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Join a tutor in-person at the ACE center located in the lower level of the West Dining Center. Online tutors are also available for some classes. panorama_9EC8371A_0182_DF61_4151_BC8AC323978C.subtitle = Aldevron Tower is home to undergraduate, professional and graduate students pursuing the health professions. Here, students practice hands-on skills and utilize technology to enhance their learning. Facilities feature the latest advances in the field, including an interactive concept pharmacy, nursing simulation, and skills labs. Students in the College of Health and Human Sciences benefit from internships or clinical rotations that enhance learning and provide the skills necessary to excel in their field. panorama_66DDCA42_554B_A546_41C4_AF4A0B35CC00.subtitle = As the oldest female residence hall still in use on NDSU’s campus, Dinan Hall has a proud tradition on campus. Centered around a lot of first-year classes, Dinan is one of the most ideal places to live as it is centrally located. Some of the best things residents really love about living in Dinan is the wardrobe space, updated bathrooms, and the ability for residents to open their door and have conversations with each other across the hall. panorama_66DD521A_554B_A4C1_41A4_40429A48BB2A.subtitle = As the oldest female residence hall still in use on NDSU’s campus, Dinan Hall has a proud tradition on campus. Centered around a lot of first-year classes, Dinan is one of the most ideal places to live as it is centrally located. Some of the best things residents really love about living in Dinan is the wardrobe space, updated bathrooms, and the ability for residents to open their door and have conversations with each other across the hall. panorama_66DD9970_554B_E741_41BF_830347B63712.subtitle = As the oldest female residence hall still in use on NDSU’s campus, Dinan Hall has a proud tradition on campus. Centered around a lot of first-year classes, Dinan is one of the most ideal places to live as it is centrally located. Some of the best things residents really love about living in Dinan is the wardrobe space, updated bathrooms, and the ability for residents to open their door and have conversations with each other across the hall. panorama_66DD6120_554B_E4C2_41CE_B2D0ADBDDAA5.subtitle = As the oldest female residence hall still in use on NDSU’s campus, Dinan Hall has a proud tradition on campus. Centered around a lot of first-year classes, Dinan is one of the most ideal places to live as it is centrally located. Some of the best things residents really love about living in Dinan is the wardrobe space, updated bathrooms, and the ability for residents to open their door and have conversations with each other across the hall. panorama_66CD58EC_554B_E541_41D3_AE4EDBA1D4C1.subtitle = As the oldest female residence hall still in use on NDSU’s campus, Dinan Hall has a proud tradition on campus. Centered around a lot of first-year classes, Dinan is one of the most ideal places to live as it is centrally located. Some of the best things residents really love about living in Dinan is the wardrobe space, updated bathrooms, and the ability for residents to open their door and have conversations with each other across the hall. panorama_689C6FC0_554B_BB42_41C6_268D1C33B6A8.subtitle = As the oldest female residence hall still in use on NDSU’s campus, Dinan Hall has a proud tradition on campus. Centered around a lot of first-year classes, Dinan is one of the most ideal places to live as it is centrally located. Some of the best things residents really love about living in Dinan is the wardrobe space, updated bathrooms, and the ability for residents to open their door and have conversations with each other across the hall. panorama_45CE1689_3CBA_9DC3_4180_A16BE7212EC3.subtitle = As the oldest female residence hall still in use on NDSU’s campus, Dinan Hall has a proud tradition on campus. Centered around a lot of first-year classes, Dinan is one of the most ideal places to live as it is centrally located. Some of the best things residents really love about living in Dinan is the wardrobe space, updated bathrooms, and the ability for residents to open their door and have conversations with each other across the hall. panorama_6E3944CF_4055_5299_41C2_97AF0F3C5B8F.subtitle = Ceres Hall has resources to help you succeed, including the Office of Admission, the Career and Advising Center, the Counseling Center and more. The Career and Advising Center helps you explore majors, apply for internships and prepare for your future career. At the counseling center, you will find knowledgeable staff (and calming therapy dogs) who provide individual and group support throughout your college experience. panorama_9ECF48ED_0185_72A3_417B_C930ED9E6E14.subtitle = Ceres Hall has resources to help you succeed, including the Office of Admission, the Career and Advising Center, the Counseling Center and more. The Career and Advising Center helps you explore majors, apply for internships and prepare for your future career. At the counseling center, you will find knowledgeable staff (and calming therapy dogs) who provide individual and group support throughout your college experience. panorama_9ECD734F_0185_F7FF_4179_065F09E3E1BC.subtitle = Enjoy your favorite Caribou drink with friends, grab a caffeine pick-me-up before class, host a meeting or study in the lounge area. The NDSU dining block plan can be used here, too panorama_9ECD9DC7_0185_52EF_412A_34F9916E1758.subtitle = From course materials, school supplies, snacks and a variety of NDSU apparel, the bookstore is your one-stop shop. Make sure to check out the bookstore for “Fan Friday” events! panorama_6C52E84B_406F_719A_41C2_8C602BB46E7E.subtitle = From modern apartments to traditional residence halls and everything in between, find the housing experience you want next year. We offer student-friendly housing contracts that provide maximum flexibility for the planned and the unexpected and a variety of unbeatable student housing options. panorama_9ECFD809_0185_D163_4151_CEC4773234B8.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D8E0782_554A_ABC1_41B7_865607880D30.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7DB8F7E6_554A_6B41_41B7_FFCC0E7F15FB.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D8E9766_554A_EB4E_41B1_6B52C93C2234.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D8E6F18_554A_DCC1_41A7_1B7546A16C38.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D81CF90_554A_5BC2_41BB_ACC98A5D9167.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D81CF92_554A_BBC6_41BB_4FDDB18D52A3.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D8258DD_5549_A542_41D1_202306480F5D.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D819F74_554A_DB41_41D3_6AE64D0FE211.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_CDDE8A06_43EA_C638_41AA_AD5D4D1D270F.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7FFA3A24_554B_A4C2_41CB_B2CF4ED5BCEB.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D8108C2_554A_6541_41CC_2D7F0832FF91.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D82A0B2_5549_A5C6_41A2_EA00FB1CC48F.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D81705D_554A_6542_41C7_FBE2F91456AD.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D8E3747_554A_AB4E_41C2_75AAB60545E9.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D8EF82D_554A_64C2_41C6_61975CED4DFE.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D8E7FAA_554A_5BC1_41D1_09AEAE9D6F6E.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D8EA77A_554A_AB46_41C6_21DEA98CF4E2.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_6C6D83D0_406F_D686_41C2_231ED0974805.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D81A7A1_554A_6BC2_41B7_344A79AE126B.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D8ECFA2_554A_BBC1_41D1_C36671C24AFE.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D8E7F30_554A_FCC2_41C0_EFED96F09995.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D8ED727_554A_ECCE_41D3_B080C721174C.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D8EA71F_554A_ACFE_419B_1BB616BEA9F7.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_7D819FEC_554A_7B42_41C6_4263A3B31B53.subtitle = From modern architectural planning to innovative residence hall design, Cater provides a state-of-the-art living environment for almost 450 students. Cater also offers two suite options, co-ed floors, central air, and tunnel access to the WDC. panorama_9EC4E054_018E_B1E1_416C_FEE27E926F4E.subtitle = Fully renovated in 2019, the West Dining Center (also known as West or the WDC) is a full-service, state-of-the-art dining center. The West Dining Center is NDSU's allergen-friendly dining center. All items served within the WDC are made without peanut or tree nut ingredients. Clean Eats is a food station located within the WDC that provides entrees, side items and desserts that are free from the top nine allergens (milk, egg, sesame, soy, Wheat, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts) and gluten. panorama_9EC498CE_018E_D2E1_416F_CDB73B6A5978.subtitle = Fully renovated in 2019, the West Dining Center (also known as West or the WDC) is a full-service, state-of-the-art dining center. The West Dining Center is NDSU's allergen-friendly dining center. All items served within the WDC are made without peanut or tree nut ingredients. Clean Eats is a food station located within the WDC that provides entrees, side items and desserts that are free from the top nine allergens (milk, egg, sesame, soy, Wheat, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts) and gluten. panorama_9ECC2EBD_0183_6EA3_4167_84250FA1BEC1.subtitle = Home to our Division of Performing Arts, the Reineke Fine Arts Center hosts theater productions, festivals, concerts and community arts events every week of the year. Students can develop their creative potential by participating in Theatre NDSU or any of our many vocal or instrumental music ensembles. Take a class, take lessons or audition to be a part of the many artistic opportunities at NDSU. panorama_9ECCD6C8_0183_BEE1_416B_AB59DAED1426.subtitle = Home to our Division of Performing Arts, the Reineke Fine Arts Center hosts theater productions, festivals, concerts and community arts events every week of the year. Students can develop their creative potential by participating in Theatre NDSU or any of our many vocal or instrumental music ensembles. Take a class, take lessons or audition to be a part of the many artistic opportunities at NDSU. panorama_9ECF6251_0186_B1E2_416A_5E4A09268CE2.subtitle = Home to our Division of Performing Arts, the Reineke Fine Arts Center hosts theater productions, festivals, concerts and community arts events every week of the year. Students can develop their creative potential by participating in Theatre NDSU or any of our many vocal or instrumental music ensembles. Take a class, take lessons or audition to be a part of the many artistic opportunities at NDSU. panorama_9ECEFA67_0187_51AF_416D_79B0043256AB.subtitle = Human Anatomy and Physiology labs at NDSU provide students with a hands-on opportunity to learn about the structural and functional organization of the body. While in the lab, students use a range of interactive tools, including detailed anatomical models, 3D images, microscopic slides, modeling clay, table drawings, dissections, and case studies. Students work with teaching assistants and undergraduate learning assistants (LAs) while in lab. LAs are important additions to the lab because they provide peer support, effective study tools, direct help with course materials, and exam preparation sessions. panorama_9ECEB209_0187_5163_4175_ADA36D8EB208.subtitle = Interactive learning is a cornerstone of the NDSU experience. The A. Glenn Hill Center houses the most classroom spaces on campus. With a focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, students have the opportunity to learn in state-of-the-art, interactive learning spaces, and study in cozy study spaces. panorama_9ECE0AB6_0187_B6A1_4133_B89E7DD28EC0.subtitle = Interactive learning is a cornerstone of the NDSU experience. The A. Glenn Hill Center houses the most classroom spaces on campus. With a focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, students have the opportunity to learn in state-of-the-art, interactive learning spaces, and study in cozy study spaces. panorama_9ECE85FD_0187_72A3_417A_59C0CAA6D264.subtitle = Klai Hall is home to the Department of Landscape Architecture. It is in downtown Fargo and features studios, classrooms, a model shop, a computer lab, laser cutter facilities, digital fabrication facilities, and a library for the departments of architecture and landscape architecture. panorama_9ECE2ECB_0186_AEE7_4171_B48495133EFF.subtitle = Klai Hall is home to the Department of Landscape Architecture. It is in downtown Fargo and features studios, classrooms, a model shop, a computer lab, laser cutter facilities, digital fabrication facilities, and a library for the departments of architecture and landscape architecture. panorama_9ECE100D_0187_5163_4162_102EEF4AC99E.subtitle = Klai Hall is home to the Department of Landscape Architecture. It is in downtown Fargo and features studios, classrooms, a model shop, a computer lab, laser cutter facilities, digital fabrication facilities, and a library for the departments of architecture and landscape architecture. panorama_9ECC7749_0183_5FE3_417D_669ACE5C9C35.subtitle = Located in a historical and renovated building in downtown Fargo, Renaissance Hall houses the School of Design, Architecture and Art. This building includes studios and classrooms for graphic design, photography, printmaking, ceramics, painting and drawing. Students also have access to a woodshop, computer labs, a gallery and an outdoor sculpture garden. panorama_9ECD0B9D_0185_B763_4165_5E162599232E.subtitle = Located in the lower level of the union you will find a dining center, food court, bowling alley and game room. Students may use their block meal plan at several of the restaurants in the food court. panorama_9ECD6D0B_0185_B367_416B_790CF6338535.subtitle = Located in the lower level of the union you will find a dining center, food court, bowling alley and game room. Students may use their block meal plan at several of the restaurants in the food court. panorama_6C537AFD_406F_3679_41CE_73C5FDB1A077.subtitle = Morrill Hall is home to the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources. Representative Justin Morrill championed the Land Grant Act in 1862 which established public universities in each state. panorama_6C6D1554_406F_338F_41A5_AD81CDE82C33.subtitle = Morrill Hall is home to the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources. Representative Justin Morrill championed the Land Grant Act in 1862 which established public universities in each state. panorama_9ECA9130_0182_B3A1_416B_FB05684D7644.subtitle = NDSU Athletics ranks among the overall best NCAA Division I programs in the nation, giving Bison fans lots to cheer about! Tickets to athletic events are free for students. panorama_8BE0A7D4_FEFE_42F6_41E7_F03DFA8536CF.subtitle = NDSU is committed to ensuring equal access to its curricular and co-curricular opportunities for students with disabilities. Offering a range of services, The Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources (CADR) facilitates reasonable accommodations to support our students with disabilities. CADR also serves as a resource to the many University administrative units and academic departments that have responsibility for or obligations to accommodate faculty, staff and campus visitors with disabilities. \ \ panorama_13944D49_5549_DF42_41CF_F59B27B777D1.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 270 students. Sevrinson Hall is your go-to hall for Bison pride! We are home to many student athletes, both current and past (including Carson Wentz and Trey Lance). But more importantly, we support one another and bleed gold and green! panorama_1395019B_5549_A7C6_41C2_B802175140FB.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 270 students. Sevrinson Hall is your go-to hall for Bison pride! We are home to many student athletes, both current and past (including Carson Wentz and Trey Lance). But more importantly, we support one another and bleed gold and green! panorama_15754BCC_5546_BB41_41C0_5B49C1F85A99.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 270 students. Sevrinson Hall is your go-to hall for Bison pride! We are home to many student athletes, both current and past (including Carson Wentz and Trey Lance). But more importantly, we support one another and bleed gold and green! panorama_1394E313_5549_E4C6_41BD_3096EE98C462.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 270 students. Sevrinson Hall is your go-to hall for Bison pride! We are home to many student athletes, both current and past (including Carson Wentz and Trey Lance). But more importantly, we support one another and bleed gold and green! panorama_139466AB_5549_ADC6_41A6_87CFC4A89BAF.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 270 students. Sevrinson Hall is your go-to hall for Bison pride! We are home to many student athletes, both current and past (including Carson Wentz and Trey Lance). But more importantly, we support one another and bleed gold and green! panorama_13AE6381_5546_ABC3_41C7_59F85CD38424.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 270 students. Sevrinson Hall is your go-to hall for Bison pride! We are home to many student athletes, both current and past (including Carson Wentz and Trey Lance). But more importantly, we support one another and bleed gold and green! panorama_13666B06_5546_64C1_41CF_81C07525ECC1.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 270 students. Sevrinson Hall is your go-to hall for Bison pride! We are home to many student athletes, both current and past (including Carson Wentz and Trey Lance). But more importantly, we support one another and bleed gold and green! panorama_15B1A463_5546_6D47_41D3_3F806B6737D6.