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housed on the 7th floor in the Elliott School of International Affairs building. \ \ The State Room is a fixed-seat venue with the capacity to seat up to 70 people in a horseshoe-style seating arrangement. The windows showcase a picturesque view of the monuments and the National Mall. The space is equipped with microphones at each seat, dual projectors and screens, (1) control booth and (1) translation booth. \ \ Maximum Capacities: U-Shape 70 \ \ Venue Features: \ \ - Inventory of in-house furniture to accommodate registration or reception setups in the lobby \ - A fixed-seat venue with the capacity to seat up to 70 people in a horseshoe-style seating arrangement \ - Private lobby for event registration and/or reception space (entire lobby must be reserved for reception) \ - Built-in AV technology that includes microphones at each seat, computer, dual projectors and screens, a translation booth (operators and equipment contracted separately), and mounted cameras for web conferencing panorama_ED736449_89D3_D55A_41DD_18E61249FAA0.subtitle = Address: 1957 E Street NW, housed on the 7th floor in the Elliott School of International Affairs building. \ \ The State Room is a fixed-seat venue with the capacity to seat up to 70 people in a horseshoe-style seating arrangement. The windows showcase a picturesque view of the monuments and the National Mall. The space is equipped with microphones at each seat, dual projectors and screens, (1) control booth and (1) translation booth. \ \ Maximum Capacities: U-Shape 70 \ \ Venue Features: \ \ - Inventory of in-house furniture to accommodate registration or reception setups in the lobby \ - A fixed-seat venue with the capacity to seat up to 70 people in a horseshoe-style seating arrangement \ - Private lobby for event registration and/or reception space (entire lobby must be reserved for reception) \ - Built-in AV technology that includes microphones at each seat, computer, dual projectors and screens, a translation booth (operators and equipment contracted separately), and mounted cameras for web conferencing panorama_D500C7E2_DFFA_EB32_41D1_AE909BB9397C.subtitle = Address: 1957 E Street NW, housed on the 7th floor in the Elliott School of International Affairs building. \ \ The State Room is a fixed-seat venue with the capacity to seat up to 70 people in a horseshoe-style seating arrangement. The windows showcase a picturesque view of the monuments and the National Mall. The space is equipped with microphones at each seat, dual projectors and screens, (1) control booth and (1) translation booth. \ \ Maximum Capacities: U-Shape 70 \ \ Venue Features: \ \ - Inventory of in-house furniture to accommodate registration or reception setups in the lobby \ - A fixed-seat venue with the capacity to seat up to 70 people in a horseshoe-style seating arrangement \ - Private lobby for event registration and/or reception space (entire lobby must be reserved for reception) \ - Built-in AV technology that includes microphones at each seat, computer, dual projectors and screens, a translation booth (operators and equipment contracted separately), and mounted cameras for web conferencing panorama_C8C4792F_8E50_FCD6_41AD_DA3B354F878A.subtitle = Address: 805 21st Street NW, housed in the Media and Public Affairs building on the 1st floor. \ \ Jack Morton Auditorium (JMA) is a fixed seat auditorium that offers full Webcasting and TV production capability, digital sound and video recording and video conferencing. It is an ideal location for hosting panel discussions, debates, keynote speakers, and multi-media presentations. Events & Venues audio visual technicians are required to control all in-house equipment. The technical team will discuss AV needs with Event Hosts and determine the number of technicians needed to execute the event. \ \ Maximum Capacities: Theater 246 \ \ Venue Features: \ - Inventory of in-house easels and furniture to accommodate stage and registration setups \ - Outlets built into audience seating for convenient access to power \ - Access to green rooms, kitchenette with glassware for speakers/panelists on stage, and dedicated coat room for guests use or storage during events \ - Large built-in screens for projection to display PowerPoints, videos, and graphics for marketing purposes \ - Built-in cameras for recording and webcasting panorama_C89E0312_8E50_4CCE_41C4_582FEEF8FCEC.subtitle = Address: 805 21st Street NW, housed in the Media and Public Affairs building on the 1st floor. \ \ Jack Morton Auditorium (JMA) is a fixed seat auditorium that offers full Webcasting and TV production capability, digital sound and video recording and video conferencing. It is an ideal location for hosting panel discussions, debates, keynote speakers, and multi-media presentations. Events & Venues audio visual technicians are required to control all in-house equipment. The technical team will discuss AV needs with Event Hosts and determine the number of technicians needed to execute the event. \ \ Maximum Capacities: Theater 246 \ \ Venue Features: \ - Inventory of in-house easels and furniture to accommodate stage and registration setups \ - Outlets built into audience seating for convenient access to power \ - Access to green rooms, kitchenette with glassware for speakers/panelists on stage, and dedicated coat room for guests use or storage during events \ - Large built-in screens for projection to display PowerPoints, videos, and graphics for marketing purposes \ - Built-in cameras for recording and webcasting panorama_D501C1AA_DFFA_E733_41B7_1AD3E1A4A872.subtitle = Address: 805 21st Street NW, housed in the Media and Public Affairs building on the 1st floor. \ \ Jack Morton Auditorium (JMA) is a fixed seat auditorium that offers full Webcasting and TV production capability, digital sound and video recording and video conferencing. It is an ideal location for hosting panel discussions, debates, keynote speakers, and multi-media presentations. Events & Venues audio visual technicians are required to control all in-house equipment. The technical team will discuss AV needs with Event Hosts and determine the number of technicians needed to execute the event. \ \ Maximum Capacities: Theater 246 \ \ Venue Features: \ - Inventory of in-house easels and furniture to accommodate stage and registration setups \ - Outlets built into audience seating for convenient access to power \ - Access to green rooms, kitchenette with glassware for speakers/panelists on stage, and dedicated coat room for guests use or storage during events \ - Large built-in screens for projection to display PowerPoints, videos, and graphics for marketing purposes \ - Built-in cameras for recording and webcasting panorama_D501FC77_DFFB_FD12_41D0_E3BB9F649E49.subtitle = Address: The City View Room and the State Room are both housed on the 7th floor of the Elliott School of International Affairs building. \ \ Please Note: Registration tables can be setup in the main lobby, approval needed. panorama_EDEF60B9_E00A_E511_41BF_8834E057EF90.subtitle = An anchor for arts and culture at the George Washington University (GW), Lisner Auditorium hosts world class events and brings well over 100,000 visitors a year to the Foggy Bottom Campus. Revered as a National & DC Historical Landmark, Lisner Auditorium opened its doors for public performances in the fall of 1946. Named in honor of Abram Lisner, a University trustee and philanthropist, the auditorium is renowned for its vast range of performances and events. Lisner Auditorium is uniquely suited to host high profile political and celebrity speakers, iconic musical artists from home and around the world and community events for GW and the greater area. Lisner Auditorium has, and continues to, serve a prominent place in the cultural life of Washington, D.C. \ \ The Lisner Auditorium is located on the George Washington University's Foggy Bottom campus which sits in the heart of the nation’s capital, in a vibrant neighborhood bordered by the Potomac River, the Watergate complex, the White House and the State Department. Lisner Auditorium has a seating capacity of 1500, a column free interior, greenroom, 8 stage level dressing rooms, 2 chorus dressing rooms, meeting and reception space, state-of-the art production technology, and a full scene shop. Events include a taping of The Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert and special guest President Barack Obama, and performances and speaking events with notable figures such as Elvis Costello, Ben Folds, Solange, Brazilian musician Gilbert Gil, African sensation Angelique Kidjo, Toni Morrison, Hillary Clinton and Laverne Cox. panorama_F2B349EC_E2C0_4254_41D3_EEA1F9F6EBED.subtitle = An anchor for arts and culture at the George Washington University (GW), Lisner Auditorium hosts world class events and brings well over 100,000 visitors a year to the Foggy Bottom Campus. Revered as a National & DC Historical Landmark, Lisner Auditorium opened its doors for public performances in the fall of 1946. Named in honor of Abram Lisner, a University trustee and philanthropist, the auditorium is renowned for its vast range of performances and events. Lisner Auditorium is uniquely suited to host high profile political and celebrity speakers, iconic musical artists from home and around the world and community events for GW and the greater area. Lisner Auditorium has, and continues to, serve a prominent place in the cultural life of Washington, D.C. \ \ The Lisner Auditorium is located on the George Washington University's Foggy Bottom campus which sits in the heart of the nation’s capital, in a vibrant neighborhood bordered by the Potomac River, the Watergate complex, the White House and the State Department. Lisner Auditorium has a seating capacity of 1500, a column free interior, greenroom, 8 stage level dressing rooms, 2 chorus dressing rooms, meeting and reception space, state-of-the art production technology, and a full scene shop. Events include a taping of The Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert and special guest President Barack Obama, and performances and speaking events with notable figures such as Elvis Costello, Ben Folds, Solange, Brazilian musician Gilbert Gil, African sensation Angelique Kidjo, Toni Morrison, Hillary Clinton and Laverne Cox. panorama_D500380B_DFFF_64F2_41D5_9451F97FD967.subtitle = An anchor for arts and culture at the George Washington University (GW), Lisner Auditorium hosts world class events and brings well over 100,000 visitors a year to the Foggy Bottom Campus. Revered as a National & DC Historical Landmark, Lisner Auditorium opened its doors for public performances in the fall of 1946. Named in honor of Abram Lisner, a University trustee and philanthropist, the auditorium is renowned for its vast range of performances and events. Lisner Auditorium is uniquely suited to host high profile political and celebrity speakers, iconic musical artists from home and around the world and community events for GW and the greater area. Lisner Auditorium has, and continues to, serve a prominent place in the cultural life of Washington, D.C. \ \ The Lisner Auditorium is located on the George Washington University's Foggy Bottom campus which sits in the heart of the nation’s capital, in a vibrant neighborhood bordered by the Potomac River, the Watergate complex, the White House and the State Department. Lisner Auditorium has a seating capacity of 1500, a column free interior, greenroom, 8 stage level dressing rooms, 2 chorus dressing rooms, meeting and reception space, state-of-the art production technology, and a full scene shop. Events include a taping of The Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert and special guest President Barack Obama, and performances and speaking events with notable figures such as Elvis Costello, Ben Folds, Solange, Brazilian musician Gilbert Gil, African sensation Angelique Kidjo, Toni Morrison, Hillary Clinton and Laverne Cox. panorama_D5002110_DFFF_24EF_41E1_395DE7E56EFA.subtitle = An anchor for arts and culture at the George Washington University (GW), Lisner Auditorium hosts world class events and brings well over 100,000 visitors a year to the Foggy Bottom Campus. Revered as a National & DC Historical Landmark, Lisner Auditorium opened its doors for public performances in the fall of 1946. Named in honor of Abram Lisner, a University trustee and philanthropist, the auditorium is renowned for its vast range of performances and events. Lisner Auditorium is uniquely suited to host high profile political and celebrity speakers, iconic musical artists from home and around the world and community events for GW and the greater area. Lisner Auditorium has, and continues to, serve a prominent place in the cultural life of Washington, D.C. \ \ The Lisner Auditorium is located on the George Washington University's Foggy Bottom campus which sits in the heart of the nation’s capital, in a vibrant neighborhood bordered by the Potomac River, the Watergate complex, the White House and the State Department. Lisner Auditorium has a seating capacity of 1500, a column free interior, greenroom, 8 stage level dressing rooms, 2 chorus dressing rooms, meeting and reception space, state-of-the art production technology, and a full scene shop. Events include a taping of The Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert and special guest President Barack Obama, and performances and speaking events with notable figures such as Elvis Costello, Ben Folds, Solange, Brazilian musician Gilbert Gil, African sensation Angelique Kidjo, Toni Morrison, Hillary Clinton and Laverne Cox. panorama_D500F549_DFFF_2F7E_41E6_6801C0663248.subtitle = An anchor for arts and culture at the George Washington University (GW), Lisner Auditorium hosts world class events and brings well over 100,000 visitors a year to the Foggy Bottom Campus. Revered as a National & DC Historical Landmark, Lisner Auditorium opened its doors for public performances in the fall of 1946. Named in honor of Abram Lisner, a University trustee and philanthropist, the auditorium is renowned for its vast range of performances and events. Lisner Auditorium is uniquely suited to host high profile political and celebrity speakers, iconic musical artists from home and around the world and community events for GW and the greater area. Lisner Auditorium has, and continues to, serve a prominent place in the cultural life of Washington, D.C. \ \ The Lisner Auditorium is located on the George Washington University's Foggy Bottom campus which sits in the heart of the nation’s capital, in a vibrant neighborhood bordered by the Potomac River, the Watergate complex, the White House and the State Department. Lisner Auditorium has a seating capacity of 1500, a column free interior, greenroom, 8 stage level dressing rooms, 2 chorus dressing rooms, meeting and reception space, state-of-the art production technology, and a full scene shop. Events include a taping of The Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert and special guest President Barack Obama, and performances and speaking events with notable figures such as Elvis Costello, Ben Folds, Solange, Brazilian musician Gilbert Gil, African sensation Angelique Kidjo, Toni Morrison, Hillary Clinton and Laverne Cox. panorama_F33B12B3_E2C0_46CD_41DD_E78083D5D7B8.subtitle = An anchor for arts and culture at the George Washington University (GW), Lisner Auditorium hosts world class events and brings well over 100,000 visitors a year to the Foggy Bottom Campus. Revered as a National & DC Historical Landmark, Lisner Auditorium opened its doors for public performances in the fall of 1946. Named in honor of Abram Lisner, a University trustee and philanthropist, the auditorium is renowned for its vast range of performances and events. Lisner Auditorium is uniquely suited to host high profile political and celebrity speakers, iconic musical artists from home and around the world and community events for GW and the greater area. Lisner Auditorium has, and continues to, serve a prominent place in the cultural life of Washington, D.C. \ \ The Lisner Auditorium is located on the George Washington University's Foggy Bottom campus which sits in the heart of the nation’s capital, in a vibrant neighborhood bordered by the Potomac River, the Watergate complex, the White House and the State Department. Lisner Auditorium has a seating capacity of 1500, a column free interior, greenroom, 8 stage level dressing rooms, 2 chorus dressing rooms, meeting and reception space, state-of-the art production technology, and a full scene shop. Events include a taping of The Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert and special guest President Barack Obama, and performances and speaking events with notable figures such as Elvis Costello, Ben Folds, Solange, Brazilian musician Gilbert Gil, African sensation Angelique Kidjo, Toni Morrison, Hillary Clinton and Laverne Cox. panorama_C7427320_D73E_B8B6_41DF_D1D07E844A1F.subtitle = An anchor for arts and culture at the George Washington University (GW), Lisner Auditorium hosts world class events and brings well over 100,000 visitors a year to the Foggy Bottom Campus. Revered as a National & DC Historical Landmark, Lisner Auditorium opened its doors for public performances in the fall of 1946. Named in honor of Abram Lisner, a University trustee and philanthropist, the auditorium is renowned for its vast range of performances and events. Lisner Auditorium is uniquely suited to host high profile political and celebrity speakers, iconic musical artists from home and around the world and community events for GW and the greater area. Lisner Auditorium has, and continues to, serve a prominent place in the cultural life of Washington, D.C. \ \ The Lisner Auditorium is located on the George Washington University's Foggy Bottom campus which sits in the heart of the nation’s capital, in a vibrant neighborhood bordered by the Potomac River, the Watergate complex, the White House and the State Department. Lisner Auditorium has a seating capacity of 1500, a column free interior, greenroom, 8 stage level dressing rooms, 2 chorus dressing rooms, meeting and reception space, state-of-the art production technology, and a full scene shop. Events include a taping of The Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert and special guest President Barack Obama, and performances and speaking events with notable figures such as Elvis Costello, Ben Folds, Solange, Brazilian musician Gilbert Gil, African sensation Angelique Kidjo, Toni Morrison, Hillary Clinton and Laverne Cox. panorama_D50307AD_DFF5_6B36_41EB_6EC849CAF382.subtitle = Catering kitchen set up with preparation tables, a sink, and a double door fridge. panorama_98693DC4_8C52_3583_41AA_3B103A525E0F.subtitle = Events & Venues designs, produces and manages events on GWU’s Foggy Bottom Campus. We provide services to a broad spectrum of clients both internal and external of the GWU community.  Our record of excellence, support and cooperation is one that we are proud of. panorama_CF55B095_8ECF_CDCA_41CE_BBFDBB080965.subtitle = Housed in the Media and Public Affairs building on the 2nd floor, The Art Gallery Lobby is an event space that can be booked in conjunction with the Jack Morton Auditorium to accommodate food and beverage needs for private reception style events. \ \ Maximum Capacities: Theater 36, Seated Banquet 60, Standing Reception 100 \ \ Venue Features: \ - Inventory of in-house easels and furniture to accommodate small banquet and reception setups. \ - Dedicated coat rack for guests’ items \ - Easy access to loading dock for catering load in/out \ - Built-in house audio \ - Portable 55” screens for visual presentation needs panorama_D5006590_DFFD_6FEF_41E9_49BFA2642F5A.subtitle = Housed in the Media and Public Affairs building on the 2nd floor, The Art Gallery Lobby is an event space that can be booked in conjunction with the Jack Morton Auditorium to accommodate food and beverage needs for private reception style events. \ \ Maximum Capacities: Theater 36, Seated Banquet 60, Standing Reception 100 \ \ Venue Features: \ - Inventory of in-house easels and furniture to accommodate small banquet and reception setups. \ - Dedicated coat rack for guests’ items \ - Easy access to loading dock for catering load in/out \ - Built-in house audio \ - Portable 55” screens for visual presentation needs panorama_D5005ACD_DFFD_2571_41E9_6BEAA66CDC3D.subtitle = Housed in the Media and Public Affairs building on the 2nd floor, The Art Gallery Lobby is an event space that can be booked in conjunction with the Jack Morton Auditorium to accommodate food and beverage needs for private reception style events. \ \ Maximum Capacities: Theater 36, Seated Banquet 60, Standing Reception 100 \ \ Venue Features: \ - Inventory of in-house easels and furniture to accommodate small banquet and reception setups. \ - Dedicated coat rack for guests’ items \ - Easy access to loading dock for catering load in/out \ - Built-in house audio \ - Portable 55” screens for visual presentation needs panorama_D5002F38_DFFD_1B1F_41B6_F11452C0E14F.subtitle = Housed in the Media and Public Affairs building on the 2nd floor, The Art Gallery Lobby is an event space that can be booked in conjunction with the Jack Morton Auditorium to accommodate food and beverage needs for private reception style events. \ \ Maximum Capacities: Theater 36, Seated Banquet 60, Standing Reception 100 \ \ Venue Features: \ - Inventory of in-house easels and furniture to accommodate small banquet and reception setups. \ - Dedicated coat rack for guests’ items \ - Easy access to loading dock for catering load in/out \ - Built-in house audio \ - Portable 55” screens for visual presentation needs panorama_D5010F16_DFFB_1B12_4195_981C211D20D0.subtitle = Lobby space is included when booking The City View Room and/or The State Room. Both venues are located directly across the lobby from each other, however, if there or two separate events happening at the same time, the lobby must be split between both parties. The lobby is primarily used for registration or small receptions. Both venues must be reserved for exclusive use of the full lobby. Lounge furniture in the lobby is set and cannot be moved to accommodate. Both venues can be booked together for a potential breakout room option if additional spaces is required to spread attendees out. Events & Venues does not offer any classrooms or breakout rooms in any of our venues. \ panorama_C58E4F40_8EF0_334A_41CC_4DE6A528B4FB.subtitle = Located on H Street, the loading dock is available for use during events. Vehicles must be moved immediately after unloading. panorama_D5078EC2_DFFD_7D73_41A5_B15E106DBB0B.subtitle = Please Note: No elevator access to this level. panorama_CB9BA804_DB72_9031_41D1_0B6BB8A6547D.subtitle = Please Note: No elevator access to this level. panorama_D5079326_DFFD_2B32_41D5_E1090C24D370.subtitle = Please Note: No elevator access to this level. panorama_D50168CA_DFFB_2573_41DD_4CE4C6291791.subtitle = Please Note: No elevator access to this level. panorama_D5015B1C_DFFB_7B16_41D9_09638013158D.subtitle = Please Note: Registration tables can be set up in the main lobby entrance of the Elliott School of International Affairs building, approval needed.  panorama_D5013780_DFFB_2BEE_41DE_18CEC54E18B7.subtitle = Please Note: Registration tables can be set up in the main lobby entrance of the Elliott School of International Affairs building, approval needed.  panorama_D5001CC3_DFFB_1D71_41D4_974B902EA781.subtitle = The 1st Floor Lobby has two main entrances (21st / H st) to access the Jack Morton Auditorium and also provides access to the backstage Green Room and Dressing Room. panorama_D5019267_DFFB_E532_41E9_35520D5B700E.subtitle = The 1st Floor Lobby has two main entrances (21st / H st) to access the Jack Morton Auditorium and also provides access to the backstage Green Room and Dressing Room. panorama_D500F7A3_DFFB_2B32_41DE_349C4662EF24.subtitle = The 1st Floor Lobby has two main entrances (21st / H st) to access the Jack Morton Auditorium and also provides access to the backstage Green Room and Dressing Room. panorama_016B7AAF_5279_5B5A_41AE_B69A5DAE11EB.subtitle = The 1st Floor Lobby has two main entrances (21st / H st) to access the Jack Morton Auditorium and also provides access to the backstage Green Room and Dressing Room. panorama_0A02706E_5279_A7DA_41D1_991B3BF8BF22.subtitle = The 1st Floor Lobby has two main entrances (21st / H st) to access the Jack Morton Auditorium and also provides access to the backstage Green Room and Dressing Room. panorama_D503016B_DFF5_2732_41DC_A40D3D23F865.subtitle = The City View Room features sweeping views of the top landmarks in the nation’s capital. Its private lobby is used for registration or receptions; entire lobby must be reserved. Furniture in the lobby is set and cannot be moved or accommodated. panorama_D5030C7E_DFF5_1D12_415C_106ADD3E5BB8.subtitle = The City View Room is located on the 7th floor and feature sweeping views of the nation's capitol's landmarks. Perfect for executive meetings, receptions, social events and other special occasions, our event facilities provide an exceptional backdrop for your ideal event. \ \ The City View Room is a 47 feet by 48 feet customizable space that can hold up to 200 people based on your event needs. panorama_D5019F60_DFFD_3B2E_41D2_161643339977.subtitle = The Dressing Room houses (3) seated vanity positions and can be used for a staff holding area. panorama_D500387A_DFFD_2512_41AD_B4293776CF4A.subtitle = The Green room can seat up to (6) speakers while they wait to present on the Jack Morton Stage. Presenters can view the stage through an in room monitor. panorama_D500C743_DFFB_2B71_41E0_8571E743DF85.subtitle = The Lower Level Lobby houses the main restrooms for the space. Flexible space for merchandise, information, or concession set ups. Bar option if requesting beverage service. \ \ Please Note: No elevator access to this level. panorama_D50090DF_DFFB_2511_41C9_C506B1683EA1.subtitle = The Lower Level Lobby houses the main restrooms for the space. Flexible space for merchandise, information, or concession set ups. Bar option if requesting beverage service. \ \ Please Note: No elevator access to this level. panorama_D5009B06_DFFA_E4F3_41E0_351F0E62A567.subtitle = The Lower Level Lobby houses the main restrooms for the space. Flexible space for merchandise, information, or concession set ups. Bar option if requesting beverage service. \ \ Please Note: No elevator access to this level. panorama_E27B90D4_C81F_8252_41E4_DF868D4D3F00.subtitle = The Lower Level Lobby