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Nixon Library ( 600 ) HotspotMapOverlayArea_BAC61B7E_B125_1AAA_41D9_4C9FF551A68F.toolTip = Hubbard Center / L.W. 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Student Union ( 1000 ) HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BA1DDE23_8BE1_1628_41DF_BBCAD2AD2D5C.toolTip = Student Union (1000) HotspotMapOverlayArea_B9A58A7F_B367_FAAA_41DE_12444DCB042B.toolTip = Student Union - Cafe Entrance HotspotMapOverlayArea_B9A8C98C_B36D_666E_41CE_D2235016AC41.toolTip = Student Union South Entrance HotspotMapOverlayArea_BA11C79F_B13F_6A6A_41CB_52C78B26D7AE.toolTip = Study Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_95A72F6A_9CDB_F2FC_41E0_F17695A75299.toolTip = To the 1st floor HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BA32E21B_B17D_2A6A_41A3_21C48B35004D.toolTip = To the 1st floor / Butler Bookstore HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_95A5C296_9CDE_B254_41C7_1ECC3027033A.toolTip = To the 1st floor / Game Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3D5968C4_2652_ADAA_41B3_D847727CB281.toolTip = To the 1st floor / Grizzly Den HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BA52FBB5_B13D_19BE_41D1_B0524D1D2206.toolTip = To the 1st floor / Student Union HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BA315AE4_B17F_1BDD_41D6_6AAAD607340C.toolTip = To the 2nd 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Nixon Library HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_304EEB53_12CE_72E6_41AD_D54F7CA52FE0.toolTip = To the Student Services / L.W. Nixon Library HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_30534B95_12CE_7263_4187_2885B9DE36BF.toolTip = To the Student Services / L.W. Nixon Library HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_31ABDAE2_12CE_73A1_41B0_EA6BEE8E9D4C.toolTip = To the Student Services / Service Desk HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4533729A_15DA_9266_418F_CC6CBC7154DA.toolTip = To the Student Union HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_30ED3D59_12CE_76E3_41A4_FC1CC9A2CC7C.toolTip = To the Student Union HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_30FB6D79_12CE_76A3_419F_2E28169A8919.toolTip = To the Student Union HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_457364B0_15CA_B7A1_4190_6BC5DEDABA0A.toolTip = To the Student Union / Game Room / Student Life Center / Butler Bistro / Student Services HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_428C6F3F_15CD_B29F_41A8_8F56CD9783C5.toolTip = To the Student Union / Grizzly Den / Game Room / Student Life Center / Butler Bistro / Student Services HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_31C119CF_12CE_71FE_41A9_5562C12C29A7.toolTip = To the Student Union / Grizzly Den / Game Room / Student Life Center / Butler Bistro / Student Services HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_30D70D39_12CE_76A3_41A4_06D45E07D056.toolTip = To the Student Union / Kanza Room / Bookstore / Service Desk HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_30C4ED07_12CE_766F_419D_B51C0ED8F87F.toolTip = To the Student Union / Kanza Room / Bookstore / Service Desk HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_30D31D29_12CE_76A3_418E_E4F80F1F76DE.toolTip = To the Student Union / Kanza Room / Bookstore / Service Desk HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3310EF96_12CE_726E_41A1_8C8AE9E94827.toolTip = To the Student Union / Kanza Room / Bookstore / Service Desk / Game Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3333CFF9_12CE_71A3_419C_A02DF233EA80.toolTip = To the Student Union / Kanza Room / Bookstore / Service Desk / Game Room / Bistro HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_33243FD8_12CE_71E2_41AB_69D54DD84707.toolTip = To the Student Union / Kanza Room / Bookstore / Service Desk / Game Room / Bistro HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_30F6FD99_12CE_7663_416A_25832B907054.toolTip = To the Student Union / Math/Tutoring Lab HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3B84DEB3_2655_E5EE_41A1_7CE0AE7D4AC0.toolTip = To the Study Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3DA29F49_25D7_E4BA_41AC_268A23DB6A6A.toolTip = To the Study Room / Lounge HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_31294951_12CE_7EE3_417D_EB393291FEBA.toolTip = To the Study Rooms HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_313B4981_12CE_7E63_4197_191B233C386B.toolTip = To the Study Rooms / Hallway 5303-5319 / Staircase / Elevator / Study Room / Lounge HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4DDA846C_15C7_B6A2_4193_5B9FEF28CA7D.toolTip = To the hallway HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_58BEBB10_1F4B_E31F_41B2_133824C447F3.toolTip = To the hallway / Butler Bistro HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4DB25C8C_15C6_F662_41AA_B23CAF914C15.toolTip = To the hallway / L.W. Nixon Library HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_95C06524_9C56_7674_41C9_FA1569E71AD9.toolTip = To the hallway 5322 - 5359 HotspotMapOverlayArea_BACDC799_B127_6A76_41E1_61FE958770E8.toolTip = Walbourn Administration ( 900 ) HotspotMapOverlayArea_1365EF1A_0010_F210_40CB_C216639FE600.toolTip = Walbourn Administration ( 900 ) HotspotMapOverlayArea_135BDED0_0010_F210_40E0_233D68081000.toolTip = West Residence Hall ( 1100 ) HotspotMapOverlayArea_BA8F0089_B124_E656_41A8_DD074280B6A1.toolTip = West Residence Hall ( 1100 ) HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BF27129A_8BE7_2E19_41DE_6AFB21B4F144.toolTip = West Residence Hall (1100) ## Media ### Floorplan ### Image imlevel_3A37BD76_0010_D611_4120_A1F52FA6B5C0.url = media/map_15DCBC20_0010_5631_40F1_2586A792E400_en_0.png imlevel_3A364D77_0010_D61F_411A_4DD452FDB498.url = media/map_15DCBC20_0010_5631_40F1_2586A792E400_en_1.png imlevel_3A367D79_0010_D613_40FF_B714F07CC500.url = media/map_15DCBC20_0010_5631_40F1_2586A792E400_en_2.png imlevel_3A360D7A_0010_D611_4122_2F25E2689890.url = media/map_15DCBC20_0010_5631_40F1_2586A792E400_en_3.png imlevel_3A362D7B_0010_D617_4100_5AE7792139F0.url = media/map_15DCBC20_0010_5631_40F1_2586A792E400_en_4.png imlevel_3A20E81F_0010_DE0F_4104_524F11B0E570.url = media/map_42DC4529_7DDE_222F_41CD_BEDEECA11966_en_0.png imlevel_3A20B820_0010_DE31_4114_32D60F626F00.url = media/map_42DC4529_7DDE_222F_41CD_BEDEECA11966_en_1.png imlevel_3A20A821_0010_DE33_4125_A02D7A74B9F8.url = media/map_42DC4529_7DDE_222F_41CD_BEDEECA11966_en_2.png imlevel_3A271822_0010_DE31_4120_24E3E2715988.url = media/map_42DC4529_7DDE_222F_41CD_BEDEECA11966_en_3.png imlevel_3A270823_0010_DE37_4111_FE86AE4E1148.url = media/map_42DC4529_7DDE_222F_41CD_BEDEECA11966_en_4.png imlevel_3A22D74E_0010_D271_40ED_DC0FC19B9E80.url = media/map_46A69019_7DD2_E1EE_41CC_5EB8C2347FDD_en_0.png imlevel_3A22C750_0010_D211_40E2_9DDAE92EB000.url = media/map_46A69019_7DD2_E1EE_41CC_5EB8C2347FDD_en_1.png imlevel_3A22F751_0010_D213_4121_F1D7E52307CC.url = media/map_46A69019_7DD2_E1EE_41CC_5EB8C2347FDD_en_2.png imlevel_3A229752_0010_D211_4114_AF96BB47E760.url = media/map_46A69019_7DD2_E1EE_41CC_5EB8C2347FDD_en_3.png imlevel_3A228753_0010_D217_4123_9C66A01B1470.url = media/map_46A69019_7DD2_E1EE_41CC_5EB8C2347FDD_en_4.png imlevel_3A2EC65E_0010_D210_4120_ED3EE2894C58.url = media/map_86C59092_1FCE_9C67_4177_BF428DA04FC8_en_0.png imlevel_3A2EE660_0010_D230_4125_139CC77D9380.url = media/map_86C59092_1FCE_9C67_4177_BF428DA04FC8_en_1.png imlevel_3A2E8661_0010_D230_4110_AD27D90C0DF0.url = media/map_86C59092_1FCE_9C67_4177_BF428DA04FC8_en_2.png imlevel_3A2EA662_0010_D230_4115_0EA75DB45D20.url = media/map_86C59092_1FCE_9C67_4177_BF428DA04FC8_en_3.png imlevel_3A2D4663_0010_D230_411A_F028C82E2FB0.url = media/map_86C59092_1FCE_9C67_4177_BF428DA04FC8_en_4.png imlevel_3A32BC63_0010_D630_4121_7ECF1B22A430.url = media/map_F121E631_B324_AA9C_41C8_0CAF29762C27_en_0.png imlevel_3A32AC64_0010_D630_4118_14593AA485A0.url = media/map_F121E631_B324_AA9C_41C8_0CAF29762C27_en_1.png imlevel_3A315C66_0010_D630_40AB_15456CAC0800.url = media/map_F121E631_B324_AA9C_41C8_0CAF29762C27_en_2.png imlevel_3A316C67_0010_D630_411F_564888334F18.url = media/map_F121E631_B324_AA9C_41C8_0CAF29762C27_en_3.png imlevel_3A311C68_0010_D630_4104_3FF979F3C300.url = media/map_F121E631_B324_AA9C_41C8_0CAF29762C27_en_4.png ### Subtitle panorama_117E5DB0_1A32_9CE2_41B9_4C9C6EDEF6DE.subtitle = "The Reader", a welded steel sculpture by Constructivist sculptor Frank Jensen was donated to Butler by Clifford Stone. It was Stone's vision that helped get the "Art Without Walls" project off the ground. The image of "The Reader" is based on a quote by Thomas Cahill, "Whoever can read . . . possesses magic inexplicable." panorama_1169B0D2_1A33_84A6_41AF_1784805191CC.subtitle = "The Reader", a welded steel sculpture by Constructivist sculptor Frank Jensen was donated to Butler by Clifford Stone. It was Stone's vision that helped get the "Art Without Walls" project off the ground. The image of "The Reader" is based on a quote by Thomas Cahill, "Whoever can read . . . possesses magic inexplicable." panorama_117E4DFE_1A32_7C5E_41B7_52129578E435.subtitle = "The Reader", a welded steel sculpture by Constructivist sculptor Frank Jensen was donated to Butler by Clifford Stone. It was Stone's vision that helped get the "Art Without Walls" project off the ground. The image of "The Reader" is based on a quote by Thomas Cahill, "Whoever can read . . . possesses magic inexplicable." panorama_1169A0A2_1A33_84E1_4193_AAE33B2B862F.subtitle = "The Reader", a welded steel sculpture by Constructivist sculptor Frank Jensen was donated to Butler by Clifford Stone. It was Stone's vision that helped get the "Art Without Walls" project off the ground. The image of "The Reader" is based on a quote by Thomas Cahill, "Whoever can read . . . possesses magic inexplicable." panorama_1169AFA3_1A33_BCE6_41B0_14DED031CF06.subtitle = "The Reader", a welded steel sculpture by Constructivist sculptor Frank Jensen was donated to Butler by Clifford Stone. It was Stone's vision that helped get the "Art Without Walls" project off the ground. The image of "The Reader" is based on a quote by Thomas Cahill, "Whoever can read . . . possesses magic inexplicable." panorama_1722C673_1A51_8C67_41B0_51DED07E5A57.subtitle = A full-fledged fire training tower is located behind the facility that provides experience with smoke, fire, and roof rescues. Trained by professionals from the field, Butler offers hands-on hazmat, fire, and EMT programs. panorama_172538A3_1A53_84E7_41B2_85F6C09E7AA5.subtitle = A welded statue, this is the work of Butler welding student Ken Snyder. Ken designed and crafted the sculpture in 1984. It was unveiled in its current location by the Student Senate and Grizzly Ambassadors on April 29, 2001. panorama_1725284C_1A53_83A2_41B4_E15B49DDA899.subtitle = A welded statue, this is the work of Butler welding student Ken Snyder. Ken designed and crafted the sculpture in 1984. It was unveiled in its current location by the Student Senate and Grizzly Ambassadors on April 29, 2001. panorama_113A6B2C_1A56_85E2_41AF_7E7F336AB995.subtitle = Accounts Receivable can help you set up payments and guide you on managing your college tuition and fees. panorama_113ADA19_1A57_87A3_419C_7795A223AFAC.subtitle = Accounts Receivable can help you set up payments and guide you on managing your college tuition and fees. panorama_10A9B321_1A36_85E2_41B8_001FFB30A35D.subtitle = Admissions is your first stop to schedule a campus tour, have any Butler questions answered, and receive