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 270 students. Sevrinson Hall is your go-to hall for Bison pride! We are home to many student athletes, both current and past (including Carson Wentz and Trey Lance). But more importantly, we support one another and bleed gold and green! panorama_13DF2B24_5546_A4C2_41B4_C600D8F2599D.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 270 students. Sevrinson Hall is your go-to hall for Bison pride! We are home to many student athletes, both current and past (including Carson Wentz and Trey Lance). But more importantly, we support one another and bleed gold and green! panorama_1394F828_5549_E4C2_419D_2820896FD79C.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 270 students. Sevrinson Hall is your go-to hall for Bison pride! We are home to many student athletes, both current and past (including Carson Wentz and Trey Lance). But more importantly, we support one another and bleed gold and green! panorama_1394EE7D_5549_DD43_41C8_1C0BD93A1B2D.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 270 students. Sevrinson Hall is your go-to hall for Bison pride! We are home to many student athletes, both current and past (including Carson Wentz and Trey Lance). But more importantly, we support one another and bleed gold and green! panorama_4389F584_3C9B_9FC1_41C4_288C815C00A4.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 270 students. Sevrinson Hall is your go-to hall for Bison pride! We are home to many student athletes, both current and past (including Carson Wentz and Trey Lance). But more importantly, we support one another and bleed gold and green! panorama_157F21A3_554A_A7C6_41BA_1413D9ED3BCF.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 285 students. During the year you can find students in Thompson hanging out in the lounges and grabbing meals together at the RDC or West. panorama_157F2C57_554A_BD4E_41D3_3563B3BCD8A9.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 285 students. During the year you can find students in Thompson hanging out in the lounges and grabbing meals together at the RDC or West. panorama_157ED7D8_554A_AB41_41CA_BBC11EDA0866.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 285 students. During the year you can find students in Thompson hanging out in the lounges and grabbing meals together at the RDC or West. panorama_157E036E_554A_6B41_41D0_365A329F0FAD.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 285 students. During the year you can find students in Thompson hanging out in the lounges and grabbing meals together at the RDC or West. panorama_43E08B77_3C9A_EB4F_41CD_03CC28CACA81.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 285 students. During the year you can find students in Thompson hanging out in the lounges and grabbing meals together at the RDC or West. panorama_154DA931_554A_A4C2_41D2_1CDA17387EEE.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 285 students. During the year you can find students in Thompson hanging out in the lounges and grabbing meals together at the RDC or West. panorama_157F1A7B_554A_E546_41BF_635E50176ADE.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 285 students. During the year you can find students in Thompson hanging out in the lounges and grabbing meals together at the RDC or West. panorama_18DFFEBF_554A_7D3E_419B_3DA19EA592C2.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 285 students. During the year you can find students in Thompson hanging out in the lounges and grabbing meals together at the RDC or West. panorama_157F75BA_554A_EFC6_41C5_B322937290BB.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 285 students. During the year you can find students in Thompson hanging out in the lounges and grabbing meals together at the RDC or West. panorama_15719FEC_554A_DB41_41D2_0528FECF604A.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 285 students. During the year you can find students in Thompson hanging out in the lounges and grabbing meals together at the RDC or West. panorama_157EE454_554A_AD42_41CC_363F9B8B57D7.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 285 students. During the year you can find students in Thompson hanging out in the lounges and grabbing meals together at the RDC or West. panorama_BEC66CCA_3C9A_6D41_41A9_033CFD7FBB5B.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_12FBE8AC_5547_A5C1_41D0_1BC3D68412C8.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_12FA041C_5547_ECC1_41C3_9929D4C401B9.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_12FBCD58_5547_BF41_41D3_C05FA7ED84B1.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_12FB9252_5547_A541_41CF_A16ABB6493A7.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_12FBCA43_5547_E546_41BA_18BD8CAA03A4.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_12FB770E_5546_6CDE_41AF_A868CB6BCD3C.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_12FB9BC0_5546_7B42_4190_A4E4AA063F28.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_12C450EC_5546_6541_41C8_06C444EB7909.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_14CB2EE4_5546_DD41_41D3_3047F9413743.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_1175C97E_5546_673E_41C5_499534295894.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_1175A1CB_5546_6747_41C9_BEA7A2FE85FE.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_1173E9BD_5546_67C2_41B2_C1D0DC435008.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_1173F294_5546_65C2_41D4_3973CDFE9724.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_117D1A8C_5579_A5C1_41B8_555D82F86DDB.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_12FA1F87_5547_FBCF_41B0_23B956B94E2E.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_130FC273_5579_A547_41AD_A59A31C3D596.subtitle = Nine-story, suite-style high rise that is home to 290 students. Seim Hall is where the Seim Squad resides! Members of the Seim Squad get to know their neighbors, make memories that will last a lifetime, and make the most out of their college experience.  panorama_0AA78FFC_4055_4EDE_41C1_6925D85ADB91.subtitle = North Dakota State University is distinctive as a student-focused, land grant, research university located in Fargo, North Dakota. NDSU offers hands-on learning experiences, a vibrant local community and opportunities to get involved in clubs, athletics and more. We can’t wait to show you what you’ll experience as a student at NDSU \ \ And remember to explore each destination in more detail by clicking the interactive icons included throughout each location. panorama_6FB1EDE8_557F_BF42_41B4_34B41DB45B9C.subtitle = Pavek Hall will undergo a full renovation and will be offline for the 2024/2025 academic year. Stay tuned for updates! panorama_6FB1F61B_557F_ECC7_41D2_288FA20876CD.subtitle = Pavek Hall will undergo a full renovation and will be offline for the 2024/2025 academic year. Stay tuned for updates! panorama_6FB1D2C6_557F_A54E_41D1_BC5003BAD661.subtitle = Pavek Hall will undergo a full renovation and will be offline for the 2024/2025 academic year. Stay tuned for updates! panorama_6FB1BA04_557F_A4C2_418B_1E8D4BA3904E.subtitle = Pavek Hall will undergo a full renovation and will be offline for the 2024/2025 academic year. Stay tuned for updates! panorama_6FB1A7FC_557F_AB42_41A5_B5DAD1940B4A.subtitle = Pavek Hall will undergo a full renovation and will be offline for the 2024/2025 academic year. Stay tuned for updates! panorama_6FB041A5_557F_E7C2_41D3_5B4CEF892DAB.subtitle = Pavek Hall will undergo a full renovation and will be offline for the 2024/2025 academic year. Stay tuned for updates! panorama_BC5EE052_3C86_9541_41C6_6B30D8BAC821.subtitle = Pavek Hall will undergo a full renovation and will be offline for the 2024/2025 academic year. Stay tuned for updates! panorama_6FB166F7_557E_6D4E_41AD_FC86EE271DD3.subtitle = Pavek Hall will undergo a full renovation and will be offline for the 2024/2025 academic year. Stay tuned for updates! panorama_6FB1FCFA_557F_DD46_41C4_BC35B34AE1A6.subtitle = Pavek Hall will undergo a full renovation and will be offline for the 2024/2025 academic year. Stay tuned for updates! panorama_125E94B4_557E_ADC2_41C1_BCE6241E58F1.subtitle = Pavek Hall will undergo a full renovation and will be offline for the 2024/2025 academic year. Stay tuned for updates! panorama_6FBCDA8E_557E_65DE_41D3_205D8D2539EF.subtitle = Pavek Hall will undergo a full renovation and will be offline for the 2024/2025 academic year. Stay tuned for updates! panorama_9ECCCDA7_0183_72AF_4166_E22A291EAE5B.subtitle = Putnam Hall is one of the oldest buildings on campus and once housed a Carnegie Library. Now, Putnam Hall is home to NDSU's Graduate School. We offer a wide range of doctoral degrees, master's degrees and graduate certificate programs. Our graduate students represent nearly every state and 80 countries. Career outcomes for our graduate students are excellent and most of our graduate students receive funding in the form of graduate assistantships, grants or employer reimbursement. panorama_9ECCA323_0183_B7A7_4146_E5D9CDE7A712.subtitle = Putnam Hall is one of the oldest buildings on campus and once housed a Carnegie Library. Now, Putnam Hall is home to NDSU's Graduate School. We offer a wide range of doctoral degrees, master's degrees and graduate certificate programs. Our graduate students represent nearly every state and 80 countries. Career outcomes for our graduate students are excellent and most of our graduate students receive funding in the form of graduate assistantships, grants or employer reimbursement. panorama_9EC5D5A7_018D_D2AF_4162_53CEA29C66B6.subtitle = Staying active is easy at the Wallman Wellness Center. The wellness center provides you with state-of-the-art fitness equipment, recreation and intramural sports programs, and club sports. It also offers a high-quality and affordable child care center for students and Student Health Service, our on-campus clinic, and pharmacy for convenient access and quality care. Our facility includes a 34-foot climbing wall, strength and cardiovascular equipment, racquetball and basketball courts, group fitness studios, a multi-activity court, walking and running tracks, a lap pool, a leisure pool, a fire pit, a sauna and more. panorama_9EC45CA7_018D_D2AF_416F_17D5F630085A.subtitle = Staying active is easy at the Wallman Wellness Center. The wellness center provides you with state-of-the-art fitness equipment, recreation and intramural sports programs, and club sports. It also offers a high-quality and affordable child care center for students and Student Health Service, our on-campus clinic, and pharmacy for convenient access and quality care. Our facility includes a 34-foot climbing wall, strength and cardiovascular equipment, racquetball and basketball courts, group fitness studios, a multi-activity court, walking and running tracks, a lap pool, a leisure pool, a fire pit, a sauna and more. panorama_A1E72D6A_018D_B3A1_417E_020BBC172359.subtitle = Staying active is easy at the Wallman Wellness Center. The wellness center provides you with state-of-the-art fitness equipment, recreation and intramural sports programs, and club sports. It also offers a high-quality and affordable child care center for students and Student Health Service, our on-campus clinic, and pharmacy for convenient access and quality care. Our facility includes a 34-foot climbing wall, strength and cardiovascular equipment, racquetball and basketball courts, group fitness studios, a multi-activity court, walking and running tracks, a lap pool, a leisure pool, a fire pit, a sauna and more. panorama_9ED17CFD_0183_52A3_4176_CCB250521483.subtitle = Students in the College of Health and Human Sciences have a goal to make a difference in people’s lives. They’re hardworking, caring and curious about the world. Graduates become role models and leaders as they transition from the classroom to careers with widespread employment opportunities. panorama_9EC4089D_018D_5163_414A_4D7C02C3F580.subtitle = Sugihara Hall is a four-story, laboratory-intensive building with a connective plaza in the heart of campus built in 2022. Students love the open concept design with plenty of natural light and study nooks. panorama_9EC3E051_018D_51E3_4159_88B255A62208.subtitle = Sugihara Hall is a four-story, laboratory-intensive building with a connective plaza in the heart of campus built in 2022. Students love the open concept design with plenty of natural light and study nooks. panorama_9ECED986_0187_D361_414D_0FB737C8CB76.subtitle = The Agricultural Experiment Station Research Greenhouse Complex provides opportunities for enhanced student learning with state-of-the-art technology and conditions. The complex has facilities for hands-on education and research in plant breeding, genetics, horticulture, entomology, plant pathology, plant nutrition and associated disciplines. panorama_9EC82D6D_0182_F3A3_417C_A357CDF7FBD7.subtitle = The Babbling Brook is one of the beautiful outdoor spaces on campus between Minard Hall and South Engineering. In the outdoor atrium, students sit and study, enjoy the outdoors and take in the beauty of the campus. Programs like construction management, horticulture, biological sciences and visual arts will often be seen around this spot, taking the classroom outdoors. panorama_9EC960CF_0187_F2FF_4177_B868BFD6EF3E.subtitle = The College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources has a tradition of excellence in educating students for a variety of careers in the agriculture industry. We offer students hands-on learning experiences that allow them to be competitive in a global economy. panorama_9ECDAB55_0185_57E3_4144_2C7547C24F68.subtitle = The College of Arts and Sciences is the academic foundation of NDSU as it houses over 80% of our core curriculum courses. Our students receive unparalleled support and go on to become doctors, anthropologists, researchers, architects, artists, educators and so much more. panorama_9EC88532_0182_B3A1_4141_327733AAB134.subtitle = The College of Business is located in downtown Fargo at Barry Hall giving our students direct access to area businesses, entrepreneurial opportunities, and professional development events. panorama_9ECF905B_0185_51E7_417C_5DCF1C83D2C0.subtitle = The College of Business is located in downtown Fargo at Barry Hall giving our students direct access to area businesses, entrepreneurial opportunities, and professional development events. panorama_9ECFDB32_0185_57A1_413E_3A0AB49C3684.subtitle = The College of Business is located in downtown Fargo at Barry Hall giving our students direct access to area businesses, entrepreneurial opportunities, and professional development events. panorama_9ECF2523_0186_D3A7_4172_5B684E9AA829.subtitle = The College of Engineering prepares innovative problem solvers and creates new knowledge to improve lives in North Dakota and beyond. \ \ The Engineering Complex is home to state-of-the-art lab spaces and countless opportunities for hands-on learning. Students in College of Engineering learn from world-class faculty, conduct cutting-edge research and earn internships and jobs at the world’s top companies. panorama_9ECFBA3B_0186_F1A7_414B_30B8BA9DE8C3.subtitle = The Dolve Hall Fabrication Lab, also known as a fab lab, is a state-of-the-art facility staffed by experts and equipped with cutting-edge tools and machineries like CNC mills, lathes, water-jet cutters, and more. \ \ In this lab, you'll learn hands-on skills in digital design, precision manufacturing, and fabrication techniques. The fab lab fosters collaboration, innovation, and problem-solving, allowing you to bring your engineering concepts to life. panorama_6C6DAC4B_406F_519A_41C7_43953CAF70AC.subtitle = The NDSU Counseling Center meets a wide range of student needs by providing appropriate mental healthcare and personal development at no additional cost. Clinical services include individual, group, and couples counseling, along with consultation, crisis intervention, and referral to other community resources when appropriate. The Center is IACS accredited and services are overseen by a staff of licensed professionals. panorama_6C39AC00_405D_F186_41BA_141859924B20.subtitle = The NDSU Memorial Union is the heart of campus and a hub for student activity. It houses offices for Student Activities, Student Government, Multicultural Programs, International Student and Study Abroad and LGBTQ+ resources. If you're looking for a way to get involved outside of the classroom, the Union is a great place to start. panorama_9ECEA495_0186_B163_416C_5246C72B3CB7.subtitle = The NDSU Memorial Union is the heart of campus and a hub for student activity. It houses offices for Student Activities, Student Government, Multicultural Programs, International Student and Study Abroad and LGBTQ+ resources. If you're looking for a way to get involved outside of the classroom, the Union is a great place to start. panorama_9ECDD532_0185_73A1_416E_56852A6F6674.subtitle = The NDSU Memorial Union is the heart of campus and a hub for student activity. It houses offices for Student Activities, Student Government, Multicultural Programs, International Student and Study Abroad and LGBTQ+ resources. If you're looking for a way to get involved outside of the classroom, the Union is a great place to start. panorama_9ECD8836_0185_D1A1_4161_0898A08ECC84.subtitle = The NDSU Memorial Union is the heart of campus and a hub for student activity. It houses offices for Student Activities, Student Government, Multicultural Programs, International Student and Study Abroad and LGBTQ+ resources. If you're looking for a way to get involved outside of the classroom, the Union is a great place to start. panorama_9ECC9785_0183_5F63_417D_D16AC1CDBDA2.subtitle = The NDSU football program has a winning tradition, with nine of the last 12 national titles. The Nodak Insurance Football Performance is the Bison football’s new indoor practice facility. panorama_9ECCC15D_0183_D3E3_4174_B8EA70D0989A.subtitle = The QBB is home to the computer science department, IT help desk and several classrooms. It’s open to students 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. You will also find a large computer lab and video equipment to rent here. The 2nd floor provides access to the skyways across campus and quiet study space. panorama_9ECCA8F3_0183_D2A7_417C_A03A7CF70630.subtitle = The QBB is home to the computer science