houses the main restrooms for the space. Flexible space for merchandise, information, or concession set ups. Bar option if requesting beverage service. \ \ Please Note: No elevator access to this level. panorama_D503D8C5_DFFF_2576_41D6_5C6FE91EA4E0.subtitle = The Lower Level Lobby may be reserved along with the Jack Morton Auditorium. \ \ Please Note: Due to University operations and classes, the Lower Level Lobby has limited availability. panorama_D503C498_DFFE_ED1F_41B6_90AEB484123D.subtitle = The Lower Level Lobby may be reserved along with the Jack Morton Auditorium. \ \ Please Note: Due to University operations and classes, the Lower Level Lobby has limited availability. panorama_D5002699_DFFF_2D11_41E8_76F797C8AFDE.subtitle = The Lower Level Lobby may be reserved along with the Jack Morton Auditorium. \ \ Please Note: Due to University operations and classes, the Lower Level Lobby has limited availability. panorama_D501ABB0_DFFD_7B2E_41EB_A6651CC8CD84.subtitle = The backstage area houses (1) Dressing room, (1) Green room, and a Kitchenette which is the perfect setup for speaker ready rooms and private interviews. panorama_D500E320_DFFD_EB2E_41CA_08159DA0701D.subtitle = The backstage area houses (1) Dressing room, (1) Green room, and a Kitchenette which is the perfect setup for speaker ready rooms and private interviews. panorama_D5031415_DFF5_ED11_41E5_F854F07877DA.subtitle = The balcony is included with the rental of the City View Room, no access from the State Room. Set up with tables and chairs, this is a great space for receptions, weather permitting, to enjoy the view of the National Monuments. panorama_D5030786_DFF5_EBF2_41E9_52B7945C9486.subtitle = The balcony is included with the rental of the City View Room, no access from the State Room. Set up with tables and chairs, this is a great space for receptions, weather permitting, to enjoy the view of the National Monuments. panorama_D50310EE_DFF5_2532_41D1_2B625CA8E7F4.subtitle = The balcony is included with the rental of the City View Room, no access from the State Room. Set up with tables and chairs, this is a great space for receptions, weather permitting, to enjoy the view of the National Monuments. panorama_0177D5AE_5279_695B_41CF_CBAE4770A67E.subtitle = The loading dock is available for use during events. Vehicles must be moved immediately after unloading. panorama_C59B0BCF_8630_5356_41C8_456BD1403801.subtitle = The loading dock, at stage level and tractor-trailer height, is perpendicular and adjacent to the stage, accessible via H Street. The loading dock door is 11’ wide x 23’ high and opens immediately onto the stage. The backstage access door is located on the H Street side of the building. A parking pass must be issued by the Venue Manager and displayed in vehicle. Space is limited to (4) vehicles. panorama_D5005A7A_DFFE_E513_41D3_40AEC21F10DD.subtitle = The main green room is connected to 8 individual dressing rooms and 4 individual bathrooms (2 of which contain showers). The green room features a stage preview monitor, mini fridge, and paging speaker. panorama_6042844A_51CE_AFDA_41D0_FE4E4F426FBE.subtitle = The main lobby features (2) coat checks, (2) ADA accessible restrooms, (1) conference room, and a flexible space for merchandise, information, or concession set ups. Removable bar option if requesting beverage service. panorama_A0753071_8630_4D4A_41D4_055A1D371F94.subtitle = The main lobby features (2) coat checks, (2) ADA accessible restrooms, (1) conference room, and a flexible space for merchandise, information, or concession set ups. Removable bar option if requesting beverage service. panorama_A089722A_8633_CCDE_41D7_77CCF560EEE8.subtitle = The main lobby features (2) coat checks, (2) ADA accessible restrooms, (1) conference room, and a flexible space for merchandise, information, or concession set ups. Removable bar option if requesting beverage service. ### Title album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_26.label = 04132024_BhangraBlowout_LilyS-10 album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_27.label = 04132024_BhangraBlowout_LilyS-23 album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_12.label = 04192024_SMHSSecondLook_LilyS_2Z8A7922 album_AAA15C05_DBAD_9033_41E7_8D4908FD2331_1.label = 05152024_TratchenbergScholarGrad_LilyS_6M1A2936 album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_0.label = 1. GWU President Ellen M. Granberg album_1F71341C_DB75_9051_41E8_5D4643EBDC00_0.label = 1. Guests arriving in the main 1957 7th Floor Lobby album_AAA15C05_DBAD_9033_41E7_8D4908FD2331_0.label = 1. Post Event Reception album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_2.label = 1. Rajiv Shah, José Andrés, and Dana Bash speaking at the Global Food Institute Launch album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_0.label = 1. The George Washington University_ album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_12.label = 10. Max Amini Live (Standup Comedy) album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_12.label = 10. U.S. Senator Cory Booker & Frank Senso speaking to the audience at The Sesno Series album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_9.label = 10A. GWU Community gathering on the Rooftop Terrace Balcony to view the Solar Eclipse album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_10.label = 10B. GWU Community gathering on the Rooftop Terrace Balcony to view the Solar Eclipse album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_13.label = 10B. U.S. Senator Cory Booker & Frank Senso speaking to the audience at The Sesno Series album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_13.label = 11. Raas Chaos XXIII Performance album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_11.label = 11. Rooftop Terrace Balcony (Night View) album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_14.label = 11. U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal speaking at The Global Women’s Institute Celebration album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_14.label = 12. Raas Chaos XXIII Performance album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_15.label = 12. Zinhle Essamuah speaking at The Global Women’s Institute Celebration album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_16.label = 13. Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Elena La Fulana performing at The Global Women’s Institute Celebration album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_15.label = 13. Jeannie Mai Jenkins_ album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_16.label = 14. Daniel Dae Kim speaking at the White House Forum on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI) album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_17.label = 14. Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Elena La Fulana performing at The Global Women’s Institute Celebration album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_17.label = 15. Lisa Ling speaking at the White House Forum on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI) album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_18.label = 16. Rupi Kaur speaking at the White House Forum on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI) album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_13.label = 16017579473_8aaf3676ae_o album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_19.label = 17. Vice President Kamala Harris speaking at the White House Forum on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI) album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_20.label = 18. MLK Day of Service 2024 album_1F71341C_DB75_9051_41E8_5D4643EBDC00.label = 1957 7th Floor Lobby panorama_D50310EE_DFF5_2532_41D1_2B625CA8E7F4.label = 1957 E Street - 7th Floor - CVR Terrace Balcony panorama_D5030C7E_DFF5_1D12_415C_106ADD3E5BB8.label = 1957 E Street - 7th Floor - CVR Terrace Balcony Door panorama_D503016B_DFF5_2732_41DC_A40D3D23F865.label = 1957 E Street - 7th Floor - City View Room panorama_D5030786_DFF5_EBF2_41E9_52B7945C9486.label = 1957 E Street - 7th Floor - City View Room Terrace Balcony panorama_D5037A0C_DFF5_24F6_41E1_05B62087A524.label = 1957 E Street - 7th Floor - Elevator Lobby panorama_D5010F16_DFFB_1B12_4195_981C211D20D0.label = 1957 E Street - 7th Floor - Lobby panorama_D500C7E2_DFFA_EB32_41D1_AE909BB9397C.label = 1957 E Street - 7th Floor - State Room panorama_ED736449_89D3_D55A_41DD_18E61249FAA0.label = 1957 E Street - 7th Floor - State Room panorama_D501433E_DFFB_2B13_41C1_6EAAF28DAADA.label = 1957 E Street - 7th Floor - State Room Hallway panorama_D5031415_DFF5_ED11_41E5_F854F07877DA.label = 1957 E Street - 7th Floor - Terrace Rooftop Balcony panorama_D5013780_DFFB_2BEE_41DE_18CEC54E18B7.label = 1957 E Street - Main Entrance panorama_D5015B1C_DFFB_7B16_41D9_09638013158D.label = 1957 E Street - Main Lobby panorama_D501FC77_DFFB_FD12_41D0_E3BB9F649E49.label = 1957 E Street - Street View album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_21.label = 19A. The George Washington University Band, as a part of the Corcoran Music Festival album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_22.label = 19B. The George Washington University Band, as a part of the Corcoran Music Festival album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_23.label = 19C. The George Washington University Band, as a part of the Corcoran Music Festival album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_1.label = 1B. The George Washington University Orchestra, as a part of the Corcoran Music Festival (Photo by Lydia Embry) album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_2.label = 1C. The George Washington University Orchestra, as a part of the Corcoran Music Festival (Photo by Lydia Embry) album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_3.label = 2. Environmental Journalism Summit 2024 photo_A113F6B0_B942_1D4B_41C7_189763205EB7.label = 2. Jack Morton Auditorium [Full View] photo_A113F6B0_B942_1D4B_41C7_189763205EB7.label = 2. Jack Morton Auditorium [Full View] album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_4.label = 2. Jonathan Capehart & Former Senator Kamala_ album_1F71341C_DB75_9051_41E8_5D4643EBDC00_1.label = 2. Networking in the lobby album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_1.label = 2. Staff Appreciation Event album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_3.label = 2. U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice speaking at the Global Food Institute Launch album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_24.label = 20. Senator Chris Coons in conversation with Frank Sesno at GW Alliance for a Sustainable Future album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_25.label = 21. GW singers at the GW Alliance for a Sustainable Future album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_5.label = 3. Secretary of Education_ album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_2.label = 3. Staff Appreciation Event album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_4.label = 3. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken photo_103788E8_0177_F9DE_4168_4C189E1BEECA.label = 3.jpg (YES) photo_103788E8_0177_F9DE_4168_4C189E1BEECA.label = 3.jpg (YES) panorama_D50168CA_DFFB_2573_41DD_4CE4C6291791.label = 3rd Floor Choral Dressing Room: Stage Left panorama_D5078EC2_DFFD_7D73_41A5_B15E106DBB0B.label = 3rd Floor Choral Dressing Room: Stage Right album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_6.label = 4. Chelsea & Hillary R. Clinton_ album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_3.label = 4. Guests enjoying F&B album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_5.label = 4. John King, Brianna Keilar, Abby Phillip and Nia-Malika Henderson speaking at Citizen by CNN panorama_D5079326_DFFD_2B32_41D5_E1090C24D370.label = 4th Floor Choral Dressing Room: Stage Right album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_6.label = 5. Justice Stephen Breyer album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_7.label = 5. Nikki Haley discussing her book album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_4.label = 5. Photos on the Terrace Balcony photo_1090A99D_0177_7871_4139_3EC1F1AC55BC.label = 5.jpg (Special-YES) photo_1090A99D_0177_7871_4139_3EC1F1AC55BC.label = 5.jpg (Special-YES) album_4C4C5B1D_526A_1CA3_41CA_1FCD6872591A_0.label = 52809549542_ea9c55c109_o album_4C4C5B1D_526A_1CA3_41CA_1FCD6872591A_1.label = 52809556672_f1bb91c3c6_o album_4C4C5B1D_526A_1CA3_41CA_1FCD6872591A_2.label = 52810562198_fd636db9a4_o album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_18.label = 53560022366_7ac878514e_o album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_19.label = 53560023046_e6447e8c82_o album_AAA15C05_DBAD_9033_41E7_8D4908FD2331_2.label = 53560219233_7b4c9d2170_o album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_20.label = 53560353829_cc31a0fd20_o album_AAA15C05_DBAD_9033_41E7_8D4908FD2331_3.label = 53560463630_49c492e837_o album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_14.label = 53643185690_639eddc833_o album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_15.label = 53680224302_8f59be0a3b_o album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_16.label = 53680225272_b67f1bd1e3_o album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_17.label = 53681312513_8a6a65cc7a_o album_1F71341C_DB75_9051_41E8_5D4643EBDC00_2.label = 53681313093_3abb3254c8_o album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_18.label = 53681450534_8a3fc866ef_o album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_19.label = 53681543990_56d8645637_o panorama_CB9BA804_DB72_9031_41D1_0B6BB8A6547D.label = 5th Floor Choral Dressing Room: Stage Right album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_8.label = 6. Alan B. Morrison, Justice Stephen Breyer_ album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_5.label = 6. DC Mayor Muriel Bowser speaking at Atlantic 10 Press Conference album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_7.label = 6. Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder photo_1110DDEA_0177_7BD2_40F0_753827921900.label = 6.jpg (Gobo-YES) photo_1110DDEA_0177_7BD2_40F0_753827921900.label = 6.jpg (Gobo-YES) album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_6.label = 7. A-10 Commissioner Bernadette V. McGlade and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser at Atlantic 10 Press Conference album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_8.label = 7. Christiane Amanpour & Wolf Blitzer honoring CNN founder Ted Turner album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_9.label = 7. Post-event reception on stage with Justice Stephen Breyer at the GW Law Conversation Series album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_9.label = 7A. Dana Bash and Jonathan Karl discuss his book _Tired of Winning__ album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_7.label = 8. Chuck Todd & Tim Miller album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_10.label = 8. Kerry Washington discussing her memoir album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_10.label = 8. VP for Research Pamela Norris delivering welcoming remarks for Research!America album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_8.label = 9. Jose Andres speaking at the Global Food Institute Reception album_945E703C_DBD2_B050_41D0_6C3D72B2845B_11.label = 9. Steve Harvey hosting the UAE & NASA_s SpaceTalk album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_11.label = 9. Tony Goldwyn & Kerry Washington discussing her memoir_ album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_28.label = Alliance_for_a_Sustainable_Future_WLA_459A5013.CR397781 album_97755067_DBED_F0F0_41B6_BF88FD9C75EC_0.label = Backstage panorama_D5000550_DFFE_EF6E_41DF_71CC8E6566A9.label = Backstage: Left Wing panorama_D507F9EA_DFFD_2733_41EA_56ACDAC6E272.label = Backstage: Right Wing photo_22455012_5249_A74B_41D1_04353E1B01A2.label = Banner Example + text photo_22455012_5249_A74B_41D1_04353E1B01A2.label = Banner Example + text album_D5BF66E2_C804_8E76_41D8_E73878A97C96_29.label = BhangraBlowout_2024.4.13_JTVOIN_0018 (1) album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_20.label = CPS_Women_Leaders_Homeland_Security_WLA_459A1118.CR374782 album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35.label = City View Room Past Event photo_24474F7A_52B9_B9BB_41CF_6BA06DFF66A9.label = Display Booth Front photo_24474F7A_52B9_B9BB_41CF_6BA06DFF66A9.label = Display Booth Front photo_21D4F253_52B9_ABC9_41CF_3E4DF19804F1.label = Display Booth open photo_21D4F253_52B9_ABC9_41CF_3E4DF19804F1.label = Display Booth open photo_21D524C4_52B9_A8CF_41D3_EDF7ADED72E7.label = Display Front with LED Light photo_21D524C4_52B9_A8CF_41D3_EDF7ADED72E7.label = Display Front with LED Light panorama_0170BBAF_5279_5959_41C2_A9F67B09889B.label = GW University - Update (16) panorama_0177A747_527E_A9C9_41D1_5CAA2684FCB1.label = GW University - Update (17) panorama_0177F10B_527E_A959_41D0_35D401987CF9.label = GW University - Update (18) panorama_F25A9F5D_E2C0_DE75_41E0_954A612F63F4.label = GW University - Update (3) panorama_F280AFB5_E2C0_5E34_41D5_A068814F1BB9.label = GW University - Update (4) panorama_67F508B5_51C9_6749_41D2_4D51805D204D.label = GW University - Update (5) panorama_65C553DE_525E_E8FB_41C2_22FFEEFCB26D.label = GW University - Update (8) album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_6.label = GWU 11 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_11.label = GWU 17 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_12.label = GWU 18 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_13.label = GWU 19 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_14.label = GWU 20 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_15.label = GWU 21 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_16.label = GWU 22 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_17.label = GWU 23 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_18.label = GWU 24 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_19.label = GWU 25 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_20.label = GWU 26 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_21.label = GWU 27 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_22.label = GWU 28 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_23.label = GWU 29 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_24.label = GWU 30 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_1.label = GWU 4 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_2.label = GWU 5 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_3.label = GWU 6 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_4.label = GWU 7 album_AE43DC70_B946_0DCB_41DA_5A45ABBBA499_5.label = GWU 9 panorama_D386CDAF_FCD6_F4DE_41EB_E18347813055.label = H Street (Access to Western Market) panorama_65C92E50_525E_DBC7_41C4_1B2C011B8D63.label = H Street Side of Lisner Auditorium panorama_6A2A68FE_525E_F8BB_41B8_3244A0282309.label = H Street Side of Lisner Auditorium / Backstage Access album_72E0563A_526E_14E6_41C3_08619CD7CD35_21.label = IMG_2013091257662_DETL album_97755067_DBED_F0F0_41B6_BF88FD9C75EC.label = JMA - Backstage Photo photo_AE9DAE7D_B942_0DB5_418E_A64A3574DFF0.label = Jack Morton Auditorium_ Living Room Set Sample photo_AE9DAE7D_B942_0DB5_418E_A64A3574DFF0.label = Jack Morton Auditorium_ Living Room Set Sample photo_AE9DAA6D_B942_15D5_4194_DCC50E60572B.label = Jack Morton Auditorium_ Living Room Set Sample [Zoom]] photo_AE9DAA6D_B942_15D5_4194_DCC50E60572B.label = Jack Morton Auditorium_ Living Room Set Sample [Zoom]] panorama_D50307AD_DFF5_6B36_41EB_6EC849CAF382.label = Kitchen panorama_C59B0BCF_8630_5356_41C8_456BD1403801.label = Lisner Auditorium - Loading Dock panorama_D50090DF_DFFB_2511_41C9_C506B1683EA1.label = Lisner Auditorium - Lower Level Lobby panorama_D500C743_DFFB_2B71_41E0_8571E743DF85.label = Lisner Auditorium - Lower Level Lobby panorama_E27B90D4_C81F_8252_41E4_DF868D4D3F00.label = Lisner Auditorium - Lower Level Lobby - Left Stairwell View panorama_D5009B06_DFFA_E4F3_41E0_351F0E62A567.label = Lisner Auditorium - Lower Level Lobby - Right Stairwell View panorama_D500F549_DFFF_2F7E_41E6_6801C0663248.label = Lisner Auditorium - Main Entrance panorama_F33B12B3_E2C0_46CD_41DD_E78083D5D7B8.label = Lisner Auditorium House View panorama_6042844A_51CE_AFDA_41D0_FE4E4F426FBE.label = Lisner Auditorium Main Lobby panorama_A0753071_8630_4D4A_41D4_055A1D371F94.label = Lisner Auditorium Main Lobby - Left Stairwell View panorama_A089722A_8633_CCDE_41D7_77CCF560EEE8.label = Lisner Auditorium Main Lobby - Right Stairwell View panorama_EDEF60B9_E00A_E511_41BF_8834E057EF90.label = Lisner Auditorium Street View 21st Street panorama_C7427320_D73E_B8B6_41DF_D1D07E844A1F.label = Lisner Auditorium Street View 21st Street panorama_D5002110_DFFF_24EF_41E1_395DE7E56EFA.label = Lisner Auditorium Street View 21st Street panorama_D5005A7A_DFFE_E513_41D3_40AEC21F10DD.label = Lisner Backstage Access to Greenroom & Dressing Room(s) panorama_D5006EF2_DFFD_3D13_41D9_759DB0A91E1C.label = Lisner Backstage Dressing Room Lobby panorama_D500BBE2_DFFD_3B32_41D0_AEC5B7A0B6DA.label = Lisner Backstage Dressing Rooms (Left Side End of Hall) - Backstage Dressing Room 4 panorama_D507B589_DFFD_2FFE_41E5_EC0BAF741572.label = Lisner Backstage Dressing Rooms (Left Side End of Hall) - Backstage Dressing Room 8 panorama_D5079145_DFFD_E776_41E3_CCF7D7557562.label = Lisner Backstage Dressing Rooms (Left Side Mid Hall) - Backstage Dressing Rooms 6 - 7 panorama_D500983B_DFFD_6512_41E0_47341AD2F389.label = Lisner Backstage Dressing Rooms (Left Side Mid Hallway) - Backstage Dressing Rooms 2 - 3 panorama_D500945B_DFFD_6D11_41DC_743707A04BFF.label = Lisner Backstage Dressing Rooms (Left Side) - Backstage Dressing Room 1 panorama_D500CEB1_DFFD_1D2E_41D2_7782CB9E74B8.label = Lisner Backstage Dressing Rooms (Right Side) - Backstage Dressing Room 5 panorama_F2B349EC_E2C0_4254_41D3_EEA1F9F6EBED.label = Lisner: Stage View panorama_D500380B_DFFF_64F2_41D5_9451F97FD967.label = Lisner: Stage View panorama_016B7AAF_5279_5B5A_41AE_B69A5DAE11EB.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - 1st Floor Lobby (Elevator Side) panorama_0A02706E_5279_A7DA_41D1_991B3BF8BF22.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - 1st Floor Lobby (Elevator Side) / H Street Entrance panorama_D5019267_DFFB_E532_41E9_35520D5B700E.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - 1st Floor Lobby 21st Street Side (Coat Closet) panorama_D500ED70_DFFB_1F2F_41DD_3356FB1D4F6B.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - 21st Street Entrance panorama_D5006590_DFFD_6FEF_41E9_49BFA2642F5A.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - 2nd Floor - MPA: Art Gallery Lobby panorama_D5004166_DFFD_6733_41EA_C73137576377.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - 2nd Floor - MPA: Art Gallery Lobby (Control Room) panorama_D5002F38_DFFD_1B1F_41B6_F11452C0E14F.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - 2nd Floor - MPA: Art Gallery Lobby (Elevator Side) panorama_CF55B095_8ECF_CDCA_41CE_BBFDBB080965.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - 2nd Floor - MPA: Art Gallery Lobby (Stairwell Side) panorama_D5005ACD_DFFD_2571_41E9_6BEAA66CDC3D.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - 2nd Floor - MPA: Art Gallery Lobby Center View panorama_D5019F60_DFFD_3B2E_41D2_161643339977.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - Dressing Room panorama_D5004DA2_DFFD_1F32_41E0_358A668EC633.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - Green Room Entrance (Restroom) panorama_65CE04CE_525E_A8DB_41D2_4F7955CAD420.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - H Street Entrance panorama_102B5295_00F1_91CE_4130_1AE47E39868C.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - H Street View panorama_D501ABB0_DFFD_7B2E_41EB_A6651CC8CD84.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - JMA Backstage panorama_D500E320_DFFD_EB2E_41CA_08159DA0701D.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - JMA Backstage Access panorama_D500387A_DFFD_2512_41AD_B4293776CF4A.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - JMA Green Room panorama_D500A289_DFFB_65FE_41E3_6ECC0C5A468E.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - JMA Right Door Entrance panorama_C8C4792F_8E50_FCD6_41AD_DA3B354F878A.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - Jack Morton Auditorium (JMA) - JMA Rear Center View panorama_D501C1AA_DFFA_E733_41B7_1AD3E1A4A872.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - Jack Morton Auditorium (JMA) - JMA Stage View panorama_C89E0312_8E50_4CCE_41C4_582FEEF8FCEC.label = Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA) - 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Button_E4E5DD8D_B841_2E35_41E5_99B716A19DC8.label = Linder Family Commons Button_E4E5DD8D_B841_2E35_41E5_99B716A19DC8.pressedLabel = Linder Family Commons Button_F62C009C_B840_D654_41E2_8DF646235AA8.label = Lisner Auditorium Button_F62C009C_B840_D654_41E2_8DF646235AA8.pressedLabel = Lisner Auditorium Button_8A2B2C6B_BFC1_EEFC_41E1_F00959E5F92C.pressedLabel = Loading Dock Button_F08805CC_B840_FE34_41A5_95143E2622B7.pressedLabel = Loading Dock Button_F08805CC_B840_FE34_41A5_95143E2622B7.label = Loading Dock Button_8A2B2C6B_BFC1_EEFC_41E1_F00959E5F92C.label = Loading Dock Button_EAF214D4_B840_DFD4_41E7_341469ED0BE1.pressedLabel = Lobby Button_EAF214D4_B840_DFD4_41E7_341469ED0BE1.label = Lobby Button_FA84D634_B841_5A54_41DF_9CA03E12E89B.label = Lower Level Lobby Button_FA84D634_B841_5A54_41DF_9CA03E12E89B.pressedLabel = Lower Level Lobby Button_314A5A54_6A5F_BB6C_41D2_38D897D42A87.label = MPA: 1st Floor Lobby Button_314A5A54_6A5F_BB6C_41D2_38D897D42A87.pressedLabel = MPA: 1st Floor Lobby 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Coming soon...
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SCC sponsors six intercollegiate sports, baseball, fast-pitch softball, and men’s and women’s soccer, cross country and track and field.
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By implementing, supporting, and producing exceptional events, the Department of Events & Venues works to collaborate with the GW community and external partners to create meaningful and memorable experiences. We facilitate the exchange of ideas by providing professional service and support that builds affinity, community and pride for the University.
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Address: 730 21st Street, NW   
Nearest Metro: Foggy Bottom/GWU
Parking: University Student Center Garage   