help through the application process. Once a Butler student, meet with an advisor to enroll in classes and get guidance on your degree path options. panorama_113AD73D_1A57_8DE2_4187_3E98F6A0BD33.subtitle = Admissions, Advising, Financial Aid, Registrar and Career Services are all placed in one convenient location and this is where you’ll begin your on-campus tour! panorama_113DF469_1A51_8C62_41AC_162A75B81A44.subtitle = Admissions, Advising, Financial Aid, Registrar and Career Services are all placed in one convenient location and this is where you’ll begin your on-campus tour! panorama_113AB8E0_1A57_8461_414B_4BF15B253C60.subtitle = Admissions, Advising, Financial Aid, Registrar and Career Services are all placed in one convenient location and this is where you’ll begin your on-campus tour! panorama_17251521_1A52_8DE2_4178_3D7856DCE39C.subtitle = All things Student Services are housed in the Hubbard Student Center, including Disability Services and Accounts Receivable on the main floor. The upper floor houses the L.W. Nixon Library as well as the Testing Center. panorama_17257A7A_1A52_8461_41A5_4DB9C678AEB3.subtitle = All things Student Services are housed in the Hubbard Student Center, including Disability Services and Accounts Receivable on the main floor. The upper floor houses the L.W. Nixon Library as well as the Testing Center. panorama_113933EE_1A57_847E_416B_B7CFD5CFE02A.subtitle = All things Student Services are housed in the Hubbard Student Center, including Disability Services and Accounts Receivable on the main floor. The upper floor houses the L.W. Nixon Library as well as the Testing Center. panorama_113A552A_1A57_8DE6_419C_946C92136A76.subtitle = All things Student Services are housed in the Hubbard Student Center, including Disability Services and Accounts Receivable on the main floor. The upper floor houses the L.W. Nixon Library as well as the Testing Center. panorama_113AE6D7_1A57_8CAF_41B5_79686F3D6A7E.subtitle = All things Student Services are housed in the Hubbard Student Center, including Disability Services and Accounts Receivable on the main floor. The upper floor houses the L.W. Nixon Library as well as the Testing Center. panorama_113AB4FE_1A57_8C61_41B0_4F45CF24ACBA.subtitle = All things Student Services are housed in the Hubbard Student Center, including Disability Services and Accounts Receivable on the main floor. The upper floor houses the L.W. Nixon Library as well as the Testing Center. panorama_113E16B5_1A51_8CE2_41B6_8F3F0AB44B77.subtitle = All things Student Services are housed in the Hubbard Student Center, including Disability Services and Accounts Receivable on the main floor. The upper floor houses the L.W. Nixon Library as well as the Testing Center. panorama_113E54B5_1A51_8CE3_41A8_446C031355FB.subtitle = All things Student Services are housed in the Hubbard Student Center, including Disability Services and Accounts Receivable on the main floor. The upper floor houses the L.W. Nixon Library as well as the Testing Center. panorama_113D78AF_1A51_84FF_41B8_C30B78171555.subtitle = All things Student Services are housed in the Hubbard Student Center, including Disability Services and Accounts Receivable on the main floor. The upper floor houses the L.W. Nixon Library as well as the Testing Center. panorama_113D169B_1A51_8CA6_41B1_ACDD4E29D1FD.subtitle = All things Student Services are housed in the Hubbard Student Center, including Disability Services and Accounts Receivable on the main floor. The upper floor houses the L.W. Nixon Library as well as the Testing Center. panorama_1175EF13_1A31_BDA7_41B1_3BEBA792020D.subtitle = Butler Community College is very fortunate to have a robust foundation. The Butler Foundation is more than $10 million strong and awards more than $750,000 annually in scholarships and that's in addition to what is available through the Financial Aid office. The Foundation also houses College Relations & Marketing. panorama_11688F6E_1A32_9C61_4198_102F868E0A8E.subtitle = Butler Community College operates and maintains a cable channel that reaches several communities in Butler County. This provides valuable hands-on learning opportunities for students in the Mass Communications program. Television writing, shooting, editing, voice and on-camera performance are all part of the experience. Scholarships are available. panorama_11683F3D_1A32_7DE2_41AD_CBBAA995D99B.subtitle = Butler Community College operates and maintains a cable channel that reaches several communities in Butler County. This provides valuable hands-on learning opportunities for students in the Mass Communications program. Television writing, shooting, editing, voice and on-camera performance are all part of the experience. Scholarships are available. panorama_11684067_1A31_846F_41B0_2676038802B1.subtitle = Butler Community College operates and maintains a cable channel that reaches several communities in Butler County. This provides valuable hands-on learning opportunities for students in the Mass Communications program. Television writing, shooting, editing, voice and on-camera performance are all part of the experience. Scholarships available. panorama_11687FF7_1A31_FC6E_4175_853D6634102E.subtitle = Butler Community College operates and maintains a cable channel that reaches several communities in Butler County. This provides valuable hands-on learning opportunities for students in the Mass Communications program. Television writing, shooting, editing, voice and on-camera performance are all part of the experience. Scholarships available. panorama_113FE644_1A52_8FA2_41A6_A8AFC6C3660C.subtitle = Butler has several areas dedicated to military service members and veterans. In 2017, Butler renovated one of its patios to honor veterans with funds received from a Foundation grant. This patio, renamed “Veterans Square,” was chosen as one of those projects. It is a wonderful space to reflect on and celebrate the service and sacrifice of our veterans and service members. panorama_113FD698_1A52_8CA1_41AA_E31E2E93F058.subtitle = Butler has several areas dedicated to military service members and veterans. In 2017, Butler renovated one of its patios to honor veterans with funds received from a Foundation grant. This patio, renamed “Veterans Square,” was chosen as one of those projects. It is a wonderful space to reflect on and celebrate the service and sacrifice of our veterans and service members. panorama_113F8844_1A52_83A1_4154_A3E84613110C.subtitle = Butler has several areas dedicated to military service members and veterans. In 2017, Butler renovated one of its patios to honor veterans with funds received from a Foundation grant. This patio, renamed “Veterans Square,” was chosen as one of those projects. It is a wonderful space to reflect on and celebrate the service and sacrifice of our veterans and service members. panorama_10A8F9B8_1A33_84E2_41A9_A46DCCBE6B04.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A9FCF6_1A33_9C6E_41B0_8E647E59F125.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A858ED_1A32_8462_41B3_45A60D6CFF31.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A844AE_1A37_8CFE_41AC_CAD4BEFFCD8F.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A9A346_1A36_85A1_4196_0B5B9120AEB5.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A903DE_1A32_845E_41B8_A6CDBB0897B6.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A9D43F_1A32_83DF_4191_5BCD4D5379CE.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A9050F_1A31_8DBF_41B6_AA829F04D42B.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A944EB_1A31_8C67_41B4_C28150C47A87.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A964C8_1A31_8CA2_41A7_3C3EB3F3ECF7.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A8B4CE_1A31_8CBE_41B9_234A7CAF206E.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A8D447_1A31_83AE_41A7_B64021177E65.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A833EF_1A37_847E_41B7_CDFAA18BE8C2.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10AFA598_1A36_8CA2_417F_FA308E183B36.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A7E331_1A31_85E2_41A8_03FB90FD4EEB.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A81BF7_1A33_846E_41AC_02D2C44E6B37.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A83407_1A36_83AE_41B3_26026DEE723B.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_58049064_1F47_7D07_41B5_CB8CF127254A.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10AF6470_1A36_8C62_41B9_A78D40BD4BC9.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A8B494_1A37_8CA1_41A3_C5BF1150BAC5.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10AFB499_1A36_8CA2_41AE_249E1BF67E39.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A8941D_1A37_83A3_41B4_F5488FEF7C89.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A89468_1A37_8C62_419C_0DB43978915F.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_10A8D495_1A37_8CA3_41B7_7DA455292B3E.subtitle = Butler of Andover is a 143,000 sq ft facility providing state-of-the art science and computer lab space, numerous classrooms and contemporary study spaces, as well as public spaces like the Kanza Room and the Butler Bistro, a quick stop for food, and specialty teas and coffees from Starbucks. panorama_14D99C8C_1A52_BCA1_41A5_7E0DBF76F607.subtitle = Butler offers a Diesel Technology degree and certificate and works closely with several large industry partners who are eager for graduates in this growing, in demand industry. panorama_17241F76_1A52_9C6E_4195_8F2C838E427E.subtitle = Butler offers a Diesel Technology degree and certificate and works closely with several large industry partners who are eager for graduates in this growing, in demand industry. panorama_117EBB8E_1A32_84BE_41A7_A785BE4D25FE.subtitle = Butler partners with KU Nursing to offer the Butler/KU ADN & BSN pathway. Students who choose to participate work toward both degrees at the same time without ever leaving Butler’s campus. panorama_117E6B0E_1A31_85BE_41B1_1491BE1CB706.subtitle = Butler partners with KU Nursing to offer the Butler/KU ADN & BSN pathway. Students who choose to participate work toward both degrees at the same time without ever leaving Butler’s campus. panorama_117E7B3B_1A31_85E6_41A2_CFD4162A3992.subtitle = Butler partners with KU Nursing to offer the Butler/KU ADN & BSN pathway. Students who choose to participate work toward both degrees at the same time without ever leaving Butler’s campus. panorama_1726C32C_1A57_85E2_4190_8C3AD24D3935.subtitle = Butler's Fire Science facility is located on the northern edge of El Dorado with the El Dorado Fire Department. Our faculty participate in the Kansas Emergency Medical Services Association (KEMSA), the State Board of EMS, and the Kansas Emergency Medical Technicians Association (KEMTA). \ \ Located at 2610 W. 6th Avenue, El Dorado, KS panorama_17268FC3_1A57_9CA6_41B5_2DB03E7EB1CC.subtitle = Butler's Fire Science facility is located on the northern edge of El Dorado with the El Dorado Fire Department. Our faculty participate in the Kansas Emergency Medical Services Association (KEMSA), the State Board of EMS, and the Kansas Emergency Medical Technicians Association (KEMTA). \ \ Located at 2610 W. 6th Avenue, El Dorado, KS panorama_17269C46_1A57_83A1_41AB_658B7FA4CA09.subtitle = Butler's Fire Science facility is located on the northern edge of El Dorado with the El Dorado Fire Department. Our faculty participate in the Kansas Emergency Medical Services Association (KEMSA), the State Board of EMS, and the Kansas Emergency Medical Technicians Association (KEMTA). \ \ Located at 2610 W. 6th Avenue, El Dorado, KS panorama_1726EADD_1A57_84A2_41AA_C3FF28D326AF.subtitle = Butler's Fire Science facility is located on the northern edge of El Dorado with the El Dorado Fire Department. Our faculty participate in the Kansas Emergency Medical Services Association (KEMSA), the State Board of EMS, and the Kansas Emergency Medical Technicians Association (KEMTA). \ \ Located at 2610 W. 6th Avenue, El Dorado, KS panorama_17265893_1A56_84A6_419A_3F0A5E293B3B.subtitle = Butler's Fire Science facility is located on the northern edge of El Dorado with the El Dorado Fire Department. Our faculty participate in the Kansas Emergency Medical Services Association (KEMSA), the State Board of EMS, and the Kansas Emergency Medical Technicians Association (KEMTA). \ \ Located at 2610 W. 6th Avenue, El Dorado, KS panorama_116808DC_1A2F_84A1_4197_44AFB61099A9.subtitle = Butler's science program is well known among the universtiy landscape for transferring well-prepared students in the sciences. panorama_11682A29_1A2F_87E3_4195_107E1778DF2C.subtitle = Butler's science program is well known among the universtiy landscape for transferring well-prepared students in the sciences. panorama_1169E791_1A2F_8CA2_41B2_AF3DF79CDD73.subtitle = Butler's science program is well known among the universtiy landscape for transferring well-prepared students in the sciences. panorama_11682515_1A2E_8DA3_41B6_732EB10291E5.subtitle = Butler's science students often job shadow at El Dorado's Susan B. Allen Memorial hospital, private doctor's offices or at other medical facilities. panorama_116815BC_1A2F_8CE1_419F_5E60B3E61020.subtitle = Butler's science students often job shadow at El Dorado's Susan B. Allen Memorial hospital, private doctor's offices or at other medical facilities. panorama_11681554_1A2E_8DA2_41A1_3FDF67E8125E.subtitle = Butler's science students often job shadow at El Dorado's Susan B. Allen Memorial hospital, private doctor's offices or at other medical facilities. panorama_117EDD9C_1A32_FCA2_41AF_483ACB4FD7BC.subtitle = Butler’s Nursing program has a stellar reputation across the state and region. Our nursing students consistently rank in the top five community colleges in Kansas for passing the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX) for Associate Degree in Nursing, and in the top three for Practical Nursing – that's well above our competitors. This success is attributed to our strong nursing curriculum and the dedication of our faculty. panorama_117EDC55_1A32_83A2_41B9_C8B8C6D8CA0F.subtitle = Butler’s Nursing program has a stellar reputation across the state and region. Our nursing students consistently rank in the top five community colleges in Kansas for passing the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX) for Associate Degree in Nursing, and in the top three for Practical Nursing – that's well above our competitors. This success is attributed to our strong nursing curriculum and the dedication of our faculty. panorama_117EDCFA_1A32_9C66_4190_320C94CBE430.subtitle = Butler’s Nursing program has a stellar reputation across the state and region. Our nursing students consistently rank in the top five community colleges in Kansas for passing the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX) for Associate Degree in Nursing, and in the top three for Practical Nursing – that's well above our competitors. This success is attributed to our strong nursing curriculum and the dedication of our faculty. panorama_117E5D7C_1A32_9C61_419A_6CB43145CCC4.subtitle = Butler’s Nursing program has a stellar reputation across the state and region. Our nursing students consistently rank in the top five community colleges in Kansas for passing the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX) for Associate Degree in Nursing, and in the top three for Practical Nursing – that's well above our competitors. This success is attributed to our strong nursing curriculum and the dedication of our faculty. panorama_117357EC_1A3E_8C62_41AC_274E5E365B6C.subtitle = Butler’s Science program is well known for equipping students with a solid foundation in biology, chemistry and the health sciences. Butler’s Science Program is also one of the few in Kansas which has a cadaver lab on site that aids student learning. panorama_1173475C_1A3E_8DA1_41B5_C5F058117765.subtitle = Butler’s Science program is well known for equipping students with a solid foundation in biology, chemistry and the health sciences. Butler’s Science Program is also one of the few in Kansas which has a cadaver lab on site that aids student learning. panorama_11737685_1A3E_8CA2_41B4_178D9A02ECD5.subtitle = Butler’s Science program is well known for equipping students with a solid foundation in biology, chemistry and the health sciences. Butler’s Science Program is also one of the few in Kansas which has a cadaver lab on site that aids student learning. panorama_1173489C_1A3E_84A1_41B2_96CA86B8E644.subtitle = Butler’s Science program is well known for equipping students with a solid foundation in biology, chemistry and the health sciences. Butler’s Science Program is also one of the few in Kansas which has a cadaver lab on site that aids student learning. panorama_10AFB461_1A36_8C62_41A8_D68D9BE17D08.subtitle = College Health provides all students access to free quality healthcare and offers a myriad of services from immunizations to medication refills and health screenings. Students gain access to quality healthcare on campus with their student I.D. panorama_10AFD542_1A36_8DA6_41B5_CD2AD11DAA8F.subtitle = College Health provides all students access to free quality healthcare and offers a myriad of services from immunizations to medication refills and health screenings. Students gain access to quality healthcare on campus with their student I.D. panorama_10AFD441_1A36_83A2_41A9_57A0C211A558.subtitle = College Health provides all students access to free quality healthcare and offers a myriad of services from immunizations to medication refills and health screenings. Students gain access to quality healthcare on campus with their student I.D. panorama_10AFF5C7_1A36_8CAF_41B1_3357E3143977.subtitle = College Health provides all students access to free quality healthcare and offers a myriad of services from immunizations to medication refills and health screenings. Students gain access to quality healthcare on campus with their student I.D. panorama_11736EA3_1A36_9CE6_41A8_F8E18A946ED3.subtitle = Cummins Hall is a suite-style living space for woman with a lobby, TV Lounge and laundry facility. The second floor also has a computer lounge. panorama_117345A3_1A36_8CE5_41AE_4AFF2851DDA4.subtitle = Cummins Hall is a suite-style living space for woman with a lobby, TV Lounge and laundry facility. The second floor also has a computer lounge. panorama_1168D886_1A32_84A1_41A4_295A61ABF3EF.subtitle = Cummins Hall is a suite-style living space for woman with a lobby, TV Lounge and laundry facility. The second floor also has a computer lounge. panorama_1172CADA_1A37_84A6_41A8_C8A99A558E46.subtitle = Cummins Hall is a suite-style living space for woman with a lobby, TV Lounge and laundry facility. The second floor also has a computer lounge. panorama_117278C6_1A37_84A1_41AB_28886F582DCC.subtitle = Cummins Hall is a suite-style living space for woman with a lobby, TV Lounge and laundry facility. The second floor also has a computer lounge. panorama_111B2B3A_1A53_85E6_41B8_7B13002699F9.subtitle = Designed for performers, Butler's dance and rehearsal space mirrors that of the professionals. Students who have practiced inside these walls have also found themselves performing at Disneyland and other exciting venues across the country. panorama_111899A7_1A53_84EE_417F_8842098A9128.subtitle = Designed for performers, Butler's dance and rehearsal space mirrors that of the professionals. Students who have practiced inside these walls have also found themselves performing at Disneyland and other exciting venues across the country. panorama_10A82460_1A31_8C62_4194_D6D322906D30.subtitle = Did you know Butler helps award over $18 million in financial aid each year? From filling out FAFSA and scholarship apps to applying for a student worker job, the folks in Financial Aid are everyone's wise and helpful friends. panorama_1172FDD6_1A31_FCAE_4187_496999D39F7D.subtitle = East Hall is a suite-style living space for men with a lobby, entertainment center and laundry facility. panorama_1172BE18_1A31_9FA2_41A8_81D4573F1FB8.subtitle = East Hall is a suite-style living space for men with a lobby, entertainment center and laundry facility. panorama_1172CD36_1A31_9DEE_4177_0598FEEDF53D.subtitle = East Hall is a suite-style living space for men with a lobby, entertainment center and laundry facility. panorama_11727C6E_1A31_BC7E_4184_6129EEC52682.subtitle = East Hall is a suite-style living space for men with a lobby, entertainment center and laundry facility. panorama_11728F0E_1A31_BDBE_419F_3872AEFA970A.subtitle = East Hall is a suite-style living space for men with a lobby, entertainment center and laundry facility. panorama_11727B6E_1A31_847E_41B9_50E47FB8437C.subtitle = East Hall is a suite-style living space for men with a lobby, entertainment center and laundry facility. panorama_1171CAEF_1A32_847F_41A8_B74DAD10BD63.subtitle = East Hall is a suite-style living space for men with a lobby, lounge, laundry facility and computer lab. The Office of Residence Life is located in this building as well. panorama_1171DB97_1A32_84AE_41A8_F7774EAAA612.subtitle = East Hall is a suite-style living space for men with a lobby, lounge, laundry facility and computer lab. The Office of Residence Life is located in this building as well. panorama_17253DD7_1A52_FCAE_4190_80FE244EC39E.subtitle = El Dorado has been home to Butler Community College since it was founded in 1927. El Dorado Junior College was originally housed within the town's Junior High School. Today the college is located at the southwest corner of Haverhill and Towanda. The El Dorado campus is home to Butler's athletics, performing arts, nursing program, administration, and residence halls. panorama_11685E3D_1A32_BFE2_417C_CCBA5AA0A710.subtitle = El Dorado has been home to Butler Community College since it was founded in 1927. El Dorado Junior College was originally housed within the town's Junior High School. Today the college is located at the southwest corner of Haverhill and Towanda. The El Dorado campus is home to Butler's athletics, performing arts, nursing program, administration, and residence halls. panorama_113AD06E_1A5E_8461_4198_EEED9FCE12AD.subtitle = El Dorado has been home to Butler Community College since it was founded in 1927. El Dorado Junior College was originally housed within the town's Junior High School. Today the college is located at the southwest corner of Haverhill and Towanda. The El Dorado campus is home to Butler's athletics, performing arts, nursing program, administration, and residence halls. panorama_1725E83C_1A52_83E2_41B5_7DB3446C378B.subtitle = El Dorado has been home to Butler Community College since it was founded in 1927. El Dorado Junior College was originally housed within the town's Junior High School. Today the college is located at the southwest corner of Haverhill and Towanda. The El Dorado campus is home to Butler's athletics, performing arts, nursing program, administration, and residence halls. panorama_113A4B49_1A51_85A2_41B0_88B5903C7D54.subtitle = El Dorado has been home to Butler Community College since it was founded