_2711_FFC5_419E_838F9145D308.label = Lewis Hall/Seminary - Chapel of Christ the Good Shepherd panorama_D83CB486_D597_8172_41D1_D33773F14168.label = Library album_A4A08FC9_B1C4_C05D_41D7_1CC2238CDD14.label = Library panorama_98C8650C_951B_5E88_41D3_2A303D3751C0.label = Library panorama_98CF6F92_9519_C99B_41D7_D88248EF6007.label = Library panorama_98CF47F8_9519_D988_41DC_3BBF29CC7CBE.label = Library - Main Level panorama_98CEFC1E_9519_4E88_41B9_4B85678CB6DF.label = Library Balcony panorama_98CE5365_9519_BAB9_41D2_9275B865D6DB.label = Library Lower Level panorama_98CF58AD_9519_F789_41D3_88B79291F66C.label = Library Main Level panorama_98CE905E_9519_F68B_41AC_9DF101492128.label = Library Reading Room panorama_98CEFA26_9519_CABB_41CA_C51804858851.label = Library Upper Level panorama_98CEC124_9519_D6B8_41DD_BEB932228ED4.label = Library Upper Level video_4EC59917_5ABC_90ED_41D0_3EA9E7314075.label = MASS INTERACT-Seton Hall-10-2023-V4 album_A32C1113_B1CB_C1CD_41CF_BF302279B575_2.label = MSP.11714fc.050 album_364C6A0F_2710_53C2_41A2_BA3E8AADB564_2.label = MSP.21414.051 photo_A1E85898_B1C4_C0FB_41D1_37A6E8A459FB.label = MSP_060824_264 photo_A1E85898_B1C4_C0FB_41D1_37A6E8A459FB.label = MSP_060824_264 photo_A1E97D3B_B1C4_C03D_41E5_3167C2F1412D.label = MSP_060824_276 photo_A1E97D3B_B1C4_C03D_41E5_3167C2F1412D.label = MSP_060824_276 panorama_D83AF174_D594_8396_41E5_3E72841164AC.label = McNulty Hall album_361A10E3_2711_F043_41A1_8261807E63CD.label = McNulty Hall panorama_98C50FE2_9517_49B8_41DB_DF9F6747582C.label = McNulty Hall panorama_2C1BD4F3_2710_5043_418E_318210382A82.label = McNulty Hall - Amphitheatre panorama_2C1AEA20_2710_33FD_41C1_0A2F9AC5175E.label = McNulty Hall - Atrium panorama_2C1B8FC2_2710_50BD_41B4_97D5516F6921.label = McNulty Hall - Classroom panorama_D83D6E6E_D597_81B5_41E9_96CF9C28C3E8.label = McQuaid Hall panorama_98C5016D_9517_D689_41AE_0068EF03D321.label = McQuaid Hall panorama_2C02FDDB_271F_D043_41B4_E264B528166F.label = McQuaid Hall - Diplomacy Room panorama_98C6742E_9517_7E8B_41E2_5FFA986DDBBE.label = Mike Sheppard Sr. Stadium panorama_854F4A52_9517_4A9B_41DA_72823CE21D43.label = Mike Sheppard Sr. Stadium - Landing Spot panorama_D83A1D7D_D594_8396_41D2_37D336ED27A4.label = Mooney Hall panorama_2C035363_271F_D042_4187_D544EDA21D15.label = Mooney Hall - Atrium panorama_D8261004_D58B_8176_41A8_40A98E96C99A.label = Muscarelle Hall panorama_2C035F13_271F_D1C3_41AB_1A8BDBA24973.label = Muscarelle Hall - Classroom panorama_D83B6120_D594_83AD_41DE_5E363B794534.label = Neumann Hall album_A3AFC606_B1CC_C3D4_418E_96AC5A62B135.label = OIP album_A3C9406A_B1CC_405F_41B3_B4E81B929295.label = Opening Image panorama_D87D231B_CB2C_25DB_41E5_20BEA2D5310A.label = Owen T. Carrol Field panorama_D83CEA41_D597_81EF_41DC_A76A019FB429.label = Parking Garage panorama_98C7C04A_9516_D68B_41DD_C103F3BC7B3F.label = Parking Lot - between Art Center and Rec Center panorama_98CB0164_951A_B6BF_41B6_DF7AD7ABDE62.label = Part-Task Lab panorama_98C56C08_9517_CE77_41E2_53624827EDC2.label = Patch connecting Corrigan and Bethany panorama_98C6E99A_9517_4988_41DB_7D6A11133FA4.label = Path between Duffy and Xavier panorama_98C67D80_9517_4E77_41D4_EA0F7A1B59AC.label = Path between Fahy and