Lisner Auditorium is a state-of-the-art venue that hosts world class events. Lisner Auditorium is uniquely suited to host high profile political and celebrity speakers, iconic musical artists, international entertainers, and a wide variety of community events for GW and the greater Washington D.C. area.   
Maximum Capacities: Approximately 1,400 seats

Venue Features: Lisner is a column-free interior with access to greenroom with eight (8) stage level dressing rooms, four (4) choral dressing rooms, and one (1) small conference room for staff if needed and a box office for onsite ticket sales.
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Address: 1957 E Street NW, housed on the 7th floor in the Elliott School of International Affairs building. 
Nearest Metro: Farragut West 
Parking: Elliott School Garage 

The City View Room (and terrace rooftop balcony) features sweeping views of the top landmarks in the nation’s capital. This customizable event space provides an exceptional backdrop for your ideal event.  
Dimensions: 2,256 ft2 (47 ft x 48 ft)   
Maximum Capacities: The City View Room can hold up to 200 people for a standing reception based on minimal setup. Capacities are for estimates only and will vary based on specific A/V, set-up and catering needs.  
Box: 48  
Classroom: 50  
Conference: 25  
Seated Banquet (8 people per table): 112 
Standing Reception: 200  
Theater: 150  
Venue Features:   
Built-in AV technology that includes projector, screen, computer, microphones, and mounted camera for web conferencing on back wall. Portable TV monitors can also be used for programming or to display information in the venue.   
Access to the rooftop terrace that includes tables and chairs.  
Catering kitchen included with venue rental.  
Inventory of in-house furniture to accommodate banquet, reception, panel, conference, classroom, theater, and reception setups.  
Lobby for event registration
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Address: 1957 E Street NW, housed on the 7th floor in the Elliott School of International Affairs building. 
Nearest Metro: Farragut West 
Parking: Elliott School Garage 