in 1927. El Dorado Junior College was originally housed within the town's Junior High School. Today the college is located at the southwest corner of Haverhill and Towanda. The El Dorado campus is home to Butler's athletics, performing arts, nursing program, administration, and residence halls. panorama_53599F88_7DB2_1EEE_41B2_67AD642991D1.subtitle = El Dorado has been home to Butler Community College since it was founded in 1927. El Dorado Junior College was originally housed within the town's Junior High School. Today the college is located at the southwest corner of Haverhill and Towanda. The El Dorado campus is home to Butler's athletics, performing arts, nursing program, administration, and residence halls. panorama_17252A44_1A52_87A2_41B5_7F4DE5934C23.subtitle = El Dorado has been home to Butler Community College since it was founded in 1927. El Dorado Junior College was originally housed within the town's Junior High School. Today the college is located at the southwest corner of Haverhill and Towanda. The El Dorado campus is home to Butler's athletics, performing arts, nursing program, administration, and residence halls. panorama_1725C87A_1A52_8461_41AE_9BB63184A95A.subtitle = El Dorado has been home to Butler Community College since it was founded in 1927. El Dorado Junior College was originally housed within the town's Junior High School. Today the college is located at the southwest corner of Haverhill and Towanda. The El Dorado campus is home to Butler's athletics, performing arts, nursing program, administration, and residence halls. panorama_111B6CFD_1A53_BC63_41B6_65C87A97B872.subtitle = El Dorado has been home to Butler Community College since it was founded in 1927. El Dorado Junior College was originally housed within the town's Junior High School. Today the college is located at the southwest corner of Haverhill and Towanda. The El Dorado campus is home to Butler's athletics, performing arts, nursing program, administration, and residence halls. panorama_1118AB92_1A53_84A6_41B8_4F59873AC8B1.subtitle = El Dorado has been home to Butler Community College since it was founded in 1927. El Dorado Junior College was originally housed within the town's Junior High School. Today the college is located at the southwest corner of Haverhill and Towanda. The El Dorado campus is home to Butler's athletics, performing arts, nursing program, administration, and residence halls. panorama_1167ED70_1A2E_BC62_41BA_363531BBAF87.subtitle = El Dorado has been home to Butler Community College since it was founded in 1927. El Dorado Junior College was originally housed within the town's Junior High School. Today the college is located at the southwest corner of Haverhill and Towanda. The El Dorado campus is home to Butler's athletics, performing arts, nursing program, administration, and residence halls. panorama_113D8D4D_1A5E_7DA2_4198_CD4358EB048D.subtitle = El Dorado has been home to Butler Community College since it was founded in 1927. El Dorado Junior College was originally housed within the town's Junior High School. Today the college is located at the southwest corner of Haverhill and Towanda. The El Dorado campus is home to Butler's athletics, performing arts, nursing program, administration, and residence halls. panorama_113D2533_1A51_8DE6_419D_54B86A1F3A70.subtitle = El Dorado has been home to Butler Community College since it was founded in 1927. El Dorado Junior College was originally housed within the town's Junior High School. Today the college is located at the southwest corner of Haverhill and Towanda. The El Dorado campus is home to Butler's athletics, performing arts, nursing program, administration, and residence halls. panorama_11189DB3_1A53_9CE7_41A7_B5DD721C04CA.subtitle = El Dorado has been home to Butler Community College since it was founded in 1927. El Dorado Junior College was originally housed within the town's Junior High School. Today the college is located at the southwest corner of Haverhill and Towanda. The El Dorado campus is home to Butler's athletics, performing arts, nursing program, administration, and residence halls. panorama_172677AE_1A57_8CFE_41A0_AD08576A56CD.subtitle = Finished in 2012, BG Products Veterans Sports Complex is an impressive 6,000 seat, $12 million stadium that is home to the six time National Champion Butler Grizzlies football team and the nationally recognized Butler soccer and track & field teams. The stadiums three story press box has 12 luxury suites to host fans and boosters while the third floor has ample space for home and visiting media. The video board is the largest in the country at the two-year level and the fourth largest in the state of Kansas. You do not want to miss Saturday nights in the fall inside this stadium. panorama_1727B435_1A56_83E3_419C_ECE798C2EB10.subtitle = Finished in 2012, BG Products Veterans Sports Complex is an impressive 6,000 seat, $12 million stadium that is home to the six time National Champion Butler Grizzlies football team and the nationally recognized Butler soccer and track & field teams. The stadiums three story press box has 12 luxury suites to host fans and boosters while the third floor has ample space for home and visiting media. The video board is the largest in the country at the two-year level and the fourth largest in the state of Kansas. You do not want to miss Saturday nights in the fall inside this stadium. panorama_10A84451_1A31_83A2_4162_E55151B12A4D.subtitle = From filing out your application for admission to working with an advisor on your placement test, student services is your one-stop shop to get in and get enrolled! Financial aid reps are housed here to help with loans, scholarships, and grants. Stop in to set up a payment plan or pick up your official Butler transcript as well. panorama_10A80481_1A31_8CA2_419C_41AB5A0CA64A.subtitle = From filing out your application for admission to working with an advisor on your placement test, student services is your one-stop shop to get in and get enrolled! Financial aid reps are housed here to help with loans, scholarships, and grants. Stop in to set up a payment plan or pick up your official Butler transcript as well. panorama_11686A62_1A2F_8466_41A5_63CB6E828AE2.subtitle = Here is the largest classroom on campus, but Butler's average class size is only 16. You might experience one of our lab professors blowing something up in here. We take education seriously. panorama_11682430_1A2E_83E2_41B1_E877004A809F.subtitle = Here is the largest classroom on campus, but Butler's average class size is only 16. You might experience one of our lab professors blowing something up in here. We take education seriously. panorama_1168CB0E_1A2F_85BE_41B8_1507B946E9ED.subtitle = Here is the largest classroom on campus, but Butler's average class size is only 16. You might experience one of our lab professors blowing something up in here. We take education seriously. panorama_1168C360_1A2E_8462_41B9_A6912F0451C8.subtitle = Here is the largest classroom on campus, but Butler's average class size is only 16. You might experience one of our lab professors blowing something up in here. We take education seriously. panorama_11681475_1A2E_8C63_41B3_5ABE8AD221F1.subtitle = Here is the largest classroom on campus, but Butler's average class size is only 16. You might experience one of our lab professors blowing something up in here. We take education seriously. panorama_11394EC5_1A52_7CA2_41B3_2100F06DB1CA.subtitle = In welding, students learn a variety of techniques and welds. Blueprinting and metallurgy? Yeah, it’s right here. Students can earn a nine-month certificate or a two-year degree. This program is also proud of its 100% job placement rate. panorama_1139BC86_1A52_BCA1_41B8_324A22C6975B.subtitle = In welding, students learn a variety of techniques and welds. Blueprinting and metallurgy? Yeah, it’s right here. Students can earn a nine-month certificate or a two-year degree. This program is also proud of its 100% job placement rate. panorama_1139AEC8_1A52_9CA1_41AB_A8F5E0386313.subtitle = In welding, students learn a variety of techniques and welds. Blueprinting and metallurgy? Yeah, it’s right here. Students can earn a nine-month certificate or a two-year degree. This program is also proud of its 100% job placement rate. panorama_1139D5C3_1A52_8CA7_41B1_ECCDB37851BD.subtitle = In welding, students learn a variety of techniques and welds. Blueprinting and metallurgy? Yeah, it’s right here. Students can earn a nine-month certificate or a two-year degree. This program is also proud of its 100% job placement rate. panorama_1139A424_1A52_83E1_419F_3E5DDDD8D8B4.subtitle = In welding, students learn a variety of techniques and welds. Blueprinting and metallurgy? Yeah, it’s right here. Students can earn a nine-month certificate or a two-year degree. This program is also proud of its 100% job placement rate. panorama_1139FC87_1A52_9CAE_418C_FD5F5548CB52.subtitle = In welding, students learn a variety of techniques and welds. Blueprinting and metallurgy? Yeah, it’s right here. Students can earn a nine-month certificate or a two-year degree. This program is also proud of its 100% job placement rate. panorama_1727BE37_1A56_BFEF_41B5_9D79D9C97801.subtitle = It’s not uncommon for Butler Community College’s nationally award-winning livestock judging team to travel more than 30,000 miles to view more than 1,000 head of cattle and 500 head of sheep and hogs in any given year. panorama_11733160_1A3F_8462_4180_C86BDCFFBE8A.subtitle = Math isn’t everyone’s bailiwick and it’s okay! That’s why Butler offers the Math Tutoring Lab to support students who want extra help. Butler also breaks Algebra into five-week modules which helps students build a strong understanding before moving on to the next module. The Math Lab is also attached to the Gayle Krause Learning Lab, another powerful learning resource for all students. panorama_117351BF_1A3F_84DE_41B2_4325CCD24E21.subtitle = Math isn’t everyone’s bailiwick and it’s okay! That’s why Butler offers the Math Tutoring Lab to support students who want extra help. Butler also breaks Algebra into five-week modules which helps students build a strong understanding before moving on to the next module. The Math Lab is also attached to the Gayle Krause Learning Lab, another powerful learning resource for all students. panorama_113E543B_1A52_83E7_419D_F0E7417A562F.subtitle = Named in 2012, the court inside the Power Plant is named after long time team doctor and Butler supporter Dr. Larry Abraham. Dr. Abraham began as the team doctor in 1974 and worked with and healed thousands of student athletes. \ Without the work and support of Dr. Larry Abraham and his wife Judy, Butler athletics would not have seen the success they have over the years. panorama_17235563_1A52_8C66_41AB_8D15429CC542.subtitle = National Champions train here. The Hubbard Champions Training Center is the Grizzlies indoor weight room and training facility. One of the best indoor training facilities across two year colleges, the CTC has been the training center to a number of future NFL players. The facility, which opened in 2004, is a multi-functional building that allows Butler student athletes to train all year long. The building features a 4,500 square-foot weight room, a 40-yard indoor turf surface, two sprint lanes for track and field and multiple cages for baseball and softball. The Butler football team is housed inside the CTC with offices, team rooms and locker room. panorama_172302EE_1A52_847E_41B3_FC85C786727F.subtitle = National