department, IT help desk and several classrooms. It’s open to students 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. You will also find a large computer lab and video equipment to rent here. The 2nd floor provides access to the skyways across campus and quiet study space. panorama_413B71EC_3C9E_B741_41BB_4FEB52C31CB4.subtitle = The Residence Dining Center (also known as the RDC or the Res) is a full-service dining facility located in the Reed Johnson-Weible complex. The RDC offers continuous service with soup, salad, and sandwich stations, as well as a grill and continental breakfast area. Along with our continuous service areas, the RDC houses four separate serving stations and Bison Beanery, a full-service coffee shop! panorama_9ECFE246_0185_51E1_4162_C11D1B0546E6.subtitle = The Residence Dining Center (also known as the RDC or the Res) is a full-service dining facility located in the Reed Johnson-Weible complex. The RDC offers continuous service with soup, salad, and sandwich stations, as well as a grill and continental breakfast area. Along with our continuous service areas, the RDC houses four separate serving stations and Bison Beanery, a full-service coffee shop! panorama_9ECC7160_0182_B3A1_4123_8DADFAA5EE80.subtitle = The Sanford Health Athletic Complex, or SHAC, hosts athletic events for men’s and women’s basketball, volleyball and wrestling. NDSU has a total of 14 DI programs, all with winning traditions and academic success among our athletes. panorama_9ECB3891_0182_F163_416A_B8BC7760CA9D.subtitle = The Sanford Health Athletic Complex, or SHAC, hosts athletic events for men’s and women’s basketball, volleyball and wrestling. NDSU has a total of 14 DI programs, all with winning traditions and academic success among our athletes. panorama_688839E0_554A_6742_41BA_4598A5B170A2.subtitle = The Union Dining Center is a full-service all-you-care-to-eat dining center located in the lower level of the Memorial Union. This dining center offers continuous service Monday through Friday including a grill area, a cereal station, and soup, salad, and sandwich stations. panorama_6C52724D_406F_719E_41B7_8401D1D4A807.subtitle = The Union Dining Center is a full-service all-you-care-to-eat dining center located in the lower level of the Memorial Union. This dining center offers continuous service Monday through Friday including a grill area, a cereal station, and soup, salad, and sandwich stations. panorama_9ECF80DC_0185_F2E1_4144_8F7145BEAE3C.subtitle = The athletic training classroom is a well-equipped learning environment designed for comprehensive education in the field of athletic training. Students have the opportunity to apply the knowledge they learn in the classroom to real-world scenarios in a clinical athletic training setting. This experiential learning develops and refines their skills under the guidance of experienced professionals. The classroom and lab provide students access to multiple therapeutic modalities including ultrasound, electrical stimulation, heat packs, laser, diathermy, and more. panorama_9ECDAB50_0182_F7E2_4138_CE20D9A5BC80.subtitle = The bison statue is the backdrop for thousands of photos each year. From your first day at NDSU to graduation day, make sure to snap pictures by this campus icon. panorama_9ECFEDA2_0185_52A1_4100_2B959E223BC0.subtitle = The fluids lab is an essential component of your engineering education. \ \ This lab focuses on studying the behavior of fluids, such as liquids and gases, under different conditions. You'll have hands-on experience with various equipment, and through experiments, you'll explore fundamental concepts like fluid mechanics, viscosity, and hydrodynamics. \ \ It's a dynamic and engaging space that fosters problem-solving abilities and prepares you for real-world engineering challenges involving fluid dynamics. panorama_9EC9DC70_0186_F1A1_415A_BD66B379D780.subtitle = The library is the most popular study location on campus. Our helpful librarians can assist you with research projects and help you find resources for your classes. Here you will also find valuable resources like our Math Emporium, Center for Writers, and Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources. Reserve a study room for your group project or nestle in for a study session on the nearly silent third floor. During finals week, the library is open 24 hours a day and provides de-stressing activities like coloring pages, therapy dog cuddles and support to help you end your semester strong. panorama_9ECEF706_0186_DF61_4172_A0F185465BF0.subtitle = The library is the most popular study location on campus. Our helpful librarians can assist you with research projects and help you find resources for your classes. Here you will also find valuable resources like our Math Emporium, Center for Writers, and Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources. Reserve a study room for your group project or nestle in for a study session on the nearly silent third floor. During finals week, the library is open 24 hours a day and provides de-stressing activities like coloring pages, therapy dog cuddles and support to help you end your semester strong. panorama_6C6DC905_406F_D389_41AD_D04C33AC2D21.subtitle = The library is the most popular study location on campus. Our helpful librarians can assist you with research projects and help you find resources for your classes. Here you will also find valuable resources like our Math Emporium, Center for Writers, and Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources. Reserve a study room for your group project or nestle in for a study session on the nearly silent third floor. During finals week, the library is open 24 hours a day and provides de-stressing activities like coloring pages, therapy dog cuddles and support to help you end your semester strong. panorama_6C536C42_406F_718B_40CC_64CF9AE5B600.subtitle = The metro-area population of more than 250,000 makes Fargo-Moorhead the largest community between Minneapolis and Seattle. A friendly, safe and convenient community, Fargo offers a mix of a small-town feel with big-city culture. Downtown Fargo is home to three of NDSU's academic buildings, and dozens of great local shops and restaurants. You'll find lots to do during any season including the spring marathon, winter Frostival, fall farmer's market and summer street fair. \ \ Transportation to our downtown campus buildings is free and accessible through the MAT bus. The buses run every few minutes from the main campus and the surrounding areas making getting to class a breeze. panorama_9EC42517_018D_B36F_4164_7E15935CB7A0.subtitle = This study spot is an NDSU favorite. With a great view, comfy chairs and a quiet atmosphere this is the perfect spot to catch up on homework. panorama_65D32473_554A_AD46_41D1_B8679B4F8F8F.subtitle = Traditional, low rise residence hall that is home to 200 male students. It has Central air conditioning; ability to control your own heat in the winter. Churchill Hall has gone through many changes in the years. With the renovation of Churchill in 2017, residents can be seen in the lounges, playing ping-pong, watching movies, playing video games, or simply hanging out. Students love the ability to leave their room and hang out in one of the many common spaces. panorama_65CCCF51_554A_BB42_41D3_6E803A0117A4.subtitle = Traditional, low rise residence hall that is home to 200 male students. It has Central air conditioning; ability to control your own heat in the winter. Churchill Hall has gone through many changes in the years. With the renovation of Churchill in 2017, residents can be seen in the lounges, playing ping-pong, watching movies, playing video games, or simply hanging out. Students love the ability to leave their room and hang out in one of the many common spaces. panorama_65D3DA1E_554A_64C1_41A0_7CC10E27DA64.subtitle = Traditional, low rise residence hall that is home to 200 male students. It has Central air conditioning; ability to control your own heat in the winter. Churchill Hall has gone through many changes in the years. With the renovation of Churchill in 2017, residents can be seen in the lounges, playing ping-pong, watching movies, playing video games, or simply hanging out. Students love the ability to leave their room and hang out in one of the many common spaces. panorama_65D34F92_554A_7BC6_41CE_EB90779E7455.subtitle = Traditional, low rise residence hall that is home to 200 male students. It has Central air conditioning; ability to control your own heat in the winter. Churchill Hall has gone through many changes in the years. With the renovation of Churchill in 2017, residents can be seen in the lounges, playing ping-pong, watching movies, playing video games, or simply hanging out. Students love the ability to leave their room and hang out in one of the many common spaces. panorama_65CCC9DE_554A_A741_41D3_198103FCB9A0.subtitle = Traditional, low rise residence hall that is home to 200 male students. It has Central air conditioning; ability to control your own heat in the winter. Churchill Hall has gone through many changes in the years. With the renovation of Churchill in 2017, residents can be seen in the lounges, playing ping-pong, watching movies, playing video games, or simply hanging out. Students love the ability to leave their room and hang out in one of the many common spaces. panorama_65CCD532_554A_ECC6_41CE_FE8843DD9827.subtitle = Traditional, low rise residence hall that is home to 200 male students. It has Central air conditioning; ability to control your own heat in the winter. Churchill Hall has gone through many changes in the years. With the renovation of Churchill in 2017, residents can be seen in the lounges, playing ping-pong, watching movies, playing video games, or simply hanging out. Students love the ability to leave their room and hang out in one of the many common spaces. panorama_65D37049_554A_E542_41C6_D3C37CBECB69.subtitle = Traditional, low rise residence hall that is home to 200 male students. It has Central air conditioning; ability to control your own heat in the winter. Churchill Hall has gone through many changes in the years. With the renovation of Churchill in 2017, residents can be seen in the lounges, playing ping-pong, watching movies, playing video games, or simply hanging out. Students love the ability to leave their room and hang out in one of the many common spaces. panorama_BCD5BCDC_3C86_6D41_41BA_A66A50482271.subtitle = Traditional, low rise residence hall that is home to 200 male students. It has Central air conditioning; ability to control your own heat in the winter. Churchill Hall has gone through many changes in the years. With the renovation of Churchill in 2017, residents can be seen in the lounges, playing ping-pong, watching movies, playing video games, or simply hanging out. Students love the ability to leave their room and hang out in one of the many common spaces. panorama_65CCABA8_554A_DBC2_41CF_3BACEAF87A64.subtitle = Traditional, low rise residence hall that is home to 200 male students. It has Central air conditioning; ability to control your own heat in the winter. Churchill Hall has gone through many changes in the years. With the renovation of Churchill in 2017, residents can be seen in the lounges, playing ping-pong, watching movies, playing video games, or simply hanging out. Students love the ability to leave their room and hang out in one of the many common spaces. panorama_667E6CFD_5549_DD42_41CA_58A82AA108A6.subtitle = Traditional, low rise residence hall that is home to 200 male students. It has Central air conditioning; ability to control your own heat in the winter. Churchill Hall has gone through many changes in the years. With the renovation of Churchill in 2017, residents can be seen in the lounges, playing ping-pong, watching movies, playing video games, or simply hanging out. Students love the ability to leave their room and hang out in one of the many common spaces. panorama_65CF54F0_554A_6D42_41C0_709E6DFD37CA.subtitle = Traditional, low rise residence hall that is home to 200 male students. It has Central air conditioning; ability to control your own heat in the winter. Churchill Hall has gone through many changes in the years. With the renovation of Churchill in 2017, residents can be seen in the lounges, playing ping-pong, watching movies, playing video games, or simply hanging out. Students love the ability to leave their room and hang out in one of the many common spaces. panorama_7C8B915A_554A_E741_41CD_31D76768D678.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 150 female students. When you walk through the doors at Burgum Hall for the first time, you are transformed into a Burgum Bella! Bellas are sisterly--they respect one another, support each other as they figure out life as a college student, and encourage each other to excel academically. Bellas, staff and residents, promote and maintain a harmonious, tight-knit community where each resident can be herself, and everyone feels included. panorama_7C8B667F_554A_ED3E_41B5_1EA5E37225C7.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 150 female students. When you walk through the doors at Burgum Hall for the first time, you are transformed into a Burgum Bella! Bellas are sisterly--they respect one another, support each other as they figure out life as a college student, and encourage each other to excel academically. Bellas, staff and residents, promote and maintain a harmonious, tight-knit community where each resident can be herself, and everyone feels included. panorama_7C8F0BB8_554A_DBC2_41C8_94D6A8C565BF.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 150 female students. When you walk through the doors at Burgum Hall for the first time, you are transformed into a Burgum Bella! Bellas are sisterly--they respect one another, support each other as they figure out life as a college student, and encourage each other to excel academically. Bellas, staff and residents, promote and maintain a harmonious, tight-knit community where each resident can be herself, and everyone feels included. panorama_BD20EEBE_3C86_6DC1_4187_2139971A4F88.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 150 female students. When you walk through the doors at Burgum Hall for the first time, you are transformed into a Burgum Bella! Bellas are sisterly--they respect one another, support each other as they figure out life as a college student, and encourage each other to excel academically. Bellas, staff and residents, promote and maintain a harmonious, tight-knit community where each resident can be herself, and everyone feels included. panorama_7D2EADC4_5549_BF41_41CB_AAF47C5C1C69.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 150 female students. When you walk through the doors at Burgum Hall for the first time, you are transformed into a Burgum Bella! Bellas are sisterly--they respect one another, support each other as they figure out life as a college student, and encourage each other to excel academically. Bellas, staff and residents, promote and maintain a harmonious, tight-knit community where each resident can be herself, and everyone feels included. panorama_7C8BFBFE_554A_DB41_41B1_6A50FA36A22F.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 150 female students. When you walk through the doors at Burgum Hall for the first time, you are transformed into a Burgum Bella! Bellas are sisterly--they respect one another, support each other as they figure out life as a college student, and encourage each other to excel academically. Bellas, staff and residents, promote and maintain a harmonious, tight-knit community where each resident can be herself, and everyone feels included. panorama_7C8B6671_554A_AD43_419C_9B1495430B31.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 150 female students. When you walk through the doors at Burgum Hall for the first time, you are transformed into a Burgum Bella! Bellas are sisterly--they respect one another, support each other as they figure out life as a college student, and encourage each other to excel academically. Bellas, staff and residents, promote and maintain a harmonious, tight-knit community where each resident can be herself, and everyone feels included. panorama_7C8C8130_554A_A4C2_41AF_6047578F5EDA.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 150 female students. When you walk through the doors at Burgum Hall for the first time, you are transformed into a Burgum Bella! Bellas are sisterly--they respect one another, support each other as they figure out life as a college student, and encourage each other to excel academically. Bellas, staff and residents, promote and maintain a harmonious, tight-knit community where each resident can be herself, and everyone feels included. panorama_7C80321E_554A_A4FE_41C5_07F330BDB9B4.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 150 female students. When you walk through the doors at Burgum Hall for the first time, you are transformed into a Burgum Bella! Bellas are sisterly--they respect one another, support each other as they figure out life as a college student, and encourage each other to excel academically. Bellas, staff and residents, promote and maintain a harmonious, tight-knit community where each resident can be herself, and everyone feels included. panorama_7C8B4B8D_554A_5BC2_41D1_31F817F12C48.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 150 female students. When you walk through the doors at Burgum Hall for the first time, you are transformed into a Burgum Bella! Bellas are sisterly--they respect one another, support each other as they figure out life as a college student, and encourage each other to excel academically. Bellas, staff and residents, promote and maintain a harmonious, tight-knit community where each resident can be herself, and everyone feels included. panorama_10B59DC6_557A_DF4E_41B2_2C2078C15C66.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 430 male students. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. panorama_10AA7245_557A_E542_41A5_8FAE6B0FDBC2.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 430 male students. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. panorama_10B5408B_557A_65C6_41BC_1AC47A3862E3.