The City View Room (and terrace rooftop balcony) features sweeping views of the top landmarks in the nation’s capital. This customizable event space provides an exceptional backdrop for your ideal event.  
Dimensions: 2,256 ft2 (47 ft x 48 ft)   
Maximum Capacities: The City View Room can hold up to 200 people for a standing reception based on minimal setup. Capacities are for estimates only and will vary based on specific A/V, set-up and catering needs.  
Box: 48  
Classroom: 50  
Conference: 25  
Seated Banquet (8 people per table): 112 
Standing Reception: 200  
Theater: 150  
Venue Features:   
Built-in AV technology that includes projector, screen, computer, microphones, and mounted camera for web conferencing on back wall. Portable TV monitors can also be used for programming or to display information in the venue.   
Access to the rooftop terrace that includes tables and chairs.  
Catering kitchen included with venue rental.  
Inventory of in-house furniture to accommodate banquet, reception, panel, conference, classroom, theater, and reception setups.  
Lobby for event registration
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Address: 1957 E Street NW, housed on the 7th floor in the Elliott School of International Affairs building.  
Nearest Metro: Farragut West 
Parking: Elliott School Garage 

The State Room is a fixed-seat venue with the capacity to seat up to 70 people in a horseshoe-style seating arrangement. 
Maximum Capacities: U-Shape 70   
Venue Features:   
• Built-in AV technology that includes push to talk microphones at each seat, computer, dual projectors and screens, three (3) large floor monitors, a translation booth (operators and equipment contracted separately), and mounted cameras for web conferencing   
Inventory of in-house furniture to accommodate registration or reception setups in the lobby    
Lobby for event registration 
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Address: 1957 E Street NW, housed on the 7th floor in the Elliott School of International Affairs building.  
Nearest Metro: Farragut West 
Parking: Elliott School Garage 