Neumann panorama_98C6A5A0_9517_D9B8_41C0_2E117F925FEC.label = Path leads to McNulty and Boland panorama_98C51C72_9517_4E9B_41D2_32E6D149C5DD.label = Pathway Between Stadium and McQuaid panorama_98C756F0_9516_BB97_41B9_B221FC3EB362.label = Pathway between Cabrini and Bethany panorama_98C6B48E_9517_5F88_41E2_64D90C024FCE.label = Pathway between Schwartz and Fahy panorama_98C57EBE_9517_CB88_41CF_8B36A54C5832.label = Pathway that leads to Campus Ministry Patio album_A49C797D_B1C5_C034_41E2_342A49A4F7EE.label = Peds Lab media_8AC5B661_9AD9_7E73_41D4_7CD011E6F304.label = Pirate Patio media_9579FE71_9AD9_4E53_41D0_2027681AD11C.label = Pirate Patio panorama_D83A3903_D594_8372_41E2_03403FB7CC3B.label = Presidents Hall panorama_2C03296E_271F_F045_41C1_475E0764BB0D.label = Presidents Hall - Atrium panorama_D83D2658_D594_819D_41E4_85172C932E77.label = Public Safety panorama_98C98C94_9519_CF9F_41D7_9CF6B4426F55.label = Rec Center panorama_2C039A92_2710_30DD_41B9_EF1C566AD958.label = Rec Center - Field House panorama_98C9E688_9519_5A77_419C_48D93AA99623.label = Rec Center - Fitness Center panorama_98C94FDB_9519_4988_415A_8A445A987844.label = Rec Center - Fitness Center - Studio panorama_98C9BEF4_9519_4B9F_41CB_B14DE59B426C.label = Rec Center - Fitness Center 2 panorama_98C99820_9519_56B8_41DD_709A02531934.label = Rec Center - Fitness Center 2nd floor panorama_98C9A743_9519_7AF9_41E0_F9885E62D2C6.label = Rec Center - Fitness Center 3 panorama_98C6644A_9519_DE8B_41AA_8978C9E7C22F.label = Rec Center Hall of Fame panorama_98C9BC47_9519_CEF9_41D0_F5AE4969C7A6.label = Rec Center Lobby panorama_D83CDF44_D597_9FF5_41E8_4B1EB14F3AD8.label = Recreation Center album_A5ABDFD8_B1C4_C07B_41E0_C4C246E0D81E.label = Rehab Gym album_37E159DF_2710_7043_41B5_76BB3B81031E_3.label = SHU08-2022MainCampusBuildings-159 (1) album_A3C9406A_B1CC_405F_41B3_B4E81B929295_11.label = SHU2_2834 album_364C6A0F_2710_53C2_41A2_BA3E8AADB564_3.label = SHU_003 (1) photo_A14355E4_B1FC_C04B_41E2_13D573BE293E.label = SHU_0066_MStanicAnd2more (1) photo_A14355E4_B1FC_C04B_41E2_13D573BE293E.label = SHU_0066_MStanicAnd2more (1) album_A3C9406A_B1CC_405F_41B3_B4E81B929295_8.label = SHU_1507 album_A3C9406A_B1CC_405F_41B3_B4E81B929295_6.label = SHU_669 album_A3C9406A_B1CC_405F_41B3_B4E81B929295_7.label = SHU_712 album_37E159DF_2710_7043_41B5_76BB3B81031E_1.label = SHU_GEN_CAMPUS_251 (1) album_A3C9406A_B1CC_405F_41B3_B4E81B929295_9.label = SHU_GEN_CAMPUS_456 album_A438DB12_B1DC_C1CF_41DE_E8D8FD87B1E5_3.label = SHU_Insight_007 album_A59A27FC_B1C5_C034_41DC_9C3892D2B8B5_2.label = SHU_Insight_045 album_A49C797D_B1C5_C034_41E2_342A49A4F7EE_1.label = SHU_Insight_073 album_A49C797D_B1C5_C034_41E2_342A49A4F7EE_2.label = SHU_Insight_095 album_37E159DF_2710_7043_41B5_76BB3B81031E_2.label = SHU_JUBILEE_ATRIUM_141 album_361A10E3_2711_F043_41A1_8261807E63CD_3.label = SHU_MCNULTY_215 album_361A10E3_2711_F043_41A1_8261807E63CD_4.label = SHU_MCNULTY_242 (1) album_A5E4AA61_B1C4_C04D_41D4_D354B1C21C0D_1.label = SHU_MED_BLDG229 album_A4A08FC9_B1C4_C05D_41D7_1CC2238CDD14_0.label = SHU_MED_LIBRARY_006 album_A4A08FC9_B1C4_C05D_41D7_1CC2238CDD14_1.label = SHU_MED_LIBRARY_014 album_A4A08FC9_B1C4_C05D_41D7_1CC2238CDD14_2.label = SHU_MED_LIBRARY_028 