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 430 male students. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. panorama_10B5E8C9_557A_A543_4199_0208DE52597A.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 430 male students. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. panorama_10B574D9_557A_AD43_41D1_6AA38568FD5E.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 430 male students. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. panorama_10B6C191_5579_A7C2_41C1_3275055CBA5F.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 430 male students. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. panorama_10B52C00_557A_7CC2_41A8_46D10B42FBE0.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 430 male students. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. panorama_10B59701_557A_6CC3_41AC_1AB39A297801.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 430 male students. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. panorama_10B67715_557A_ECC3_41D0_9772EC47EE1D.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 430 male students. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. panorama_10B6CD34_5579_BCC1_419E_7CCAACCC4D82.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 430 male students. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. panorama_1108D4EC_557A_AD42_41A5_DE0309D70995.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 430 male students. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. panorama_43501E4C_3C87_AD40_41C9_AF6625D01880.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence hall that is home to 430 male students. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. panorama_14B1FF7A_554A_BB46_4172_72D6129B0664.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence halls that is home to 225 male students. It has large, newly renovated bathrooms and carpeted, spacious rooms. panorama_14B19E38_554A_5CC1_41D0_2355D98A5045.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence halls that is home to 225 male students. It has large, newly renovated bathrooms and carpeted, spacious rooms. panorama_14B048F1_554B_A543_41A2_763B431B89DB.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence halls that is home to 225 male students. It has large, newly renovated bathrooms and carpeted, spacious rooms. panorama_14B02ABF_554A_A53F_41A8_79335644D36C.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence halls that is home to 225 male students. It has large, newly renovated bathrooms and carpeted, spacious rooms. panorama_14B1D65F_554A_6D7F_41B6_41F9DACE1316.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence halls that is home to 225 male students. It has large, newly renovated bathrooms and carpeted, spacious rooms. panorama_14B074A7_554A_ADCF_41D0_055A38CBACEF.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence halls that is home to 225 male students. It has large, newly renovated bathrooms and carpeted, spacious rooms. panorama_14B128DC_554A_E542_41C4_10ADBA491C18.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence halls that is home to 225 male students. It has large, newly renovated bathrooms and carpeted, spacious rooms. panorama_168F7AA6_554A_65CE_41B4_E3DACEA88213.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence halls that is home to 225 male students. It has large, newly renovated bathrooms and carpeted, spacious rooms. panorama_148241D6_554A_E741_41CA_D907FECB0665.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence halls that is home to 225 male students. It has large, newly renovated bathrooms and carpeted, spacious rooms. panorama_14B18CA0_554A_FDC1_41D1_B5510AE6C7E6.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence halls that is home to 225 male students. It has large, newly renovated bathrooms and carpeted, spacious rooms. panorama_14B00291_554A_65C2_41C2_31DC224F6F16.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence halls that is home to 225 male students. It has large, newly renovated bathrooms and carpeted, spacious rooms. panorama_C3E616B2_405F_4E58_41B1_166B286410A8.subtitle = Traditional, low-rise residence halls that is home to 225 male students. It has large, newly renovated bathrooms and carpeted, spacious rooms. panorama_B48B2D48_3C87_AF41_41CA_52C43CDFF7BD.subtitle = Weible Hall is home to more than 350 first-year and upper-classmen women. One of the most amazing parts of Weible is the strong, family-oriented atmosphere that is promoted by the community-style living spaces. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. North Weible has been fully renovated with new bathrooms, bedrooms, and community areas and South Weible has fully renovated bathrooms. panorama_1A07378C_554A_EBC2_41C5_6679CD05E0C5.subtitle = Weible Hall is home to more than 350 first-year and upper-classmen women. One of the most amazing parts of Weible is the strong, family-oriented atmosphere that is promoted by the community-style living spaces. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. North Weible has been fully renovated with new bathrooms, bedrooms, and community areas and South Weible has fully renovated bathrooms. panorama_19E4F813_554A_A4C7_41A2_63BE608F9860.subtitle = Weible Hall is home to more than 350 first-year and upper-classmen women. One of the most amazing parts of Weible is the strong, family-oriented atmosphere that is promoted by the community-style living spaces. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. North Weible has been fully renovated with new bathrooms, bedrooms, and community areas and South Weible has fully renovated bathrooms. panorama_19EF838D_554A_6BC2_41CE_ACF15EC30A5B.subtitle = Weible Hall is home to more than 350 first-year and upper-classmen women. One of the most amazing parts of Weible is the strong, family-oriented atmosphere that is promoted by the community-style living spaces. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. North Weible has been fully renovated with new bathrooms, bedrooms, and community areas and South Weible has fully renovated bathrooms. panorama_19EF3F3F_554A_7B3E_41CE_7F6838E652AF.subtitle = Weible Hall is home to more than 350 first-year and upper-classmen women. One of the most amazing parts of Weible is the strong, family-oriented atmosphere that is promoted by the community-style living spaces. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. North Weible has been fully renovated with new bathrooms, bedrooms, and community areas and South Weible has fully renovated bathrooms. panorama_19EE3B2A_554A_64C6_41D2_733570711CC4.subtitle = Weible Hall is home to more than 350 first-year and upper-classmen women. One of the most amazing parts of Weible is the strong, family-oriented atmosphere that is promoted by the community-style living spaces. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. North Weible has been fully renovated with new bathrooms, bedrooms, and community areas and South Weible has fully renovated bathrooms. panorama_19EE678F_554B_ABDE_41CC_26FDA6F5A8D2.subtitle = Weible Hall is home to more than 350 first-year and upper-classmen women. One of the most amazing parts of Weible is the strong, family-oriented atmosphere that is promoted by the community-style living spaces. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. North Weible has been fully renovated with new bathrooms, bedrooms, and community areas and South Weible has fully renovated bathrooms. panorama_19EE230E_554B_A4DE_41C5_0D2EE69F366B.subtitle = Weible Hall is home to more than 350 first-year and upper-classmen women. One of the most amazing parts of Weible is the strong, family-oriented atmosphere that is promoted by the community-style living spaces. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. North Weible has been fully renovated with new bathrooms, bedrooms, and community areas and South Weible has fully renovated bathrooms. panorama_19EE9EFE_554B_DD3E_41BE_B747712EFDA0.subtitle = Weible Hall is home to more than 350 first-year and upper-classmen women. One of the most amazing parts of Weible is the strong, family-oriented atmosphere that is promoted by the community-style living spaces. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. North Weible has been fully renovated with new bathrooms, bedrooms, and community areas and South Weible has fully renovated bathrooms. panorama_19EE7B14_554B_E4C1_4198_D80CA165DB0D.subtitle = Weible Hall is home to more than 350 first-year and upper-classmen women. One of the most amazing parts of Weible is the strong, family-oriented atmosphere that is promoted by the community-style living spaces. Other great features include the enclosed walkway to the Residence Dining Center and the newly developed RJ/Weible Courtyard. 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album_13AF8C4E_546A_2A2D_41C7_37DE716F5234_0.label = 230519_Counseling Center-2-PhotoAlbum album_13AF8C4E_546A_2A2D_41C7_37DE716F5234_1.label = 230519_Counseling Center-4-PhotoAlbum album_13AF8C4E_546A_2A2D_41C7_37DE716F5234_2.label = 230519_Counseling Center-6-PhotoAlbum album_13AF8C4E_546A_2A2D_41C7_37DE716F5234_3.label = 230519_Counseling Center-7-PhotoAlbum album_13AF8C4E_546A_2A2D_41C7_37DE716F5234_4.label = 230519_Counseling Center-8-PhotoAlbum panorama_9ECE0AB6_0187_B6A1_4133_B89E7DD28EC0.label = A. Glenn Hill panorama_07E0F62F_54AA_E66B_41C8_2AF2BB53DE39.label = ACE Tutoring panorama_701F17E8_406F_FE86_41C3_D7F343AEE76B.label = Academics album_D6211D17_0283_B36F_4166_82E817269EBC.label = Academics - A. Glenn Hill album_CB5CD8E6_02BD_52A1_4151_857A0646F601.label = Academics - Aldevron Tower album_CB3C4F31_02BE_AFA3_416B_8AAE3371EBA8.label = Academics - Barry Hall album_CAF3E62B_02BF_51A6_4177_7A0F5F5C431D.label = Academics - Bentson Bunker Fieldhouse album_CC6D3CAF_0283_D2BF_4164_873D0CB58E7D.label = Academics - Engineering Complex album_CC3D8481_0285_7163_4180_D6D4D2CED245.label = Academics - Greenhouses album_CDE44FF3_0287_EEA7_4173_1ECCB508867C.label = Academics - Klai Hall album_D0366619_0285_5163_4176_FA95745B1003.label = Academics - Morrill Hall album_D14D65B9_0285_72A3_4180_FD86BF1BFD74.label = Academics - Reineke Fine Arts Center album_D093D398_0283_B761_4162_A25813020D72.label = Academics - Renaissance Hall album_D122E7FB_028D_7EA7_4136_AA0BD1EB233C.label = Academics - Sugihara Hall panorama_A355CDB2_0183_F2A1_4160_880AFE96EAA2.label = Aldevron Pharmacy panorama_9EC8371A_0182_DF61_4151_BC8AC323978C.label = Aldevron Tower Nursing Lab panorama_9EC4567B_018D_71A7_4179_9F619E373F53.label = Aquatic Center panorama_9ECA9130_0182_B3A1_416B_FB05684D7644.label = Athletics album_2C83C09D_40AA_D15E_41B5_D39CEB17E7FF.label = Athletics panorama_9EC82D6D_0182_F3A3_417C_A357CDF7FBD7.label = Babbling Brook panorama_9ECF905B_0185_51E7_417C_5DCF1C83D2C0.label = Barry Hall panorama_9EC88532_0182_B3A1_4141_327733AAB134.label = Barry Hall Auditorium panorama_9ECF80DC_0185_F2E1_4144_8F7145BEAE3C.label = Benson Bunker Athletic Trainer Room panorama_9EC83ABA_0185_B6A1_4161_3DBFCFF44A3E.label = Benson Bunker exterior panorama_032CB0D7_54B9_A54E_4187_D4C605A038D0.label = Bison Court, 1 Bedroom - Bathroom panorama_1D958334_54BE_A4C2_41D0_9E1FDACEFE6F.label = Bison Court, 1 Bedroom - Bedroom panorama_1D186B65_54BE_FB42_419C_F30463FA31DC.label = Bison Court, 1 Bedroom - Living Room panorama_1D72991A_54BE_64C1_41A3_D8EBAADAD035.label = Bison Court, 2 Bed 1 Bath - Bathroom panorama_1D1D2689_54BF_EDC2_41C8_1E68DD491F21.label = Bison Court, 2 Bed 1 Bath - Bedroom 1 panorama_1D123062_54BF_A546_419B_66809A6864E4.label = Bison Court, 2 Bed 1 Bath - Bedroom 2 panorama_1D339914_54BE_A4C2_419D_0F0E58926458.label = Bison Court, 2 Bed 1 Bath - Entrance panorama_1D1204D2_54BE_ED41_41BE_0244588E118D.label = Bison Court, 2 Bed 1 Bath - Hallway panorama_1D095088_54BE_65C2_419D_2D957F6AC7E2.label = Bison Court, 2 Bed 1 Bath - Kitchen panorama_1D0D7BA4_54B9_BBC1_41B9_B810B8C25BEA.label = Bison Court, 2 Bed 1 Bath - Living Room panorama_1D52290E_54B9_A4C1_41C0_592A523C8A96.label = Bison Court, Studio - Kitchen panorama_1D07E254_54BA_A542_419C_2CB9B9FAC3D1.label = Bison Court, Studio - Living Room panorama_9ECDAB50_0182_F7E2_4138_CE20D9A5BC80.label = Bison Statue panorama_7D2EADC4_5549_BF41_41CB_AAF47C5C1C69.label = Burgum - Bathroom 1 panorama_7C80321E_554A_A4FE_41C5_07F330BDB9B4.label = Burgum - Bathroom 2 panorama_7C8BFBFE_554A_DB41_41B1_6A50FA36A22F.label = Burgum - Bathroom 3 panorama_7C8B667F_554A_ED3E_41B5_1EA5E37225C7.label = Burgum - Dorm Room (Showroom) panorama_7C8B915A_554A_E741_41CD_31D76768D678.label = Burgum - Entrance panorama_7C8F0BB8_554A_DBC2_41C8_94D6A8C565BF.label = Burgum - Floor Lounge panorama_7C8B6671_554A_AD43_419C_9B1495430B31.label = Burgum - Laundry panorama_7C8C8130_554A_A4C2_41AF_6047578F5EDA.label = Burgum - Lounge panorama_7C8B4B8D_554A_5BC2_41D1_31F817F12C48.label = Burgum - Recreation Room panorama_BD20EEBE_3C86_6DC1_4187_2139971A4F88.label = Burgum Hall album_3437CAD2_40B6_F12A_41C4_9A262E6324FE.label = Campus Favorites - Babbling Brook album_3F19A1F5_40AB_72EE_41CE_4B9D53A74A1E.label = Campus Favorites - Bison Statue album_3F397857_40AD_512A_41AA_EEF42CDD1A3E.label = Campus Favorites - Starbucks album_33FDC735_40AE_DF6E_41C8_C7591A4B011F.label = Campus Favorites - Study Room in Sugihara album_392E2191_40AB_7326_41D0_4C146A2A1DAA.label = Campus Favorites - Thundar_s Den panorama_7FFA3A24_554B_A4C2_41CB_B2CF4ED5BCEB.label = Cater - Breakout Room panorama_7DB8F7E6_554A_6B41_41B7_FFCC0E7F15FB.label = Cater - Cater Hall Entrance panorama_7D81705D_554A_6542_41C7_FBE2F91456AD.label = Cater - Community Room panorama_7D8EF82D_554A_64C2_41C6_61975CED4DFE.label = Cater - Double Bathroom panorama_7D8E7FAA_554A_5BC1_41D1_09AEAE9D6F6E.label = Cater - Double Bedroom panorama_7D8EA77A_554A_AB46_41C6_21DEA98CF4E2.label = Cater - Double Entry panorama_7D8ECFA2_554A_BBC1_41D1_C36671C24AFE.label = Cater - First Floor Study Spaces panorama_7D8EA71F_554A_ACFE_419B_1BB616BEA9F7.label = Cater - Gathering Space panorama_7D819F74_554A_DB41_41D3_6AE64D0FE211.label = Cater - Laundry Room panorama_7D8E9766_554A_EB4E_41B1_6B52C93C2234.label = Cater - Recreation Room panorama_7D8E7F30_554A_FCC2_41C0_EFED96F09995.label = Cater - Standard Suite A Bathroom panorama_7D8ED727_554A_ECCE_41D3_B080C721174C.label = Cater - Standard Suite A Bedroom 1 panorama_7D8E6F18_554A_DCC1_41A7_1B7546A16C38.label = Cater - Standard Suite A Bedroom 2 panorama_7D8E3747_554A_AB4E_41C2_75AAB60545E9.label = Cater - Standard Suite A Entry panorama_7D81CF92_554A_BBC6_41BB_4FDDB18D52A3.label = Cater - Standard Suite A Shower panorama_7D8E0782_554A_ABC1_41B7_865607880D30.label = Cater - Standard Suite B Bathroom panorama_7D81CF90_554A_5BC2_41BB_ACC98A5D9167.label = Cater - Standard Suite B Bedroom 1 panorama_7D81A7A1_554A_6BC2_41B7_344A79AE126B.label = Cater - Standard Suite B Bedroom2 panorama_7D819FEC_554A_7B42_41C6_4263A3B31B53.label = Cater - Standard Suite B Entry panorama_7D8108C2_554A_6541_41CC_2D7F0832FF91.label = Cater - Standard Suite B Shower panorama_7D82A0B2_5549_A5C6_41A2_EA00FB1CC48F.label = Cater - Student Lounge panorama_7D8258DD_5549_A542_41D1_202306480F5D.label = Cater - Student Study Area panorama_9ECFD809_0185_D163_4151_CEC4773234B8.label = Cater Hall panorama_CDDE8A06_43EA_C638_41AA_AD5D4D1D270F.label = Cater Hall panorama_6C6D83D0_406F_D686_41C2_231ED0974805.label = Cater Hall Supplemental panorama_8BE0A7D4_FEFE_42F6_41E7_F03DFA8536CF.label = Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources panorama_9ECF48ED_0185_72A3_417B_C930ED9E6E14.label = Ceres Hall panorama_667E6CFD_5549_DD42_41CA_58A82AA108A6.label = Churchhill - Bathroom - Showers panorama_65CF54F0_554A_6D42_41C0_709E6DFD37CA.label = Churchhill - Downstairs Lounge panorama_65D34F92_554A_7BC6_41CE_EB90779E7455.label = Churchhill - Entrance panorama_65D3DA1E_554A_64C1_41A0_7CC10E27DA64.label = Churchhill - Gender Neutral Bathroom panorama_65D32473_554A_AD46_41D1_B8679B4F8F8F.label = Churchhill - Huddle Room panorama_65CCCF51_554A_BB42_41D3_6E803A0117A4.label = Churchhill - Kitchen panorama_65CCC9DE_554A_A741_41D3_198103FCB9A0.label = Churchhill - Laundry Room panorama_65CCD532_554A_ECC6_41CE_FE8843DD9827.label = Churchhill - Lobby panorama_65D37049_554A_E542_41C6_D3C37CBECB69.label = Churchhill - Lounge panorama_65CCABA8_554A_DBC2_41CF_3BACEAF87A64.label = Churchhill - Showroom panorama_BCD5BCDC_3C86_6D41_41BA_A66A50482271.label = Churchill Hall panorama_C91F8409_43FB_4248_41CE_D846814305EE.label = Churchill Hall panorama_9EC960CF_0187_F2FF_4177_B868BFD6EF3E.label = College of Agriculture panorama_9ECDAB55_0185_57E3_4144_2C7547C24F68.label = College of Arts and Sciences panorama_9ECFDB32_0185_57A1_413E_3A0AB49C3684.label = College of Business panorama_9ECF2523_0186_D3A7_4172_5B684E9AA829.label = College of Engineering panorama_9ED17CFD_0183_52A3_4176_CCB250521483.label = College of Health and Human Sciences panorama_6C6DAC4B_406F_519A_41C7_43953CAF70AC.label = Counseling Center panorama_689C6FC0_554B_BB42_41C6_268D1C33B6A8.label = Dinan - Bathroom panorama_66CD58EC_554B_E541_41D3_AE4EDBA1D4C1.label = Dinan - Dorm Room (Showroom) panorama_66DD6120_554B_E4C2_41CE_B2D0ADBDDAA5.label = Dinan - Entrance panorama_66DD9970_554B_E741_41BF_830347B63712.label = Dinan - Floor Lounge panorama_66DD521A_554B_A4C1_41A4_40429A48BB2A.label = Dinan - Laundry and Rec Room panorama_66DDCA42_554B_A546_41C4_AF4A0B35CC00.label = Dinan - Lounge panorama_45CE1689_3CBA_9DC3_4180_A16BE7212EC3.label = Dinan Hall panorama_66415C0E_554A_BCDE_41C7_E1D5036F5782.label = Dining Centers - West Dining Center panorama_9ECFBA3B_0186_F1A7_414B_30B8BA9DE8C3.label = Dolve 126 panorama_6C536C42_406F_718B_40CC_64CF9AE5B600.label = Downtown Fargo album_152B26F9_547A_27F7_41B7_C3BA8E1ABA4E_1.label = FESTHALL220030529_-PhotoAlbum album_D14D65B9_0285_72A3_4180_FD86BF1BFD74_4.label = FESTHALL320030529_-PhotoAlbum album_152B26F9_547A_27F7_41B7_C3BA8E1ABA4E_2.label = FESTHALL420030529_-PhotoAlbum album_D14D65B9_0285_72A3_4180_FD86BF1BFD74_5.label = FESTHALL420030529_-PhotoAlbum album_152B26F9_547A_27F7_41B7_C3BA8E1ABA4E_3.label = FESTHALL520030529_-PhotoAlbum panorama_9ECF6251_0186_B1E2_416A_5E4A09268CE2.label = Festival Concert Hall panorama_9ECFEDA2_0185_52A1_4100_2B959E223BC0.label = Fluids Lab