The State Room is a fixed-seat venue with the capacity to seat up to 70 people in a horseshoe-style seating arrangement. 
Maximum Capacities: U-Shape 70   
Venue Features:   
• Built-in AV technology that includes push to talk microphones at each seat, computer, dual projectors and screens, three (3) large floor monitors, a translation booth (operators and equipment contracted separately), and mounted cameras for web conferencing   
Inventory of in-house furniture to accommodate registration or reception setups in the lobby    
Lobby for event registration 
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Address: 805 21st Street NW, housed in the Media and Public Affairs building on the 2nd floor. 
Nearest Metro: Foggy Bottom/GWU/ Farragut West 
Parking: University Student Center Garage   

MPA: Art Gallery Lobby Housed in the Media and Public Affairs building on the 2nd floor is an event space that can be booked in conjunction with the Jack Morton Auditorium to accommodate food and beverage needs for private reception style events or used as an overflow location. 
Maximum Capacities: Standing Reception 100, Seated Banquet 60 

Venue Features:
Access to service elevator from loading dock for catering load in/out  
Built-in house audio -maximum of two (2) wireless microphones  
Portable 55” screens for visual presentation needs or simulcasting 
Dedicated coat rack for guests’ items 
Inventory of in-house easels and furniture to accommodate small banquet and reception setups. 
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Address: 805 21st Street NW, housed in the Media and Public Affairs building on the 2nd floor. 
Nearest Metro: Foggy Bottom/GWU/ Farragut West 
Parking: University Student Center Garage   

MPA: Art Gallery Lobby Housed in the Media and Public Affairs building on the 2nd floor is an event space that can be booked in conjunction with the Jack Morton Auditorium to accommodate food and beverage needs for private reception style events or used as an overflow location. 
Maximum Capacities: Standing Reception 100, Seated Banquet 60 

Venue Features:
Access to service elevator from loading dock for catering load in/out  
Built-in house audio -maximum of two (2) wireless microphones  
Portable 55” screens for visual presentation needs or simulcasting 
Dedicated coat rack for guests’ items 
Inventory of in-house easels and furniture to accommodate small banquet and reception setups. 
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Address: 730 21st Street, NW   
Nearest Metro: Foggy Bottom/GWU
Parking: University Student Center Garage   

Lisner Auditorium is a state-of-the-art venue that hosts world class events. Lisner Auditorium is uniquely suited to host high profile political and celebrity speakers, iconic musical artists, international entertainers, and a wide variety of community events for GW and the greater Washington D.C. area.   
Maximum Capacities: Approximately 1,350 seats (Orchestra 450, Terrace 900) 

Venue Features: Lisner is a column-free interior with access to greenroom with eight (8) stage level dressing rooms, four (4) choral dressing rooms, and one (1) small conference room for staff if needed and a box office for onsite ticket sales.