Champions train here. The Hubbard Champions Training Center is the Grizzlies indoor weight room and training facility. One of the best indoor training facilities across two year colleges, the CTC has been the training center to a number of future NFL players. The facility, which opened in 2004, is a multi-functional building that allows Butler student athletes to train all year long. The building features a 4,500 square-foot weight room, a 40-yard indoor turf surface, two sprint lanes for track and field and multiple cages for baseball and softball. The Butler football team is housed inside the CTC with offices, team rooms and locker room. panorama_1723040A_1A52_83A6_41B4_E2F3D6204F76.subtitle = National Champions train here. The Hubbard Champions Training Center is the Grizzlies indoor weight room and training facility. One of the best indoor training facilities across two year colleges, the CTC has been the training center to a number of future NFL players. The facility, which opened in 2004, is a multi-functional building that allows Butler student athletes to train all year long. The building features a 4,500 square-foot weight room, a 40-yard indoor turf surface, two sprint lanes for track and field and multiple cages for baseball and softball. The Butler football team is housed inside the CTC with offices, team rooms and locker room. panorama_17257773_1A53_8C66_41B0_4690778C01F3.subtitle = National Champions train here. The Hubbard Champions Training Center is the Grizzlies indoor weight room and training facility. One of the best indoor training facilities across two year colleges, the CTC has been the training center to a number of future NFL players. The facility, which opened in 2004, is a multi-functional building that allows Butler student athletes to train all year long. The building features a 4,500 square-foot weight room, a 40-yard indoor turf surface, two sprint lanes for track and field and multiple cages for baseball and softball. The Butler football team is housed inside the CTC with offices, team rooms and locker room. panorama_10A88084_1A32_84A2_41AF_3E1CCD6B24DB.subtitle = Need a general statement about study space – Lounge -Study Rooms \ Our glass study rooms are a contemporary space where you can get some peace and quiet to get your work done. Study rooms are accessible to all students during campus hours. Need a break? Hit the lounge and take a breather on our comfortable furniture. If you need some Vitamin D in your life, check out our open study area at the south end with huge windows for you to bask in the sun. panorama_10A76193_1A32_84A7_4176_E53A56976F5E.subtitle = Need a general statement about study space – Lounge -Study Rooms \ Our glass study rooms are a contemporary space where you can get some peace and quiet to get your work done. Study rooms are accessible to all students during campus hours. Need a break? Hit the lounge and take a breather on our comfortable furniture. If you need some Vitamin D in your life, check out our open study area at the south end with huge windows for you to bask in the sun. panorama_10A84026_1A32_83EE_41A9_A9A8ED3C9CCE.subtitle = Need a general statement about study space – Lounge -Study Rooms \ Our glass study rooms are a contemporary space where you can get some peace and quiet to get your work done. Study rooms are accessible to all students during campus hours. Need a break? Hit the lounge and take a breather on our comfortable furniture. If you need some Vitamin D in your life, check out our open study area at the south end with huge windows for you to bask in the sun. panorama_10A87F6B_1A32_BC66_41A5_4E8E4B523D83.subtitle = Need a general statement about study space – Lounge -Study Rooms \ Our glass study rooms are a contemporary space where you can get some peace and quiet to get your work done. Study rooms are accessible to all students during campus hours. Need a break? Hit the lounge and take a breather on our comfortable furniture. If you need some Vitamin D in your life, check out our open study area at the south end with huge windows for you to bask in the sun. panorama_10A8E14C_1A32_85A2_41A5_614BC3C67DA9.subtitle = Need a general statement about study space – Lounge -Study Rooms \ Our glass study rooms are a contemporary space where you can get some peace and quiet to get your work done. Study rooms are accessible to all students during campus hours. Need a break? Hit the lounge and take a breather on our comfortable furniture. If you need some Vitamin D in your life, check out our open study area at the south end with huge windows for you to bask in the sun. panorama_10A89FF0_1A32_9C61_41B4_08CE8F94D8CE.subtitle = Need a general statement about study space – Lounge -Study Rooms \ Our glass study rooms are a contemporary space where you can get some peace and quiet to get your work done. Study rooms are accessible to all students during campus hours. Need a break? Hit the lounge and take a breather on our comfortable furniture. If you need some Vitamin D in your life, check out our open study area at the south end with huge windows for you to bask in the sun. panorama_1119FFFC_1A52_9C63_41B9_D2E0E493D5A8.subtitle = Need a place to practice? These rooms are soundproof and ready for the serious performer or the casual musician regardless of your major. Jam sesh? Yes, please. panorama_111993D5_1A52_84A2_41B1_E81837B8E292.subtitle = Need a place to practice? These rooms are soundproof and ready for the serious performer or the casual musician regardless of your major. Jam sesh? Yes, please. panorama_11194212_1A52_87A6_4146_AADA73333114.subtitle = Need a place to practice? These rooms are soundproof and ready for the serious performer or the casual musician regardless of your major. Jam sesh? Yes, please. panorama_1119F0C7_1A52_84AE_41A7_9CBC0F5601F1.subtitle = Need a place to practice? These rooms are soundproof and ready for the serious performer or the casual musician regardless of your major. Jam sesh? Yes, please. panorama_10A8E47C_1A31_8C61_41B0_3ACEEBC26B0D.subtitle = Need a student ID? Come to the registrar's office. This is also home to your official Butler student records and transcripts for transferring on to other institutions. panorama_10A8F46E_1A31_8C7E_4190_E06CB01FA791.subtitle = Need a student ID? Come to the registrar's office. This is also home to your official Butler student records and transcripts for transferring on to other institutions. panorama_17227E37_1A51_9FEE_41B5_571944B9C108.subtitle = Our Fire Science program has \ recently expanded our training abilities with the addition of Live Burn Training prop. This prop is two stories with approximately 1100 square feet of training area. It allows for realistic live fire training that prepares our students for their careers as firefighters. panorama_10A782AD_1A31_84E3_41B8_1BC1C2E2D388.subtitle = Our glass study rooms are a contemporary space where you can get some peace and quiet to get your work done. Study rooms are accessible to all students during campus hours. Need a break? Hit the lounge and take a breather on our comfortable furniture. If you need some Vitamin D in your life, check out our open study area at the south end with huge windows for you to bask in the sun. panorama_10A84286_1A31_84AE_4199_7687C80A682C.subtitle = Our glass study rooms are a contemporary space where you can get some peace and quiet to get your work done. Study rooms are accessible to all students during campus hours. Need a break? Hit the lounge and take a breather on our comfortable furniture. If you need some Vitamin D in your life, check out our open study area at the south end with huge windows for you to bask in the sun. panorama_10A8423F_1A31_87DE_41B5_FE451948F1CE.subtitle = Our glass study rooms are a contemporary space where you can get some peace and quiet to get your work done. Study rooms are accessible to all students during campus hours. Need a break? Hit the lounge and take a breather on our comfortable furniture. If you need some Vitamin D in your life, check out our open study area at the south end with huge windows for you to bask in the sun. panorama_10A9ED5B_1A33_BDA6_4161_7CC297A7F0A1.subtitle = Our glass study rooms are a contemporary space where you can get some peace and quiet to get your work done. Study rooms are accessible to all students during campus hours. Need a break? Hit the lounge and take a breather on our comfortable furniture. If you need some Vitamin D in your life, check out our open study area at the south end with huge windows for you to bask in the sun. panorama_10A9ADB1_1A33_9CE2_41B6_90DA436AC8DB.subtitle = Our glass study rooms are a contemporary space where you can get some peace and quiet to get your work done. Study rooms are accessible to all students during campus hours. Need a break? Hit the lounge and take a breather on our comfortable furniture. If you need some Vitamin D in your life, check out our open study area at the south end with huge windows for you to bask in the sun. panorama_10A7B266_1A31_8461_41AE_A5A1FB0627ED.subtitle = Our glass study rooms are a contemporary space where you can get some peace and quiet to get your work done. Study rooms are accessible to all students during campus hours. Need a break? Hit the lounge and take a breather on our comfortable furniture. If you need some Vitamin D in your life, check out our open study area at the south end with huge windows for you to bask in the sun. panorama_10A89EB1_1A32_9CE2_41B5_48A1B734E53D.subtitle = Our glass study rooms are a contemporary space where you can get some peace and quiet to get your work done. Study rooms are accessible to all students during campus hours. Need a break? Hit the lounge and take a breather on our comfortable furniture. If you need some Vitamin D in your life, check out our open study area at the south end with huge windows for you to bask in the sun. panorama_10A83E4C_1A32_7FA2_4187_7FC18C40D678.subtitle = Our glass study rooms are a contemporary space where you can get some peace and quiet to get your work done. Study rooms are accessible to all students during campus hours. Need a break? Hit the lounge and take a breather on our comfortable furniture. If you need some Vitamin D in your life, check out our open study area at the south end with huge windows for you to bask in the sun. panorama_10A8A1D8_1A32_84A2_4184_99E6300C54DA.subtitle = Our glass study rooms are a contemporary space where you can get some peace and quiet to get your work done. Study rooms are accessible to all students during campus hours. Need a break? Hit the lounge and take a breather on our comfortable furniture. If you need some Vitamin D in your life, check out our open study area at the south end with huge windows for you to bask in the sun. panorama_10A79208_1A31_87A2_41B8_44FDF54C6291.subtitle = Our glass study rooms are a contemporary space where you can get some peace and quiet to get your work done. Study rooms are accessible to all students during campus hours. Need a break? Hit the lounge and take a breather on our comfortable furniture. If you need some Vitamin D in your life, check out our open study area at the south end with huge windows for you to bask in the sun. panorama_117DEB6E_1A31_847E_4190_31E108F11135.subtitle = Our state-of-the-art nursing mannequins help our health science students simulate life-threatening situations. For example, in Carlos the Mannequin’s 10 short years, he has broken his neck or hip more than 150 times, had 80 heart attacks, more than 120 episodes of heart failure, and