What is a custom virtual tour?

A custom virtual tour is a digital walk into the destination of your choice from anywhere in the world. A customized, highly engaging, and interactive tool that is designed for specific destinations, emulating their real-life characteristics and providing users with an insightful experience. Custom virtual tours are designed using 360-degree photography and high-quality videos, curated with intricate details of the place and inducted with widespread information to help users journey through the tour like they would in real life, exploring, enquiring, and engaging. 

As new additions to the digital and web experience, custom virtual tours are adding a new layer of audience engagement that was previously not imaginable or even possible. It is a dynamic and incredibly versatile outlet for businesses and institutions to welcome their audience into their world and showcase themselves.

Custom virtual tours with mass interaction

At Mass Interact, we work with you to deliver an impactful, interactive tour that gives you a cutting-edge online presence. For universities, our custom virtual tours have increasingly become one of the most reliable tools of engagement and conversation. According to internal surveys and research, 85% of students would be more likely to choose a college if it had a detailed virtual tour, with 42% of users filling out forms on their virtual tours when prompted to.

So, what goes into making our custom virtual tours impactful?

We showcase the university’s brand identity and offerings to prospective students throughout the virtual tour. The panoramic photos and virtual tours enhance your social media, digital presence, and marketing collateral by adding a new layer of interactive media and visual experience that is customized to your brand identity.

Our custom virtual tours are also VR compatible, which means they can be experienced in “standard 360-degree” and in virtual reality—a simple push of a button lets your audience switch modes. We help you create your own VR experience and share it as a link that is compatible with the most popular VR devices.

Our Campus virtual tours are powered by HTML 5 technology, ensuring that they’re completely responsive and can be viewed across platforms and operating systems– opening up access to students from all backgrounds, geographical locations and abilities.

By enabling students to experience the university in a format that is most convenient to them, you are equipping them not just with information but also with the experience of university life. While universities empower students to make the right choice for them, they can remain assured that the holistic, comprehensive, and realistic experience you’ve been able to bring them will guide them to make the choice. 

Custom virtual tours have proved to be a game changer when it comes to college admissions. At Mass Interact, we have been able to ensure universities receive a 28% average conversion to application rate, with some universities like VT also increasing their international applications by 50%. This data is a testament to the effectiveness of a well-curated custom virtual tour that boosts the university admissions process.

As a pioneer in custom virtual tours, Mass Interact continues to support reputed universities across the United States to enhance their student engagement efforts. On average, students spend 8:42 minutes on the custom virtual tours, prompting 35% of attendees to convert to in-person visits. Our hope is that through a mass interaction tour, we create an efficient and effective way for universities to connect with students throughout each phase of the higher education process. From informational tours and videos, interactive college layouts and facility narrations, to guided tours and curated information, Mass Interact helps you build a reliable and meaningful relationship with your prospective students from anywhere in the world.

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