Stage has removable pit, custom band shell and risers available. 
Front rows of orchestra seating removable for pit extension. 
31 Lineset counter weight system, with working grid height of 45’ 
Comprehensive in-house AV, Sound, Lighting and Staging equipment rental, able to service a large variety of events 
State-of-the art production technology managed by professional AV technicians 
Offers full multimedia and production capabilities, video production and webcasting available with up to six (6) cameras 
Inventory of in-house furniture to accommodate stage and lobby setups 
Convenient, accessible loading dock that can house up to 2 tractor trailers 
Note: The Orchestra Pit is normally covered and serves as a curved extended apron. Removal of the cover must be discussed with the Venues and Technical staff; additional fees will apply.
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Address: 730 21st Street, NW   
Nearest Metro: Foggy Bottom/GWU
Parking: University Student Center Garage   

Lisner Auditorium is a state-of-the-art venue that hosts world class events. Lisner Auditorium is uniquely suited to host high profile political and celebrity speakers, iconic musical artists, international entertainers, and a wide variety of community events for GW and the greater Washington D.C. area.   
Maximum Capacities: Approximately 1,350 seats (Orchestra 450, Terrace 900) 

Venue Features: Lisner is a column-free interior with access to greenroom with eight (8) stage level dressing rooms, four (4) choral dressing rooms, and one (1) small conference room for staff if needed and a box office for onsite ticket sales.

Stage has removable pit, custom band shell and risers available. 
Front rows of orchestra seating removable for pit extension. 
31 Lineset counter weight system, with working grid height of 45’ 
Comprehensive in-house AV, Sound, Lighting and Staging equipment rental, able to service a large variety of events 
State-of-the art production technology managed by professional AV technicians 
Offers full multimedia and production capabilities, video production and webcasting available with up to six (6) cameras 
Inventory of in-house furniture to accommodate stage and lobby setups 
Convenient, accessible loading dock that can house up to 2 tractor trailers 
Note: The Orchestra Pit is normally covered and serves as a curved extended apron. Removal of the cover must be discussed with the Venues and Technical staff; additional fees will apply.

Room Capacity = 2-3
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Address: 805 21st Street NW, housed in the Media and Public Affairs building on the 1st floor.  
Nearest Metro: Foggy Bottom/GWU
Parking: University Student Center Garage   

Jack Morton Auditorium (JMA) is a fixed seat auditorium that offers full multimedia and television production capabilities, digital sound, video recording and video conferencing. It is an ideal location for hosting panel discussions, debates, keynote speakers, and multi-media presentations.    
Maximum Capacities: Theater 246  

Venue Features: Events & Venues audio visual technicians are required to control all in-house equipment. The technical team will discuss AV needs with Event Hosts and determine the number of technicians needed to execute the event.

Six (6) built-in cameras for recording and webcasting. 
Large built-in screens for projection to display PowerPoints, videos, and graphics for marketing purposes. 
Access to green rooms, kitchenette with glassware for speakers/panelists on stage, and dedicated coat room for guests use or storage during events. 
Outlets built into audience seating for convenient access to power. 
Inventory of in-house easels and furniture to accommodate stage and registration setups.
Please Note: Live music that requires amplification or theatrical elements (performances/advance lighting) as part of the event will incur additional expenses and some limitations may result to protect the integrity of the AV equipment, stage and set. 
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Address: 805 21st Street NW, housed in the Media and Public Affairs building on the 1st floor.  
Nearest Metro: Foggy Bottom/GWU
Parking: University Student Center Garage   

Jack Morton Auditorium (JMA) is a fixed seat auditorium that offers full multimedia and television production capabilities, digital sound, video recording and video conferencing. It is an ideal location for hosting panel discussions, debates, keynote speakers, and multi-media presentations.    
Maximum Capacities: Theater 246  

Venue Features: Events & Venues audio visual technicians are required to control all in-house equipment. The technical team will discuss AV needs with Event Hosts and determine the number of technicians needed to execute the event.

Six (6) built-in cameras for recording and webcasting. 
Large built-in screens for projection to display PowerPoints, videos, and graphics for marketing purposes. 
Access to green rooms, kitchenette with glassware for speakers/panelists on stage, and dedicated coat room for guests use or storage during events. 
Outlets built into audience seating for convenient access to power. 
Inventory of in-house easels and furniture to accommodate stage and registration setups.
Please Note: Live music that requires amplification or theatrical elements (performances/advance lighting) as part of the event will incur additional expenses and some limitations may result to protect the integrity of the AV equipment, stage and set. 
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Address: 730 21st Street, NW   
Nearest Metro: Foggy Bottom/GWU
Parking: University Student Center Garage   

Lisner Auditorium is a state-of-the-art venue that hosts world class events. Lisner Auditorium is uniquely suited to host high profile political and celebrity speakers, iconic musical artists, international entertainers, and a wide variety of community events for GW and the greater Washington D.C. area.   
Maximum Capacities: Approximately 1,400 seats

Venue Features: Lisner is a column-free interior with access to greenroom with eight (8) stage level dressing rooms, four (4) choral dressing rooms, and one (1) small conference room for staff if needed and a box office for onsite ticket sales.
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Address: 730 21st Street, NW   
Nearest Metro: Foggy Bottom/GWU
Parking: University Student Center Garage   

Lisner Auditorium is a state-of-the-art venue that hosts world class events. Lisner Auditorium is uniquely suited to host high profile political and celebrity speakers, iconic musical artists, international entertainers, and a wide variety of community events for GW and the greater Washington D.C. area.   
Maximum Capacities: Approximately 1,350 seats (Orchestra 450, Terrace 900) 

Venue Features: Lisner is a column-free interior with access to greenroom with eight (8) stage level dressing rooms, four (4) choral dressing rooms, and one (1) small conference room for staff if needed and a box office for onsite ticket sales.

Stage has removable pit, custom band shell and risers available. 
Front rows of orchestra seating removable for pit extension. 
31 Lineset counter weight system, with working grid height of 45’ 
Comprehensive in-house AV, Sound, Lighting and Staging equipment rental, able to service a large variety of events 
State-of-the art production technology managed by professional AV technicians 
Offers full multimedia and production capabilities, video production and webcasting available with up to six (6) cameras 
Inventory of in-house furniture to accommodate stage and lobby setups 
Convenient, accessible loading dock that can house up to 2 tractor trailers 
Note: The Orchestra Pit is normally covered and serves as a curved extended apron. Removal of the cover must be discussed with the Venues and Technical staff; additional fees will apply.
HTMLText_CE6062D2_D68A_5D13_41C9_DF887EF3BF3B.html =

Address: 730 21st Street, NW   
Nearest Metro: Foggy Bottom/GWU
Parking: University Student Center Garage   

Lisner Auditorium is a state-of-the-art venue that hosts world class events. Lisner Auditorium is uniquely suited to host high profile political and celebrity speakers, iconic musical artists, international entertainers, and a wide variety of community events for GW and the greater Washington D.C. area.   
Maximum Capacities: Approximately 1,350 seats (Orchestra 450, Terrace 900) 

Venue Features: Lisner is a column-free interior with access to greenroom with eight (8) stage level dressing rooms, four (4) choral dressing rooms, and one (1) small conference room for staff if needed and a box office for onsite ticket sales.

Stage has removable pit, custom band shell and risers available. 
Front rows of orchestra seating removable for pit extension. 
31 Lineset counter weight system, with working grid height of 45’ 
Comprehensive in-house AV, Sound, Lighting and Staging equipment rental, able to service a large variety of events 
State-of-the art production technology managed by professional AV technicians 
Offers full multimedia and production capabilities, video production and webcasting available with up to six (6) cameras 
Inventory of in-house furniture to accommodate stage and lobby setups 
Convenient, accessible loading dock that can house up to 2 tractor trailers 
Note: The Orchestra Pit is normally covered and serves as a curved extended apron. Removal of the cover must be discussed with the Venues and Technical staff; additional fees will apply.

Room Capacity = 2-3
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