panorama_9ECC9785_0183_5F63_417D_D16AC1CDBDA2.label = Football Practice Facility panorama_9EC5D5A7_018D_D2AF_4162_53CEA29C66B6.label = Getting Active panorama_6C39AC00_405D_F186_41BA_141859924B20.label = Getting Involved panorama_9ECEFA67_0187_51AF_416D_79B0043256AB.label = Glenn Hill - Lab 204 panorama_9ECEB209_0187_5163_4175_ADA36D8EB208.label = Glenn Hill Classroom panorama_9ECCCDA7_0183_72AF_4166_E22A291EAE5B.label = Graduate School - Putnam Hall panorama_9ECCA323_0183_B7A7_4146_E5D9CDE7A712.label = Graduate School - Putnman Hall panorama_9ECED986_0187_D361_414D_0FB737C8CB76.label = Greenhouse panorama_9ECE100D_0187_5163_4162_102EEF4AC99E.label = Klai Hall Exterior panorama_9ECE85FD_0187_72A3_417A_59C0CAA6D264.label = Klai Hall Studio panorama_9ECE2ECB_0186_AEE7_4171_B48495133EFF.label = Klai Library panorama_9ECEF706_0186_DF61_4172_A0F185465BF0.label = Library panorama_9EC9DC70_0186_F1A1_415A_BD66B379D780.label = Library panorama_6C6DC905_406F_D389_41AD_D04C33AC2D21.label = Library Supplemental panorama_17721DB2_554E_7FC6_418E_544725837077.label = Living Room-Entry panorama_68E98975_554A_E742_41C1_252B36C36186.label = MLLC East - Four-Bedroom A panorama_661D0E07_554A_BCCF_41C0_F5C0831BEBF4.label = MLLC East - Four-Bedroom B panorama_6666783A_554A_A4C6_41C8_18C1CFB40B1A.label = MLLC East - Four-Bedroom Bathroom panorama_666611E2_554A_6746_41A6_D578143B601F.label = MLLC East - Four-Bedroom C panorama_6666DA6A_554A_6546_41A2_356ED4C0614F.label = MLLC East - Four-Bedroom D panorama_666602DF_554A_657E_41B4_896130C5FCF5.label = MLLC East - Four-Bedroom Hallway panorama_66662B30_554A_64C2_41BD_50142B7CA119.label = MLLC East - Four-Bedroom Kitchen panorama_666203D9_5549_AB43_41D1_08CBBE1EB15B.label = MLLC East - Four-Bedroom Living Room panorama_6665CC66_5549_BD4E_41CE_B979DCA7C02F.label = MLLC East - Laundry panorama_66625529_5549_ACC2_41CF_7E7912E67878.label = MLLC East - Lobby panorama_666280E8_5549_E542_4168_F3FF58D2340A.label = MLLC East - Second Floor Lounge panorama_66623705_5549_ECC3_4192_BC0BEC0899C0.label = MLLC East - Studio panorama_66626C4C_5549_FD41_41AC_31BBDD985157.label = MLLC East - Studio Entrance panorama_666221E4_5549_A741_41D0_98C3B894C750.label = MLLC East - Third Floor Lounge panorama_6A69C2B3_5546_65C6_41B5_14DC0463BB1F.label = MLLC West - Classroom panorama_68A035BB_5546_AFC7_41B2_F4E9F77C638D.label = MLLC West - Four-Bedroom A panorama_68A82194_5546_A7C2_41D3_2A0E6FEC220A.label = MLLC West - Four-Bedroom B panorama_68A8AD31_5546_DCC3_4189_578C367C5294.label = MLLC West - Four-Bedroom Bathroom panorama_68ABE716_5546_ECC1_41A4_2DB7CFA52AB8.label = MLLC West - Four-Bedroom C (Showroom) panorama_68A82274_5546_E542_41C6_54451DB9145B.label = MLLC West - Four-Bedroom D panorama_68AB6D38_5546_DCC2_41C1_E6B76E4172A0.label = MLLC West - Four-Bedroom Hallway panorama_68A858AE_5546_A5C1_41A0_B3D6D8A06A9F.label = MLLC West - Four-Bedroom Kitchen panorama_68AB22E6_5546_A54E_41B9_C9B39B48EFBF.label = MLLC West - Four-Bedroom Living Room (Showroom) panorama_68A89E02_5546_5CC6_41BD_66EFF19A63F6.label = MLLC West - Fourth Floor Lounge panorama_68A9F98E_5546_67DE_41B1_CF81E750D3BF.label = MLLC West - Hall panorama_68A8B415_5546_6CC2_41A0_867035B5E720.label = MLLC West - Laundry panorama_68A8EE00_5546_5CC2_41C5_8B5E2D2D7438.label = MLLC West - Lobby panorama_68A8093E_5547_A73E_41B2_B70F3B67D51E.label = MLLC West - Second Floor Lounge panorama_68A9A4E9_5547_AD42_41D3_76DD44D3BEC6.label = MLLC West - Studio (Showroom) panorama_68A980F0_5547_E542_41D2_439FFA4E990B.label = MLLC West - Studio Entrance (Showroom) panorama_68A95C24_5547_FCC1_41BC_912B11B450BD.label = MLLC West - Third Floor Lounge video_FED588F8_B25D_80DC_41B5_6E67D1542E59.label = Mass Interact-North Dakota State University-7-23-V2 Resized video_C6DD2633_D06D_4518_41DA_56600632F14D.label = Mass Interact-North Dakota State University-7-23-V2 Resized 2 video_E851DDFE_FE9E_46B2_41CD_3F13E4E819E4.label = Mass Interact-North Dakota State University-7-23-V2-1 panorama_9ECEA495_0186_B163_416C_5246C72B3CB7.label = Memorial Union panorama_9ECCD4D3_0185_52E7_416C_37E71B296E5C.label = Memorial Union Bowling panorama_9ECD734F_0185_F7FF_4179_065F09E3E1BC.label = Memorial Union Caribou Coffee panorama_9ECD6D0B_0185_B367_416B_790CF6338535.label = Memorial Union Food Court panorama_9ECDD532_0185_73A1_416E_56852A6F6674.label = Memorial Union Gallery panorama_9ECD338D_0182_D762_4168_006E5E35E034.label = Minard Hall Classroom 230 panorama_6C537AFD_406F_3679_41CE_73C5FDB1A077.label = Morrill panorama_6C6D1554_406F_338F_41A5_AD81CDE82C33.label = Morrill panorama_9ECD9DC7_0185_52EF_412A_34F9916E1758.label = NDSU Bookstore panorama_6E4FC58D_557A_6FC2_41A8_D23C77BF7D83.label = Niskanen 30 Plex - Laundry panorama_6C3108E5_557B_A542_41AE_EC3587EFD1EE.label = Niskanen 30 Plex - 2-Bedroom Apartment (Showroom) panorama_6C2A14A2_557B_ADC6_41B0_570DCED2FE47.label = Niskanen 30 Plex - Bathroom 1 panorama_6C2A1FC0_557B_DB41_41C8_07254D975680.label = Niskanen 30 Plex - Bathroom 2 panorama_6C2BAA39_557B_E4C2_41CC_2D4F7170656C.label = Niskanen 30 Plex - Bedroom 1 panorama_6C2B4551_557B_EF43_41D1_493AF55281DF.label = Niskanen 30 Plex - Bedroom 2 panorama_6C2A60C6_557B_A541_4144_835145185DAA.label = Niskanen 30 Plex - Entrance panorama_6C2BDBE3_557B_BB46_418A_082B255ED829.label = Niskanen 30 Plex - Hall Director panorama_6C2BE726_557B_ACCE_41B2_9CCC64A97170.label = Niskanen 30 Plex - Living Room panorama_6C2BE2E3_557A_6546_41D0_8081E606646E.label = Niskanen 30 Plex - Lounge panorama_10BD6717_557A_ACCF_41A4_662238AC408D.label = Niskanen South - 2-Bedroom Apartment (Showroom) panorama_6EA6E339_557A_E4C2_41BA_406E988C9CCD.label = Niskanen South - Bathroom panorama_6EDCADE2_557A_DF41_4196_2A5522FAE5FD.label = Niskanen South - Bedroom 1 panorama_6EDD3968_557A_A741_41C1_FC257E537D29.label = Niskanen South - Bedroom 2 panorama_6EDD5437_557A_ACCE_41D0_51ACE1798120.label = Niskanen South - Entrance panorama_6EDD5F90_557A_5BC2_41B8_DBC7441CF10E.label = Niskanen South - Hallway panorama_6EDD5B86_557A_7BCE_41C5_3E1F5D41EC96.label = Niskanen South - Kitchen panorama_6EDD76E9_557A_6D42_41C5_2ACEF0365654.label = Niskanen South - Landing panorama_6EDED2B4_5579_A5C1_41AE_3B7DA0F7E3C0.label = Niskanen South - Laundry panorama_6EDE9D71_5579_BF42_41C3_0271BA418B78.label = Niskanen South - Living Room panorama_6C0710EA_5546_6546_416D_C33A74A3193B.label = Niskanen, 2 Bedroom - Bathroom 1 panorama_6AAAB5F7_5546_6F4F_41C2_CD2228046E8E.label = Niskanen, 2 Bedroom - Bathroom 2 panorama_6A80FDCB_5546_5F46_419D_E2EE66D35464.label = Niskanen, 2 Bedroom - Bedroom 1 panorama_6A80F78B_5546_ABC6_41D2_86B3DE2377EC.label = Niskanen, 2 Bedroom - Bedroom 2 panorama_6A815F7C_5546_BB42_41B8_F9FDB89512D5.label = Niskanen, 2 Bedroom - Kitchen panorama_6A8157C1_5546_AB43_41D0_BC4A4E1B1D6F.label = Niskanen, 2 Bedroom - Living Room panorama_6C707795_5546_ABC2_41B7_63BF899AF000.label = Niskanen, 3 Bedroom - Bathroom 1 panorama_6A2838FE_5546_A541_41C6_F27FB5BCDD6B.label = Niskanen, 3 Bedroom - Bathroom 2 panorama_6A2CC09A_5546_65C6_41C4_EFF1A1BA2A6A.label = Niskanen, 3 Bedroom - Bedroom 1 panorama_6A2D2A2D_5546_64C2_41CF_D5A1936EEAE0.label = Niskanen, 3 Bedroom - Bedroom 2 panorama_6A2CE2B3_5546_65C6_41B4_EAAAE99F6B0C.label = Niskanen, 3 Bedroom - Bedroom 3 panorama_6A2CBADD_5546_6542_41CA_8E9AB5B0A5EB.label = Niskanen, 3 Bedroom - Hallway panorama_6A12F2CE_5579_A55E_41CA_2159A7CB7661.label = Niskanen, 3 Bedroom - Kitchen panorama_6A12FAD1_5579_A543_41D3_BD785DD267E5.label = Niskanen, 3 Bedroom - Living Room panorama_6D403879_5579_E542_41BD_25A2C1C67667.label = Niskanen, Community Center - Kitchen Area panorama_6B296A3B_5579_A4C6_4183_8A5645C45EF4.label = Niskanen, Community Center - Main Area panorama_6DBA79D2_557A_6746_41C1_18485E43C953.label = Niskanen, Expansion - Bathroom 1 panorama_6B077BA2_557A_BBC1_41D3_5C6052257130.label = Niskanen, Expansion - Bathroom 2 panorama_6B0314B4_557A_ADC1_41A7_370F12786F5A.label = Niskanen, Expansion - Bedroom 1 panorama_6B032EB6_557A_DDCE_41D1_97B625A980A7.label = Niskanen, Expansion - Bedroom 2 panorama_6B03F80A_557A_E4C6_41CD_4B4CCC160DFF.label = Niskanen, Expansion - Kitchen-Entry panorama_6B0321C9_557A_E742_419A_F28BA136DEB0.label = Niskanen, Expansion - Living Room panorama_6B035C5A_557A_DD41_41B9_45D0FAA9EBBD.label = Niskanen, Expansion - Walk-in Closet panorama_6B049593_557A_AFC6_41B6_45532007F3D3.label = Niskanen, Expansion - Walk-through Closet panorama_1A32718E_554A_67C1_41C7_5CDB7F944BA4.label = North Weible - Floor Lounge panorama_186EF923_554A_64C7_41AF_A1DA26EE826C.label = North Weible - Shower Area panorama_186E40D1_554A_6542_41CE_B6CA739F4245.label = North Weible - Showroom panorama_186D8810_554A_64C1_41B4_71EBC220DC2C.label = North Weible Triple Room Bedroom panorama_186CBF6D_554A_5B42_41C3_CE23FB06AA46.label = North Weible Triple Room Study panorama_125E94B4_557E_ADC2_41C1_BCE6241E58F1.label = Pavek - Dorm Room 1 (Showroom) panorama_6FBCDA8E_557E_65DE_41D3_205D8D2539EF.label = Pavek - Dorm Room 2 panorama_6FB166F7_557E_6D4E_41AD_FC86EE271DD3.label = Pavek - Entrance panorama_6FB1D2C6_557F_A54E_41D1_BC5003BAD661.label = Pavek - Kitchen panorama_6FB1EDE8_557F_BF42_41B4_34B41DB45B9C.label = Pavek - Laundry panorama_6FB1BA04_557F_A4C2_418B_1E8D4BA3904E.label = Pavek - Lounge panorama_6FB1F61B_557F_ECC7_41D2_288FA20876CD.label = Pavek - Meeting Room panorama_6FB041A5_557F_E7C2_41D3_5B4CEF892DAB.label = Pavek - Recreation Room panorama_6FB1FCFA_557F_DD46_41C4_BC35B34AE1A6.label = Pavek - Study Room panorama_6FB1A7FC_557F_AB42_41A5_B5DAD1940B4A.label = Pavek - Suite Foyer panorama_BC5EE052_3C86_9541_41C6_6B30D8BAC821.label = Pavek Hall panorama_9ECCA8F3_0183_D2A7_417C_A03A7CF70630.label = QBB Computer Lab panorama_9ECCC15D_0183_D3E3_4174_B8EA70D0989A.label = Quentin Burdick Building album_1E90BD74_5466_2AFD_41D1_F7DF22B84E9F.label = Quentin Burdick Building (QBB) panorama_1108D4EC_557A_AD42_41A5_DE0309D70995.label = Reed Johnson - Bathrooms panorama_10B67715_557A_ECC3_41D0_9772EC47EE1D.label = Reed Johnson - Dorm Room (Showroom) panorama_10AA7245_557A_E542_41A5_8FAE6B0FDBC2.label = Reed Johnson - Entrance panorama_10B59DC6_557A_DF4E_41B2_2C2078C15C66.label = Reed Johnson - Kitchen panorama_10B5E8C9_557A_A543_4199_0208DE52597A.label = Reed Johnson - Laundry panorama_10B574D9_557A_AD43_41D1_6AA38568FD5E.label = Reed Johnson - Lounge panorama_10B5408B_557A_65C6_41BC_1AC47A3862E3.label = Reed Johnson - Main Level panorama_10B52C00_557A_7CC2_41A8_46D10B42FBE0.label = Reed Johnson - Recreation Room panorama_10B59701_557A_6CC3_41AC_1AB39A297801.label = Reed Johnson - Reed Laundry panorama_10B6C191_5579_A7C2_41C1_3275055CBA5F.label = Reed Johnson - Reed Main level panorama_10B6CD34_5579_BCC1_419E_7CCAACCC4D82.label = Reed Johnson - Study Room panorama_43501E4C_3C87_AD40_41C9_AF6625D01880.label = Reed/Johnson Hall panorama_9ECCD6C8_0183_BEE1_416B_AB59DAED1426.label = Reinecke Fine Arts Atrium panorama_9ECC2EBD_0183_6EA3_4167_84250FA1BEC1.label = Reinecke Fine Arts Atrium panorama_9ECC1F4F_0182_AFFE_4176_36030DA77E8B.label = Renaissance Hall Print Studio panorama_9ECC7749_0183_5FE3_417D_669ACE5C9C35.label = Renaissance Hall exterior panorama_413B71EC_3C9E_B741_41BB_4FEB52C31CB4.label = Residence Dining Center panorama_9ECFE246_0185_51E1_4162_C11D1B0546E6.label = Residence Dining Center album_3BF5EE0D_40AB_713E_41C3_1E42F6768085.label = Residence Life - Cater album_C7594657_40D5_512A_41CE_D4422DF8347B.label = Residence Life - Churchill album_7F100D1F_53A6_EA2B_41C9_7FAB5775CDB5.label = Residence Life - Residence Dining Center album_7E6DB913_53AA_2A3B_41C2_DA15D5C8F149.label = Residence Life - Union Dining Center album_7F46F80B_53AA_6A2B_418F_05E655008150.label = Residence Life - West Dining Center panorama_9ECC7160_0182_B3A1_4123_8DADFAA5EE80.label = SHAC panorama_9ECB3891_0182_F163_416A_B8BC7760CA9D.label = SHAC Court panorama_14CB2EE4_5546_DD41_41D3_3047F9413743.label = Seim - Dorm Room 1 (Showroom) panorama_12C450EC_5546_6541_41C8_06C444EB7909.label = Seim - Dorm Room 2 panorama_12FB9BC0_5546_7B42_4190_A4E4AA063F28.label = Seim - East Entrance panorama_12FB770E_5546_6CDE_41AF_A868CB6BCD3C.label = Seim - Floor Lounge panorama_12FB9252_5547_A541_41CF_A16ABB6493A7.label = Seim - Kitchen panorama_12FBCD58_5547_BF41_41D3_C05FA7ED84B1.label = Seim - Laundry panorama_12FBE8AC_5547_A5C1_41D0_1BC3D68412C8.label = Seim - Meeting Room panorama_12FA041C_5547_ECC1_41C3_9929D4C401B9.label = Seim - Recreatoin Room panorama_12FA1F87_5547_FBCF_41B0_23B956B94E2E.label = Seim - Suite Foyer panorama_12FBCA43_5547_E546_41BA_18BD8CAA03A4.label = Seim - West Entrance panorama_BEC66CCA_3C9A_6D41_41A9_033CFD7FBB5B.label = Seim Hall panorama_130FC273_5579_A547_41AD_A59A31C3D596.label = Seim, Seim Hall E Rooms - 1 Seim Hall Double 1 panorama_117D1A8C_5579_A5C1_41B8_555D82F86DDB.label = Seim, Seim Hall E Rooms - E Room Foyer panorama_1173E9BD_5546_67C2_41B2_C1D0DC435008.label = Seim, Seim Hall E Rooms - Seim Hall Double 2 panorama_1175A1CB_5546_6747_41C9_BEA7A2FE85FE.label = Seim, Seim Hall E Rooms - Seim Hall E Room Double panorama_1175C97E_5546_673E_41C5_499534295894.label = Seim, Seim Hall E Rooms - Seim Hall E Room Single panorama_1173F294_5546_65C2_41D4_3973CDFE9724.label = Seim, Seim Hall E Rooms - Showroom 1 panorama_15B1A463_5546_6D47_41D3_3F806B6737D6.label = Sevrinson - Dorm Room 1 (Showroom) panorama_13666B06_5546_64C1_41CF_81C07525ECC1.label = Sevrinson - Dorm Room 2 panorama_139466AB_5549_ADC6_41A6_87CFC4A89BAF.label = Sevrinson - Entrance panorama_1395019B_5549_A7C6_41C2_B802175140FB.label = Sevrinson - Floor Lounge panorama_13944D49_5549_DF42_41CF_F59B27B777D1.label = Sevrinson - Laundry panorama_1394F828_5549_E4C2_419D_2820896FD79C.label = Sevrinson - Lounge panorama_1394E313_5549_E4C6_41BD_3096EE98C462.label = Sevrinson - Study Room panorama_1394EE7D_5549_DD43_41C8_1C0BD93A1B2D.label = Sevrinson - Suite Foyer panorama_4389F584_3C9B_9FC1_41C4_288C815C00A4.label = Sevrinson Hall panorama_15754BCC_5546_BB41_41C0_5B49C1F85A99.label = Sevrinson, Servrinson E Rooms - E Room Double panorama_13AE6381_5546_ABC3_41C7_59F85CD38424.label = Sevrinson, Servrinson E Rooms - E Room Single panorama_13DF2B24_5546_A4C2_41B4_C600D8F2599D.label = Sevrinson, Servrinson E Rooms - E Showroom Foyer panorama_168F7AA6_554A_65CE_41B4_E3DACEA88213.label = Stockbridge - Bathroom 1 panorama_148241D6_554A_E741_41CA_D907FECB0665.label = Stockbridge - Bathroom 2 panorama_14B18CA0_554A_FDC1_41D1_B5510AE6C7E6.label = Stockbridge - Dorm Room (Showroom) panorama_14B128DC_554A_E542_41C4_10ADBA491C18.label = Stockbridge - Entrance panorama_14B074A7_554A_ADCF_41D0_055A38CBACEF.label = Stockbridge - Gender Neutral Bathroom panorama_14B1FF7A_554A_BB46_4172_72D6129B0664.label = Stockbridge - Kitchen panorama_14B02ABF_554A_A53F_41A8_79335644D36C.label = Stockbridge - Laundry panorama_14B1D65F_554A_6D7F_41B6_41F9DACE1316.label = Stockbridge - Lounge panorama_14B00291_554A_65C2_41C2_31DC224F6F16.label = Stockbridge - Meeting Room panorama_14B19E38_554A_5CC1_41D0_2355D98A5045.label = Stockbridge - Recreation Room panorama_14B048F1_554B_A543_41A2_763B431B89DB.label = Stockbridge - Study Room panorama_C3E616B2_405F_4E58_41B1_166B286410A8.label = Stockbridge Hall album_14D46680_547A_E615_41C6_29C6A291ABC5.label = Student Life - Downtown Fargo album_152B26F9_547A_27F7_41B7_C3BA8E1ABA4E.label = Student Life - Festival Concert Hall album_10AAF5DF_547A_3A2B_419E_D6820BD72014.label = Student Life - Memorial Union album_103E4F98_5466_E635_41D0_FAB66530D73F.label = Student Life - Wellness Center panorama_9ECD8836_0185_D1A1_4161_0898A08ECC84.label = Student Life Memorial Union album_1C2600B7_546A_7A7B_41A1_BAFFE05A0332.label = Student Resources - ACE Tutoring album_10E85113_546A_5A3B_41CB_5960253E04F8.label = Student Resources - CADR album_1228D324_546E_3E1D_41CD_C158FF141194.label = Student Resources - Center for Writers album_1D528988_546E_6A15_4165_C3063C4B185E.label = Student Resources - Ceres Hall album_13AF8C4E_546A_2A2D_41C7_37DE716F5234.label = Student Resources - Counseling Center album_126839A9_546A_6A17_41CE_50F2C67B2100.label = Student Resources - Library panorama_6E3944CF_4055_5299_41C2_97AF0F3C5B8F.label = Student Support panorama_9EC4089D_018D_5163_414A_4D7C02C3F580.label = Sugihara Hall panorama_9EC3E051_018D_51E3_4159_88B255A62208.label = Sugihara Hall panorama_9EC42517_018D_B36F_4164_7E15935CB7A0.label = Sugihara Hall - Study Room panorama_18DFFEBF_554A_7D3E_419B_3DA19EA592C2.label = Thompson - Dorm Room 1 (Showroom) panorama_154DA931_554A_A4C2_41D2_1CDA17387EEE.label = Thompson - Dorm Room 2 panorama_157EE454_554A_AD42_41CC_363F9B8B57D7.label = Thompson - Entrance panorama_15719FEC_554A_DB41_41D2_0528FECF604A.label = Thompson - Floor Lounge panorama_157F1A7B_554A_E546_41BF_635E50176ADE.label = Thompson - Kitchen panorama_157F75BA_554A_EFC6_41C5_B322937290BB.label = Thompson - Laundry Room panorama_157F21A3_554A_A7C6_41BA_1413D9ED3BCF.label = Thompson - Lounge panorama_157F2C57_554A_BD4E_41D3_3563B3BCD8A9.label = Thompson - Recreation Room panorama_157ED7D8_554A_AB41_41CA_BBC11EDA0866.label = Thompson - Study Room panorama_157E036E_554A_6B41_41D0_365A329F0FAD.label = Thompson - Suite Foyer panorama_43E08B77_3C9A_EB4F_41CD_03CC28CACA81.label = Thompson Hall panorama_9ECD0B9D_0185_B763_4165_5E162599232E.label = Thundar's Den panorama_6C52724D_406F_719E_41B7_8401D1D4A807.label = Union Dining Center panorama_688839E0_554A_6742_41BA_4598A5B170A2.label = Union Dining Center panorama_19541A2C_554E_64C2_41D0_851974481216.label = University Village, 1 Bedroom - Bathroom panorama_165B9730_554E_ACC2_41B9_C29015A4F95F.label = University Village, 1 Bedroom - Bedroom panorama_164F2030_554E_E4C2_41D0_C81C199E2651.label = University Village, 1 Bedroom - 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Coming soon Label_B383F2C7_81B0_7C88_41DD_04B615FC84F7_mobile.text = Virtual tour in progress... Coming soon ### Multiline Text HTMLText_EB3BF43E_854B_3D0B_4194_AEB1E31FA553.html =
North Dakota State University is distinctive as a student-focused, land grant, research university located in Fargo, North Dakota. NDSU offers hands-on learning experiences, a vibrant local community and opportunities to get involved in clubs, athletics and more. We can’t wait to show you what you’ll experience as a student at NDSU.