has developed pneumonia more times than we can count, not to mention his bouts with high blood pressure. He's a trooper. panorama_117DABDA_1A31_84A6_4197_8662374D64BE.subtitle = Our state-of-the-art nursing mannequins help our health science students simulate life-threatening situations. For example, in Carlos the Mannequin’s 10 short years, he has broken his neck or hip more than 150 times, had 80 heart attacks, more than 120 episodes of heart failure, and has developed pneumonia more times than we can count, not to mention his bouts with high blood pressure. He's a trooper. panorama_10A8848C_1A37_8CA2_41B5_0761F91331B1.subtitle = Satisfy your curiosity as you participate in hands-on dissection, genetics instruction, and why certain bacterial cultures thrive. You also can work in our lab as a paid assistant. panorama_10A8D4B1_1A37_8CE2_41B7_363CE873E5D8.subtitle = Satisfy your curiosity as you participate in hands-on dissection, genetics instruction, and why certain bacterial cultures thrive. You also can work in our lab as a paid assistant. panorama_11189755_1A53_8DA2_41A4_17BC725A7DD0.subtitle = Several studios are available throughout the building to anyone for personal practice time or private lessons. panorama_11194582_1A52_8CA6_41A5_199A6A22EC65.subtitle = Several studios are available throughout the building to anyone for personal practice time or private lessons. panorama_10A84788_1A32_8CA2_41A5_97FC4F331401.subtitle = Student Life Center is where students can hold meetings for their organizations, study in quiet spaces, or just relax. The Tech Hub contains private spaces with computers and printers, free to use for any Butler student. panorama_10A83524_1A32_8DE2_41B3_37CACC2F902E.subtitle = Student Life Center is where students can hold meetings for their organizations, study in quiet spaces, or just relax. The Tech Hub contains private spaces with computers and printers, free to use for any Butler student. panorama_10A83843_1A32_83A7_4192_7D9A03F45075.subtitle = Student Life Center is where students can hold meetings for their organizations, study in quiet spaces, or just relax. The Tech Hub contains private spaces with computers and printers, free to use for any Butler student. panorama_10A86487_1A36_8CAE_41B1_97AC807A8187.subtitle = Students and members of the public enjoy a quick stop at the Butler Bistro, for a favorite Starbucks specialty drink or soups, sandwiches and salads. Butler Bistro is just inside the main Student Union entrance. panorama_10A86467_1A36_8C6E_41AD_3B6E0540ED05.subtitle = Students and members of the public enjoy a quick stop at the Butler Bistro, for a favorite Starbucks specialty drink or soups, sandwiches and salads. Butler Bistro is just inside the main Student Union entrance. panorama_10A82385_1A36_84A2_419C_7D3813E7BB5E.subtitle = Students and members of the public enjoy a quick stop at the Butler Bistro, for a favorite Starbucks specialty drink or soups, sandwiches and salads. Butler Bistro is just inside the main Student Union entrance. panorama_10A87AFE_1A33_845E_41B0_CFC294BEB215.subtitle = Students can play pool, setup a game console or just lounge around in the game room, plan extracurricular activities, hold meetings and munch on some popcorn in the Student Life Center. Help from the Service Desk, food and drinks, comfy study spaces, faculty mentors, and friends – it's all in the Student Union. panorama_10A8092D_1A32_85E2_41BA_0BEADC64AC81.subtitle = Students can play pool, setup a game console or just lounge around in the game room. Plan extracurricular activities, hold meetings and munch on some popcorn in the Student Life Center. IT help when you need it, food and drinks, comfy study spaces, faculty mentors, and friends – it's all in the Student Union. panorama_113AAED7_1A51_9CAE_41B7_8C895C3EC351.subtitle = Students in our Ciminal Justice or Business programs will spend time in this little building, earning degrees which will transfer them to the four-year university or straight to the workforce. panorama_113D117E_1A51_8461_4168_EB597D391358.subtitle = Students in our Ciminal Justice or Business programs will spend time in this little building, earning degrees which will transfer them to the four-year university or straight to the workforce. panorama_117D9B76_1A31_846E_41AA_F890EBE1FB45.subtitle = Students in the health sciences practice their labs and procedures on mannequins in a real-world environment. Faculty work closely with our students to ensure that by the time they finish the program at Butler, they are completely qualified to serve in any healthcare atmosphere. panorama_117D8BC8_1A31_84A2_419E_08DF75C79FE9.subtitle = Students in the health sciences practice their labs and procedures on mannequins in a real-world environment. Faculty work closely with our students to ensure that by the time they finish the program at Butler, they are completely qualified to serve in any healthcare atmosphere. panorama_117D9B68_1A31_8461_41B9_4AFC3696F2FC.subtitle = Students in the microbiology lab will become proficient in standard lab techniques used in inoculation, isolation, incubation, inspection, and identification of bacteria. Students also research the mechanisms in the prevention and treatment of infectious disease. panorama_117299DA_1A3E_84A6_41B8_EAC6454F6765.subtitle = Students in the microbiology lab will become proficient in standard lab techniques used in inoculation, isolation, incubation, inspection, and identification of bacteria. Students also research the mechanisms in the prevention and treatment of infectious disease. panorama_117DAAD6_1A31_84AE_41A8_22A9C2B3912F.subtitle = Students in the microbiology lab will become proficient in standard lab techniques used in inoculation, isolation, incubation, inspection, and identification of bacteria. Students also research the mechanisms in the prevention and treatment of infectious disease. panorama_11728A82_1A3E_84A6_41A2_B872887EDDEE.subtitle = Students in the microbiology lab will become proficient in standard lab techniques used in inoculation, isolation, incubation, inspection, and identification of bacteria. Students also research the mechanisms in the prevention and treatment of infectious disease. panorama_10A9B4E5_1A32_8C62_41B7_38BCF1690062.subtitle = Students receive free tutoring in more than 20 subjects from Butler faculty and peer tutors. Just sign in, get on a computer or work at a table and raise your hand and you’ll find the support you need. You can also schedule appointments with a tutor and receive tutoring online. panorama_10A9048B_1A32_8CA6_4196_4B710475AAEC.subtitle = Students receive free tutoring in more than 20 subjects from Butler faculty and peer tutors. Just sign in, get on a computer or work at a table and raise your hand and you’ll find the support you need. You can also schedule appointments with a tutor and receive tutoring online. panorama_1175ED72_1A31_FC66_41B6_4D609FBC8493.subtitle = Thanks to the generosity of the R.D. & Joan Dale Hubbard Foundation, the Hubbard Welcome Center is the newest building on the Butler campus. Immediately inside is the Lattner Family Foundation Entry and, to the left, the Clifford/Stone Community Room which serve as gathering spaces for the college and the public. This space is reservable as well as the smaller INTRUST Bank Room and ICI Room on the downstairs level. Upstairs you'll find the President's office suite as well as the Ted and Barbara Dankert Trustee Board Room which is also reservable for the public. panorama_1181AD37_1A31_9DEE_41AE_8EE75619804F.subtitle = Thanks to the generosity of the R.D. & Joan Dale Hubbard Foundation, the Hubbard Welcome Center is the newest building on the Butler campus. Immediately inside is the Lattner Family Foundation Entry and, to the left, the Clifford/Stone Community Room which serve as gathering spaces for the college and the public. This space is reservable as well as the smaller INTRUST Bank Room and ICI Room on the downstairs level. Upstairs you'll find the President's office suite as well as the Ted and Barbara Dankert Trustee Board Room which is also reservable for the public. panorama_1139D24F_1A52_87BE_419D_F94E28B3F506.subtitle = The 300 building houses two multi-purpose classrooms on the upper level with welding and art on the lower level. panorama_113E7A01_1A53_87A2_41A2_20A0B06C4F6A.subtitle = The 300 building houses two multi-purpose classrooms on the upper level with welding and art on the lower level. panorama_113FC8DF_1A52_845E_41AB_05D9C37A7072.subtitle = The 300 building houses two multi-purpose classrooms on the upper level with welding and art on the lower level. panorama_113E4AD4_1A53_84A2_41B5_239924384851.subtitle = The 300 building houses two multi-purpose classrooms on the upper level with welding and art on the lower level. panorama_113E8B94_1A53_84A2_41B3_DED24908FE1C.subtitle = The 300 building houses two multi-purpose classrooms on the upper level with welding and art on the lower level. panorama_113E9C24_1A53_83E2_4199_8A28F3464E96.subtitle = The 300 building houses two multi-purpose classrooms on the upper level with welding and art on the lower level. panorama_113EBCB3_1A53_FCE6_41A8_1C5D536F5F20.subtitle = The 300 building houses two multi-purpose classrooms on the upper level with welding and art on the lower level. panorama_1173E390_1A3F_84A2_4198_F56BC42A4B6E.subtitle = The A & P Lab enables students to develop an understanding of the principles in structure and function of the human body systems. Beyond learning basic chemistry, cells, and tissues, student study skeletal, muscular, nervous, and endocrine systems. panorama_1173D42A_1A3F_83E6_41B5_3CA6993D6139.subtitle = The A & P Lab enables students to develop an understanding of the principles in structure and function of the human body systems. Beyond learning basic chemistry, cells, and tissues, student study skeletal, muscular, nervous, and endocrine systems. panorama_1173B5C5_1A3F_8CA2_41A6_634BD13AE917.subtitle = The A & P Lab enables students to develop an understanding of the principles in structure and function of the human body systems. Beyond learning basic chemistry, cells, and tissues, student study skeletal, muscular, nervous, and endocrine systems. panorama_1173D53F_1A3F_8DDE_41AA_76A47417108C.subtitle = The A & P Lab enables students to develop an understanding of the principles in structure and function of the human body systems. Beyond learning basic chemistry, cells, and tissues, student study skeletal, muscular, nervous, and endocrine systems. panorama_1726B87D_1A51_8462_41B0_A8DC7FBFB72B.subtitle = The Agriculture Facility is located about 1/2 mile south of campus. This facility is home to our nationally known livestock judging team and premiere agriculture, livestock, and farm and ranch management programs. The latest addition is a high tunnel to facilitate plant growth and exploration throughout the year. panorama_17268E7D_1A51_9C62_41AC_27A3C8786D42.subtitle = The Agriculture Facility is located about 1/2 mile south of campus. This facility is home to our nationally known livestock judging team and premiere agriculture, livestock, and farm and ranch management programs. The latest addition is a high tunnel to facilitate plant growth and exploration throughout the year. panorama_172783BF_1A56_84DF_4187_88313E4F5954.subtitle = The Agriculture Facility is located about 1/2 mile south of campus. This facility is home to our nationally known livestock judging team and premiere agriculture, livestock, and farm and ranch management programs. The