Educational Virtual Tours

Engaging Learning Experiences

The realm of education is constantly changing in order to keep up with our ever-evolving world. Just like education, new enrollments and admission processes need to have a new face too. We at Mass Interact believe that the overall enrollment process at educational institutes shouldn’t be dull but rather an exciting process that ignites thought and curiosity. As an educational institute are you facing any challenges in getting new students?

One of the challenges might start with your prospective students getting enrolled in their dream campus. It is possible to give them an experience of your campus with our virtual tours, which enhance the usual campus visit experience. These types of virtual college tours provide an alternative method for seeing all aspects of every campus, like housing accommodations, school clubs, etc., without physically going there.

Worried about how the authenticity compares to an in-person walking tour and a virtual tour? Our virtual college tours offer a seemingly realistic journey of what campus looks like using stunning images and interactive features. With our virtual tours, one can feel what college life looks like as they move about; this is possible through our advanced picturing technology. This kind of different approach taken during visits across campuses lightens the tasks of students as they plan for their tomorrow, hence mitigating any delays in their studies.

Can you picture a situation where simply touching a button allows one to move from dorms to libraries, cafeterias, and lecture rooms? Our virtual tours make it possible to easily explore all college facilities. These are enhanced with different kinds of media like narration, video clips from faculty introducing themselves, and interactive plans or charts to give a wholesome experience.


Interactive Virtual College Tours

We are a leading company in offering personalized interactive virtual tours for higher education schools. Our interactive virtual college tours aim to capture a user’s attention and educate them. We utilize the most advanced technology that enables individuals to roam around and even discover the smallest of details of your campus. This time, the tours go beyond just taking pictures or shooting videos; they involve people and create an illusion as if they are at the campus!

Our interactive virtual tours make schools and institutes stand out, in their own unique way amidst many competitors within the tight industry. Through creating an immersive and interesting online platform that reaches students all across the globe, diversity will not be an issue in your enrollment process. Such virtual campus tours ease geographical challenges; hence, anyone far away can have a glimpse of what you are offering at your campus.

360-Degree Campus Experience

The highest point of college virtual tours is what we refer to as our 360-degree campus experiences. We use sophisticated methods to cover all corners of a given university compound so that users can feel like they are moving inside. The virtual campus tour presents an all-encompassing view of the campus surroundings without leaving any blind spots for observers to miss out on important information about its atmosphere.

Why should one choose our 360-degree virtual tours over static images? Well, a major positive is that prospective students can actually mimic walking along beautiful paths and exploring buildings’ art designs from the outside. It helps students envision what their daily routine or path might look like if they were to attend, like going to lectures or just walking from one point of campus to another. Without being actually there, it is as present as you can be! Our virtual tours make college visits easier and very useful for students and parents when deciding on education matters whom are unable to travel and visit.

Specialized Educational Tours

As with everything, there are so many different types of colleges and universities, each having unique characteristics and needs. For this reason, we have specialized educational experiences accessible through our virtual college tours. We collaborate with these institutions closely to promote their unique selling points.

We don’t offer uniform college virtual tours. We look at students’ various preferences and likes and make customized tours they can identify with. This personalized approach guarantees that potential students receive a tour that matches their needs, and hence, such visitors gather crucial details easily while also having fun. By focusing on the strengths of individual colleges, we assist them in appealing to intellectually and emotionally successful students.

Educational Tours Case Studies

We have worked closely with multiple educational institutes to develop educational virtual tours, which have had major impacts. One of these successes involved a renowned liberal arts college looking to increase its enrollment of international students. A captivating virtual college tour displaying the lively nature of the campus environment, ancient structures being restored for future generations’ use, and employing modern technology in the learning process was created for this purpose. As a result, the college experienced a 25% increase in international applications.

For another instance, a university wished to exhibit its new sophisticated scientific equipment while offering STEM programs. Our virtual tours incorporate interactive aspects such as walking through labs, insight from professors, and reading what students had written about their college experiences to provide a well-rounded picture of each offered institution. Consequently, there was a 30% rise in the number of applications from potential STEM course students.

These prove that our virtual tours are very effective when used in the world of higher education. The major positive growth in applications clearly indicates that we add great importance to schools. We don’t just develop tours; we design educative materials that give students more choices and meaning, allowing them to choose independently without pressure during college selection.

At Mass Interact, we enhance learning so that it is accessible and interesting for all. Virtual tours go far beyond just another technological breakthrough—they serve as links uniting young students’ aspirations with reality. By offering interactive personalized experiences, we assist educational institutes, students, and parents in overcoming their college-decision challenges.

We have something different for every educational institute: virtual tours that will be useful for upgrading your marketing campaign or attempting to enroll new students in college. See what you can achieve if you take the lead and join us now towards better prospects tomorrow.





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