And remember to explore each destination in more detail by clicking the interactive icons included throughout each location.

HTMLText_EB3BF43E_854B_3D0B_4194_AEB1E31FA553_mobile.html =
North Dakota State University is distinctive as a student-focused, land grant, research university located in Fargo, North Dakota. NDSU offers hands-on learning experiences, a vibrant local community and opportunities to get involved in clubs, athletics and more. We can’t wait to show you what you’ll experience as a student at NDSU.

And remember to explore each destination in more detail by clicking the interactive icons included throughout each location.

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HTMLText_61F3E299_7733_E4E6_41D5_46CA2D907933.html =
Building II houses classrooms for corporate and continuing education students as well as the Harris Conference Center, which offers meeting space for area businesses and organizations.
HTMLText_B220B44E_8071_FB99_41D6_CAAFA839BB0F.html =
Cato III houses a student lounge, a landscape design studio, American Sign Language interpreter education labs, general education classrooms and study spaces, and the library. Cato III also houses our College and Career Readiness programs. Students in these programs can finish high school, receive job training and work experience skills, learn English, and enhance independent living skills.
HTMLText_648524BA_7717_AC1A_41BE_3966D2DE0599.html =
Harper I has general classrooms, computer labs, and also houses departmental labs for construction management; air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration; welding technology; electrical systems technology; graphic arts and imaging technology; flexography; advertising and graphic design; and non-destructive examination. This building is also the home to the Middle College High School at Harper Campus.
HTMLText_61E4CECB_772E_BC7A_41D8_986E57B04DBE.html =
Harper IV houses classrooms and departmental labs for welding technology, construction technology, architecture technology, and electrical systems technology. Student services, general education classrooms and labs, the library, and the campus bookstore also reside in Harper IV.
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Home to many general education classes, the Zeiss Building features classrooms, laboratories, and a 100-seat auditorium.
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Levine Campus, located in South Charlotte near Matthews, offers both college credit curriculum courses and non-credit continuing education courses. Most of the curriculum classes are general education courses for students seeking transfers to four-year colleges or for students seeking two-year degrees in business administration. Levine Campus also houses state-of-the art medical labs to train certified nursing assistants and medical assistants, as well as hosts the Levine Campus Middle College for students wishing to earn an associate degree along with their high school diploma. Levine Campus features the Georgia Tucker Fine Arts Hall, a black box multipurpose performing arts theater and a state-of-the-art health careers instructional center. The campus also offers comprehensive student support services, a library, a bookstore, and food services.
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Located in the center of Central Campus, the Quad is surrounded by beautiful trees and a water feature, and offers a place to study or gather with friends between classes.