latest addition is a high tunnel to facilitate plant growth and exploration throughout the year. panorama_1726B172_1A51_8461_41B7_A88049DBD83F.subtitle = The Agriculture Facility is located about 1/2 mile south of campus. This facility is home to our nationally known livestock judging team and premiere agriculture, livestock, and farm and ranch management programs. The latest addition is a high tunnel to facilitate plant growth and exploration throughout the year. panorama_113A85FF_1A5E_8C5E_41AD_4D54D05C1443.subtitle = The Auto Technology program has an established reputation for its excellence in training and has direct partnerships with many major auto dealers in the Wichita metro area. Butler was the first community college auto technology program in Kansas to be approved as a Volvo University institution. panorama_113B8B4E_1A5F_85BE_41B4_18EFB0E34B4C.subtitle = The Auto Technology program has an established reputation for its excellence in training and has direct partnerships with many major auto dealers in the Wichita metro area. Butler was the first community college auto technology program in Kansas to be approved as a Volvo University institution. panorama_113A9747_1A5E_8DAE_41B3_D1A6644344E7.subtitle = The Auto Technology program has an established reputation for its excellence in training and has direct partnerships with many major auto dealers in the Wichita metro area. Butler was the first community college auto technology program in Kansas to be approved as a Volvo University institution. panorama_113A496A_1A5E_8466_4183_0D4EA047BF25.subtitle = The Auto Technology program has an established reputation for its excellence in training and has direct partnerships with many major auto dealers in the Wichita metro area. Butler was the first community college auto technology program in Kansas to be approved as a Volvo University institution. panorama_10A8E1D2_1A33_84A6_41A5_EE622C978401.subtitle = The Automation Technology Laboratory is designed for giving students hands-on experience with industrial automation. The laboratory includes access to Allen Bradley Programmable Logic controllers (PLCs), Xilinx Field-programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), Allen Bradley Motor Controllers, as well as SMC modular production systems, and electronic tooling. panorama_10A901D0_1A32_84A2_41AE_ADD0E6F107BE.subtitle = The Automation Technology Laboratory is designed for giving students hands-on experience with industrial automation. The laboratory includes access to Allen Bradley Programmable Logic controllers (PLCs), Xilinx Field-programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), Allen Bradley Motor Controllers, as well as SMC modular production systems, and electronic tooling. panorama_10A873D0_1A31_84A1_417C_EF5BE26ABC28.subtitle = The Business Education and Training Analysis (BETA) division of Butler Community College offers corporate training programs and services to help people become more productive and companies more profitable. BETA has delivered training for businesses and employees for decades. BETA workspace can be used by businesses for training or BETA staff can train on-site. panorama_10A8B49D_1A31_8CA3_418C_F0A0CCB2BAEB.subtitle = The Business Education and Training Analysis (BETA) division of Butler Community College offers corporate training programs and services to help people become more productive and companies more profitable. While serving Butler, Sedgwick and surrounding counties along with the Wichita metro area, the state of Kansas and the world, we have delivered training for businesses and their employees for more than 25 years. BETA workspace can be used by businesses for training, or BETA staff can train on-site. panorama_10A8A422_1A31_83E6_41B8_4833E4C402AE.subtitle = The Business Education and Training Analysis (BETA) division of Butler Community College offers corporate training programs and services to help people become more productive and companies more profitable. While serving Butler, Sedgwick and surrounding counties along with the Wichita metro area, the state of Kansas and the world, we have delivered training for businesses and their employees for more than 25 years. BETA workspace can be used by businesses for training, or BETA staff can train on-site. panorama_10A7C3FC_1A31_8462_41AE_3C3ED276EF4A.subtitle = The Butler Bookstore is the place to find all your study supplies – from needed textbooks to pen and paper, Butler wear, and other Grizzly merchandise. It’s a great place to buy gifts too – like a Grizzly shirt for Grandma. panorama_10B65423_1A2E_83E6_41AF_243437D444C6.subtitle = The Butler Bookstore is the place to find all your study supplies – from needed textbooks to pen and paper, Butler wear, and other Grizzly merchandise. It’s a great place to buy gifts too – like a Grizzly shirt for Grandma. panorama_118E83C0_1A2E_84A2_4192_B8CB0B82FA0E.subtitle = The Butler Bookstore is the place to find all your study supplies – from needed textbooks to pen and paper, Butler wear, and other Grizzly merchandise. It’s a great place to buy gifts too – like a Grizzly shirt for Grandma. panorama_423CDA5B_1FDD_6D02_4194_EB60C25440D6.subtitle = The Butler Bookstore is the place to find all your study supplies – from needed textbooks to pen and paper, Butler wear, and other Grizzly merchandise. It’s a great place to buy gifts too – like a Grizzly shirt for Grandma. panorama_117E6C6D_1A33_BC62_41AB_47FBBE0766DA.subtitle = The Butler Bookstore is the place to find all your study supplies – from needed textbooks to pen and paper, Butler wear, and other Grizzly merchandise. It’s a great place to buy gifts too – like a Grizzly shirt for Grandma. panorama_117E2AF6_1A32_8461_41B3_C92F8E1F63F0.subtitle = The Butler Bookstore is the place to find all your study supplies – from needed textbooks to pen and paper, Butler wear, and other Grizzly merchandise. It’s a great place to buy gifts too – like a Grizzly shirt for Grandma. panorama_1171CA61_1A32_8463_41BA_213586C52DDC.subtitle = The Butler Bookstore is the place to find all your study supplies – from needed textbooks to pen and paper, Butler wear, and other Grizzly merchandise. It’s a great place to buy gifts too – like a Grizzly shirt for Grandma. panorama_10ABD4F4_1A32_8C62_41B4_7FB4F85A665D.subtitle = The Butler Library welcomes students and community members to browse their selection and seek assistance for research projects or interlibrary loan options. Within the library, you can also sink into your favorite book or just get away from all the noise in our quiet room. panorama_10ABF4EF_1A31_8C7E_41AF_1B56848D0459.subtitle = The Butler Library welcomes students and community members to browse their selection and seek assistance for research projects or interlibrary loan options. Within the library, you can also sink into your favorite book or just get away from all the noise in our quiet room. panorama_10AB610C_1A33_85A2_41A6_385CDB441AD4.subtitle = The CAD lab is primarily for teaching CAD and Engineering course work. It is available for all students in the Engineering Technology and Construction Technology Pathways at Butler Community College. The laboratory provides access to all the computer software used across the entire engineering and construction programs. panorama_10AB205F_1A33_845E_419C_ADD9A2D1829A.subtitle = The CAD lab is primarily for teaching CAD and Engineering course work. It is available for all students in the Engineering Technology and Construction Technology Pathways at Butler Community College. The laboratory provides access to all the computer software used across the entire engineering and construction programs. panorama_10AB2333_1A33_85E6_4164_F8AED38D4259.subtitle = The CAD lab is primarily for teaching CAD and Engineering course work. It is available for all students in the Engineering Technology and Construction Technology Pathways at Butler Community College. The laboratory provides access to all the computer software used across the entire engineering and construction programs. panorama_1175EF70_1A31_9C62_41B4_721C18EFE4FD.subtitle = The Clifford/Stone Community room seats 800 in rows or 480 at round tables and is attached to a catering kitchen and an outdoor patio area. This social gathering space is often busy with luncheons, benefit auctions, and is where Butler holds its New Student Orientation among numerous other events. panorama_1175CF70_1A3E_7C61_415E_D58AAC757830.subtitle = The Clifford/Stone Community room seats 800 in rows or 480 at round tables and is attached to a catering kitchen and an outdoor patio area. This social gathering space is often busy with luncheons, benefit auctions, and is where Butler holds its New Student Orientation among numerous other events. panorama_11753ED5_1A3E_9CA2_41B1_911F7A1BCDB1.subtitle = The Clifford/Stone Community room seats 800 in rows or 480 at round tables and is attached to a catering kitchen and an outdoor patio area. This social gathering space is often busy with luncheons, benefit auctions, and is where Butler holds its New Student Orientation among numerous other events. panorama_1118EEF7_1A51_BC6E_41B4_1DC1710215C7.subtitle = The Erman B. White Gallery of Art is a modern space showcasing monthly exhibits by an array of artists including Butler faculty and student works. Since opening in 1992, the Gallery has hosted visitors from around the globe. panorama_11196E28_1A51_9FE2_41B8_035982EC1201.subtitle = The Erman B. White Gallery of Art is a modern space showcasing monthly exhibits by an array of artists including Butler faculty and student works. Since opening in 1992, the Gallery has hosted visitors from around the globe. panorama_1725C3AD_1A56_84E2_41A2_BC491B4A16B4.subtitle = The Fire Science program is the only fire residency program in Kansas where students live where they learn, offering the ultimate hands-on experience in Fire Science. panorama_17222136_1A51_85EE_418E_68CC6A3AB45A.subtitle = The Fire Science program is the only fire residency program in Kansas where students live where they learn, offering the ultimate hands-on experience in Fire Science. panorama_17220697_1A51_8CAE_41B9_FEF72809AC0C.subtitle = The Fire Science program is the only fire residency program in Kansas where students live where they learn, offering the ultimate hands-on experience in Fire Science. panorama_17226A42_1A51_87A6_41B3_3DF97BCCF3F4.subtitle = The Fire Science program is the only fire residency program in Kansas where students live where they learn, offering the ultimate hands-on experience in Fire Science. panorama_1725F990_1A56_84A2_4190_2696F813DFDC.subtitle = The Fire Science program is the only fire residency program in Kansas where students live where they learn, offering the ultimate hands-on experience in Fire Science. panorama_10A829FE_1A33_845E_417A_55EA5DBAE3C0.subtitle = The Grizzly Den is another meeting space used for college events and activities. It is also reservable by the public and often used by local businesses and organizations. panorama_10A82A83_1A33_84A7_41A0_A2F590DF2775.subtitle = The Grizzly Den is another meeting space used for college events and activities. It is also reservable by the public and often used by local businesses and organizations. panorama_1168B044_1A32_83A2_41A8_8559D431DDA2.subtitle = The Grizzly Magazine is produced three to four times a year and is totally written and produced by students. Students gain hands-on experience in every area necessary to produce a glossy, four-color, award-winning publication. Students earn bragging