album_A476BA53_B1DB_C04D_41E5_88D9CC8310B8_1.label = SHU_MED_SCHOOL023 album_A4F5068F_B1C4_40D5_41D6_0CB4F79D5544_2.label = SHU_MED_SCHOOL361 album_A5E5A823_B1C4_4FCD_41D8_46C1129B7702_1.label = SHU_NURSINGSCHOOL_477 album_A4F5068F_B1C4_40D5_41D6_0CB4F79D5544_3.label = SHU_NURSINGSCHOOL_583 album_A4F5068F_B1C4_40D5_41D6_0CB4F79D5544_4.label = SHU_NURSINGSCHOOL_612 album_A4F5068F_B1C4_40D5_41D6_0CB4F79D5544_5.label = SHU_NURSINGSCHOOL_645 album_A476BA53_B1DB_C04D_41E5_88D9CC8310B8_2.label = SHU_NURSINGSCHOOL_672 photo_A15EF68A_B1FC_40DF_41CB_7F94B1BC91B0.label = SHU_Weekend_2022_184 photo_A15EF68A_B1FC_40DF_41CB_7F94B1BC91B0.label = SHU_Weekend_2022_184 album_37E2B4BC_2710_F0C5_419E_CF6B747FB4B1_1.label = SHU_Weekend_2022_190 album_37E2B4BC_2710_F0C5_419E_CF6B747FB4B1_2.label = SHU_Weekend_2022_218 photo_A15E79E2_B1FC_404F_41B8_A85FF4915F99.label = SHU_Weekend_2022_235 photo_A15E79E2_B1FC_404F_41B8_A85FF4915F99.label = SHU_Weekend_2022_235 album_A32C1113_B1CB_C1CD_41CF_BF302279B575_3.label = SHU_Weekend_2022_261 album_A32C1113_B1CB_C1CD_41CF_BF302279B575_4.label = SHU_Weekend_2022_311 album_A32C1113_B1CB_C1CD_41CF_BF302279B575_5.label = SHU_Weekend_2022_321 album_A3C9406A_B1CC_405F_41B3_B4E81B929295_10.label = SHU_Weekend_2022_408 panorama_98C68B66_9517_4ABB_41D3_CC02FCE09095.label = Schwartz Hall panorama_98C7BD40_9519_4EF7_41D5_2207CBC82850.label = Schwartz Hall panorama_98C6060A_9519_5A88_41B2_E727B8DDB75B.label = Schwartz Hall panorama_2C047104_2710_71C5_419B_31ECACADCFB5.label = Schwartz Hall - Classroom album_361A10E3_2711_F043_41A1_8261807E63CD_0.label = Screenshot 2023-06-28 133352 album_361A10E3_2711_F043_41A1_8261807E63CD_1.label = Screenshot 2023-06-28 133431 album_A2AB1C68_B1C4_405B_41E4_62D40E0E50B9_1.label = Screenshot-2023-08-14-161224 album_A5ABDFD8_B1C4_C07B_41E0_C4C246E0D81E_2.label = Screenshot-2023-08-14-161415 album_A596E2F0_B1C4_404B_41C1_53E17F507B56_4.label = Screenshot-2023-08-14-161600 album_A49C797D_B1C5_C034_41E2_342A49A4F7EE_0.label = Screenshot-2023-08-31-094713 panorama_D83A45D0_D594_82EE_41D2_C4F4D1ADBB78.label = Serra Hall panorama_2C05AC88_2710_30CD_41C0_79E79D321064.label = Serra Hall - Double panorama_98CBD1AF_951B_7988_41DA_A07C7CB4FAE9.label = Seton Hall (may) 61 album_361A10E3_2711_F043_41A1_8261807E63CD_2.label = SetonHall-9670 album_A476BA53_B1DB_C04D_41E5_88D9CC8310B8.label = Skills Lab panorama_98CB20C6_951A_F7FB_41E0_FA9000CC6B49.label = Skills Lab panorama_98C86378_951B_BA97_41CD_1B29CABD5F5A.label = Speech and Voice Outcomes Lab panorama_98CB29CE_951B_498B_41E1_1D761F62DB5F.label = Standardized Patient Lab panorama_98CBE179_951B_5688_41D8_6E87B07A03F2.label = Standardized Patient Lab panorama_98C81F1B_951B_4A89_41DB_61F43E86944F.label = Student Center panorama_98C8479C_951A_B98F_41D3_96345F7FA235.label = Student Center album_A2CE938C_B1CC_40DB_41D1_95D65A605AF0.label = TV Studio album_3676CD6E_2710_3045_41BE_5FEDC91DA975_6.label = TV Studio (1) album_A2EC87F4_B1CC_4034_41E4_6154775F1FFC_6.label = TV Studio (1) panorama_98C9D66D_951B_5A89_41B5_F922D9EF482F.label = Therapeutic Exercise and Exercise Physiology Lab album_A438DB12_B1DC_C1CF_41DE_E8D8FD87B1E5.label = 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