HTMLText_31DAFC05_7C27_5E9E_41B2_45C0460F79BD.html =
Merancas IV is home to the campus library, science lab, general classrooms, reading and math labs, student commons areas, student activity group lounge and offices, student study and lounge areas, and the campus bookstore. This building is also home to the Middle College High School at Merancas Campus.
HTMLText_6F2718B1_7736_A426_41DC_B4EFF87A51FE.html =
Merancas IV is home to the campus library, science lab, general classrooms, reading and math labs, student commons areas, student activity group lounge and offices, student study and lounge areas, and the campus bookstore. This building is also home to the Middle College High School at Merancas Campus.
HTMLText_328CB7D2_7C27_49BA_41B5_9ECA0F6D87D6.html =
Merancas IV is home to the campus library, science lab, general classrooms, reading and math labs, student commons areas, student activity group lounge and offices, student study and lounge areas, and the campus bookstore. This building is also home to the Middle College High School at Merancas Campus.
HTMLText_6392C29A_7712_A4E5_41D7_1BA3A12A616E.html =
North Classroom Building houses our College and Career Readiness programs. Students in these programs can finish high school, receive job training and work experience skills, learn English, and enhance independent living skills. The building features classroom and lab spaces and a 200-seat auditorium.
HTMLText_6296344A_772E_AC7A_41B9_93DC6E75A8F8.html =
Our Harris Campus, located near the Charlotte Airport, offers general education courses, baking & pastry arts, early childhood education, and corporate and continuing education classes. Harris I houses student services, classrooms, the campus library, a bookstore, and the Aspire Bakery and Bistro, a student-run cafe and coffee shop.
HTMLText_619B69D9_7732_A466_414D_B787D11111AF.html =
Our Merancas Campus is located north of Charlotte in Huntersville. The Belk Center for Justice Building is where students in our basic law enforcement training, criminal justice technology, and fire protection technology learn. This building features a courtroom, a forensics lab, a crime scene simulation facility, a fitness center, and a student lounge.
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Overcash Center houses classrooms for visual arts, drama and communication arts, a cozy recital hall, a gallery, and a world-class facility for theatre production - The Halton Theater.
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Overcash Lawn hosts many of our student clubs and activities for fun and fellowship throughout the year.
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The Advanced Technology Center houses multiple high-tech programs, including mechatronics, and electrical and mechanical engineering. Here students learn skills needed for advanced manufacturing, engineering, and other STEM careers.
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The Claytor Building houses a full suite of comprehensive student services for new and current students.
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The Hendrick Center for Automotive Technology is a high-tech instructional facility that houses the BMW ADP, Honda PACT and Subaru University automotive curriculum programs, as well as a NATEF Master, certified automotive training program. The center also is home to a GM regional training center.
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The Horticulture compound houses classrooms and a greenhouse, plus outdoor fields for design training for our horticulture technology and turfgrass management students.
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The Levine Health Sciences Building houses many of our health programs, including dental assisting and polysomnography (sleep study). The building features hospital simulation rooms, a state-of-the-art virtual anatomy classroom, and more.
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The Transport Systems Building houses our automotive systems, collision repair, diesel and heavy equipment technology programs, Carolina CAT Service Technician, as well as general education classrooms and a student lounge. In our state-of-the-art automotive labs, students get hands-on experience working with BMW, General Motors, Honda, Subaru, and Tesla vehicles. This building is also home to Calvine's Coffee.
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The campus has a beautiful setting, with ample outdoor seating for relaxing between classes, outdoor sculptures, and abundant wildlife.
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Van Every Culinary Arts Center is home to our culinary arts program, and the college’s hotel and restaurant management programs. This building includes five main kitchens, classrooms, an auditorium, dining/conference area, and much more.
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With a stunning view of Charlotte’s skyline as its backdrop, the Parr Center is a state-of-the-art facility that boasts a variety of spaces to study, collaborate, eat, and gather. The Parr Center features the Hagemeyer Library, a Student Union, a variety of student services, an art gallery, a theater with seating for 450, food services, and more.
HTMLText_6FB32E8C_7736_9CFE_4186_8BA28C95AD5C.html =
Worrell Building houses a gymnasium, fitness center, and classrooms. Student Life, Phi Theta Kappa, and Student Government Association – groups that want to connect you to the wide range of student activities and leadership opportunities available at Central Piedmont--also reside in Worrell.
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HTMLText_61F3E299_7733_E4E6_41D5_46CA2D907933_mobile.html =
Building II houses classrooms for corporate and continuing education students as well as the Harris Conference Center, which offers meeting space for area businesses and organizations.
HTMLText_B220B44E_8071_FB99_41D6_CAAFA839BB0F_mobile.html =
Cato III houses a student lounge, a landscape design studio, American Sign Language interpreter education labs, general education classrooms and study spaces, and the library. Cato III also houses our College and Career Readiness programs. Students in these programs can finish high school, receive job training and work experience skills, learn English, and enhance independent living skills.
HTMLText_648524BA_7717_AC1A_41BE_3966D2DE0599_mobile.html =
Harper I has general classrooms, computer labs, and also houses departmental labs for construction management; air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration; welding technology; electrical systems technology; graphic arts and imaging technology; flexography; advertising and graphic design; and non-destructive examination. This building is also the home to the Middle College High School at Harper Campus.
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Harper IV houses classrooms and departmental labs for welding technology, construction technology, architecture technology, and electrical systems technology. Student services, general education classrooms and labs, the library, and the campus bookstore also reside in Harper IV.
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Home to many general education classes, the Zeiss Building features classrooms, laboratories, and a 100-seat auditorium.
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Levine Campus, located in South Charlotte near Matthews, offers both college credit curriculum courses and non-credit continuing education courses. Most of the curriculum classes are general education courses for students seeking transfers to four-year colleges or for students seeking two-year degrees in business administration. Levine Campus also houses state-of-the art medical labs to train certified nursing assistants and medical assistants, as well as hosts the Levine Campus Middle College for students wishing to earn an associate degree along with their high school diploma. Levine Campus features the Georgia Tucker Fine Arts Hall, a black box multipurpose performing arts theater and a state-of-the-art health careers instructional center. The campus also offers comprehensive student support services, a library, a bookstore, and food services.
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Located in the center of Central Campus, the Quad is surrounded by beautiful trees and a water feature, and offers a place to study or gather with friends between classes.

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Merancas IV is home to the campus library, science lab, general classrooms, reading and math labs, student commons areas, student activity group lounge and offices, student study and lounge areas, and the campus bookstore. This building is also home to the Middle College High School at Merancas Campus.
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Merancas IV is home to the campus library, science lab, general classrooms, reading and math labs, student commons areas, student activity group lounge and offices, student study and lounge areas, and the campus bookstore. This building is also home to the Middle College High School at Merancas Campus.
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Merancas IV is home to the campus library, science lab, general classrooms, reading and math labs, student commons areas, student activity group lounge and offices, student study and lounge areas, and the campus bookstore. This building is also home to the Middle College High School at Merancas Campus.
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North Classroom Building houses our College and Career Readiness programs. Students in these programs can finish high school, receive job training and work experience skills, learn English, and enhance independent living skills. The building features classroom and lab spaces and a 200-seat auditorium.
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Our Harris Campus, located near the Charlotte Airport, offers general education courses, baking & pastry arts, early childhood education, and corporate and continuing education classes. Harris I houses student services, classrooms, the campus library, a bookstore, and the Aspire Bakery and Bistro, a student-run cafe and coffee shop.
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Our Merancas Campus is located north of Charlotte in Huntersville. The Belk Center for Justice Building is where students in our basic law enforcement training, criminal justice technology, and fire protection technology learn. This building features a courtroom, a forensics lab, a crime scene simulation facility, a fitness center, and a student lounge.
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Overcash Center houses classrooms for visual arts, drama and communication arts, a cozy recital hall, a gallery, and a world-class facility for theatre production - The Halton Theater.
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Overcash Lawn hosts many of our student clubs and activities for fun and fellowship throughout the year.
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The Advanced Technology Center houses multiple high-tech programs, including mechatronics, and electrical and mechanical engineering. Here students learn skills needed for advanced manufacturing, engineering, and other STEM careers.
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The Claytor Building houses a full suite of comprehensive student services for new and current students.
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The Hendrick Center for Automotive Technology is a high-tech instructional facility that houses the BMW ADP, Honda PACT and Subaru University automotive curriculum programs, as well as a NATEF Master, certified automotive training program. The center also is home to a GM regional training center.
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The Horticulture compound houses classrooms and a greenhouse, plus outdoor fields for design training for our horticulture technology and turfgrass management students.
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The Levine Health Sciences Building houses many of our health programs, including dental assisting and polysomnography (sleep study). The building features hospital simulation rooms, a state-of-the-art virtual anatomy classroom, and more.
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The Transport Systems Building houses our automotive systems, collision repair, diesel and heavy equipment technology programs, Carolina CAT Service Technician, as well as general education classrooms and a student lounge. In our state-of-the-art automotive labs, students get hands-on experience working with BMW, General Motors, Honda, Subaru, and Tesla vehicles. This building is also home to Calvine's Coffee.
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The campus has a beautiful setting, with ample outdoor seating for relaxing between classes, outdoor sculptures, and abundant wildlife.
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Van Every Culinary Arts Center is home to our culinary arts program, and the college’s hotel and restaurant management programs. This building includes five main kitchens, classrooms, an auditorium, dining/conference area, and much more.
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With a stunning view of Charlotte’s skyline as its backdrop, the Parr Center is a state-of-the-art facility that boasts a variety of spaces to study, collaborate, eat, and gather. The Parr Center features the Hagemeyer Library, a Student Union, a variety of student services, an art gallery, a theater with seating for 450, food services, and more.
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Worrell Building houses a gymnasium, fitness center, and classrooms. Student Life, Phi Theta Kappa, and Student Government Association – groups that want to connect you to the wide range of student activities and leadership opportunities available at Central Piedmont--also reside in Worrell.
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Horticulture Center

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Horticulture Center

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Levine Health Sciences Building

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Levine Health Sciences Building

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Shaw Advanced Technology Center
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Shaw Advanced Technology Center
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Van Every Culinary Arts Center

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Van Every Culinary Arts Center

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North Classroom Building

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North Classroom Building

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Overcash Center

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Overcash Center

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Overcash Lawn

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Overcash Lawn

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Parr Center

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Parr Center

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Tate Clock Tower

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Tate Clock Tower

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Worrell Building

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Worrell Building

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Zeiss Classroom Bldg

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Zeiss Classroom Bldg

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Building I

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Building I

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Building IV

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Building IV

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Building I

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Building I

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Building II

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Building II

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Hendrick Center for Automotive

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Hendrick Center for Automotive

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Building I, II and III
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Building I, II and III
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Belk Center for Justice

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Belk Center for Justice

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Claytor Building
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Claytor Building
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Merancas IV
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Merancas IV
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Merancas IV
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Merancas IV
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Merancas IV
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Merancas IV
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Transport Systems Building
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Transport Systems Building
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Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
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Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
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