rights each year by bringing home awards from the Kansas Collegiate Media Conference. Work here, go to school free. panorama_1722D84E_1A53_83BE_41AA_7561EE6E8155.subtitle = The Hall of Champions is home to the nationally recognized Butler Football program. Featured in the center of the room are four of the Grizzlies' six NJCAA National Championship trophies. Inside the glass cabinets house the countless plaques, trophies and awards the Butler football program has won over the years. Butler football has won 25 KJCCC championships and had four national players of the year, featured along the walls inside the Hall of Champions. Past the Hall of Champions you will find the football coaches offices, meeting and team rooms along with the football locker room. panorama_17230758_1A52_8DA2_41B2_A16E29ACC0F4.subtitle = The Hall of Champions is home to the nationally recognized Butler Football program. Featured in the center of the room are four of the Grizzlies' six NJCAA National Championship trophies. Inside the glass cabinets house the countless plaques, trophies and awards the Butler football program has won over the years. Butler football has won 25 KJCCC championships and had four national players of the year, featured along the walls inside the Hall of Champions. Past the Hall of Champions you will find the football coaches offices, meeting and team rooms along with the football locker room. panorama_10A9A430_1A36_83E1_41B7_833AD4D0A602.subtitle = The Kanza Conference Room, a 150-person gathering space, is equipped with state-of-the-art audio/visual equipment, a holding kitchen and wi-fi. This multi-use conference room is reservable for public events and meetings. panorama_113A6F38_1A56_FDE2_41B9_738AF8980052.subtitle = The L. W. Nixon Libraries offer resources and research support across the college’s campuses for all students and all subjects. The largest library is on the El Dorado campus. When it’s time for concentration, you can utilize the Quiet Room and various quiet study areas. It’s also a great place to grab a coffee, or get one-on-one help with research. panorama_1139CFAE_1A56_9CFE_4182_774C20B75AA3.subtitle = The L. W. Nixon Libraries offer resources and research support across the college’s campuses for all students and all subjects. The largest library is on the El Dorado campus. When it’s time for concentration, you can utilize the Quiet Room and various quiet study areas. It’s also a great place to grab a coffee, or get one-on-one help with research. panorama_113A3CFC_1A56_BC61_41B2_CD191543C115.subtitle = The L. W. Nixon Libraries offer resources and research support across the college’s campuses for all students and all subjects. The largest library is on the El Dorado campus. When it’s time for concentration, you can utilize the Quiet Room and various quiet study areas. It’s also a great place to grab a coffee, or get one-on-one help with research. panorama_1139AEAC_1A56_9CE1_41B1_9745A9D075BC.subtitle = The L. W. Nixon Libraries offer resources and research support across the college’s campuses for all students and all subjects. The largest library is on the El Dorado campus. When it’s time for concentration, you can utilize the Quiet Room and various quiet study areas. It’s also a great place to grab a coffee, or get one-on-one help with research. panorama_11684029_1A32_83E2_4190_1FFA123041AA.subtitle = The Lantern Newspaper, the largest community college newspaper in Kansas, is completely written and produced by Butler students. It’s all about hands-on reporting and production experience here. Students strive to produce quality work and their efforts earn them bragging rights each year through the Kansas Collegiate Media Conference. Scholarships are available. panorama_11685050_1A32_83A2_41A0_C8D777180D26.subtitle = The Lantern Newspaper, the largest community college newspaper in Kansas, is completely written and produced by Butler students. It’s all about hands-on reporting and production experience here. Students strive to produce quality work and their efforts earn them bragging rights each year through the Kansas Collegiate Media Conference. Scholarships are available. panorama_1175DDE4_1A31_9C62_41A8_38D7F56F8455.subtitle = The Lattner Family Foundation Entry provides a large foyer area for causal receptions and is a space often used by community organizations. panorama_113FB2FD_1A52_8462_41A6_E6DD03DD228C.subtitle = The Lobby inside the 500 building features trophies, plaques, awards and images of the great student athletes that walked these very halls. Along the south side of the building you will find all six national championship football teams along with the 100+ All-Americans. panorama_113E503C_1A52_83E2_4177_259EAB673B1A.subtitle = The Lobby inside the 500 building features trophies, plaques, awards and images of the great student athletes that walked these very halls. Along the south side of the building you will find all six national championship football teams along with the 100+ All-Americans. panorama_10AB3130_1A33_85E2_41B9_BDE160896950.subtitle = The Manufacturing laboratory is a mixed material manufacturing space. The northern end of this lab is a CNC laboratory with emphasis on metal and plastic technologies. This space offers students access to industrial machining including Milling, Turning, Routing, and Waterjet technologies. The southern half of the laboratory focuses on woods and commercial construction technologies. Students get hands-on with tools of the trade while building actual items just like professional contractors. Other students may use this lab in preparing plastic molds, producing prototypes, or even building their final projects. panorama_1168900E_1A32_83BE_41B5_998A8CC917AF.subtitle = The Mass Communication program consists of the student newspaper, magazine, and radio and TV stations. Institutional Services and Information Services management is also housed in this building. panorama_11697FF5_1A32_9C62_4187_0CE34EA64983.subtitle = The Mass Communication program consists of the student newspaper, magazine, and radio and TV stations. Institutional Services and Information Services management is also housed in this building. panorama_1168E018_1A32_83A1_4191_A5AC48E7706A.subtitle = The Mass Communication program consists of the student newspaper, magazine, and radio and TV stations. Institutional Services and Information Services management is also housed in this building. panorama_11699057_1A33_83AF_41B9_2E05992B71EA.subtitle = The Mass Communication program consists of the student newspaper, magazine, and radio and TV stations. Institutional Services and Information Services management is also housed in this building. panorama_1168B072_1A32_8466_4159_CE61AA96BDC2.subtitle = The Mass Communication program consists of the student newspaper, magazine, and radio and TV stations. Institutional Services and Information Services management is also housed in this building. panorama_10AB60F7_1A33_846F_419D_95DEEBF99B0B.subtitle = The Plastics Laboratory is for designing and producing composite and thermosetting plastics. Work with thermoplastics is completed in room 4510, the CAD Lab, to help keep material clean. As a wet lab, this lab includes hands-on experimentation with injection, manual lay-up, and vacuum forming technologies. panorama_113AC446_1A5E_83AE_419A_3C84BFF73629.subtitle = The Power Plant is home to the nationally recognized Butler Grizzlies basketball and volleyball programs. Both Butler basketball teams and the volleyball team compete inside the Power Plant and on any given night you can find the Power Plant packed in purple cheering on the Grizzlies. The Power Plant also has a multi-purpose gymnasium and an auxiliary weight room that has open hours for Butler students. The Athletic Hall of Fame Room is also housed inside the Power Plant. panorama_113A9323_1A5E_85E6_417F_D61669E02E9F.subtitle = The Power Plant is home to the nationally recognized Butler Grizzlies basketball and volleyball programs. Both Butler basketball teams and the volleyball team compete inside the Power Plant and on any given night you can find the Power Plant packed in purple cheering on the Grizzlies. The Power Plant also has a multi-purpose gymnasium and an auxiliary weight room that has open hours for Butler students. The Athletic Hall of Fame Room is also housed inside the Power Plant. panorama_113E687E_1A51_845E_41B1_80B688C16EB6.subtitle = The Power Plant is home to the nationally recognized Butler Grizzlies basketball and volleyball programs. Both Butler basketball teams and the volleyball team compete inside the Power Plant and on any given night you can find the Power Plant packed in purple cheering on the Grizzlies. The Power Plant also has a multi-purpose gymnasium and an auxiliary weight room that has open hours for Butler students. The Athletic Hall of Fame Room is also housed inside the Power Plant. panorama_113E1E07_1A51_9FAF_41AE_855EC5999E84.subtitle = The Power Plant is home to the nationally recognized Butler Grizzlies basketball and volleyball programs. Both Butler basketball teams and the volleyball team compete inside the Power Plant and on any given night you can find the Power Plant packed in purple cheering on the Grizzlies. The Power Plant also has a multi-purpose gymnasium and an auxiliary weight room that has open hours for Butler students. The Athletic Hall of Fame Room is also housed inside the Power Plant. panorama_113E1AD1_1A51_84A2_4193_50EBC1349E2C.subtitle = The Power Plant is home to the nationally recognized Butler Grizzlies basketball and volleyball programs. Both Butler basketball teams and the volleyball team compete inside the Power Plant and on any given night you can find the Power Plant packed in purple cheering on the Grizzlies. The Power Plant also has a multi-purpose gymnasium and an auxiliary weight room that has open hours for Butler students. The Athletic Hall of Fame Room is also housed inside the Power Plant. panorama_113ECDE3_1A51_BC66_41A2_C333F9C3A922.subtitle = The Power Plant is home to the nationally recognized Butler Grizzlies basketball and volleyball programs. Both Butler basketball teams and the volleyball team compete inside the Power Plant and on any given night you can find the Power Plant packed in purple cheering on the Grizzlies. The Power Plant also has a multi-purpose gymnasium and an auxiliary weight room that has open hours for Butler students. The Athletic Hall of Fame Room is also housed inside the Power Plant. panorama_117E6ABC_1A32_84E2_41B0_D8CB8D0A8A13.subtitle = The Student Government Association (SGA) office sits just outside the cafeteria. It’s a great place to meet other students and ask about getting involved in student organizations and clubs on campus. Find your voice and grow your leadership skills, they are always seeking new faces. panorama_117E1B5F_1A32_845F_41A4_CDB268A7295E.subtitle = The Student Government Association (SGA) office sits just outside the cafeteria. It’s a great place to meet other students and ask about getting involved in student organizations and clubs on campus. Find your voice and grow your leadership skills, they are always seeking new faces. panorama_117E6A70_1A32_8462_41B9_C75B2BC6DDC2.subtitle = The Student Government Association (SGA) office sits just outside the cafeteria. It’s a great place to meet other students and ask about getting involved in student organizations and clubs on campus. Find your voice and grow your leadership skills, they are always seeking new faces. panorama_117E0BAD_1A32_84E2_41AA_BEDE48CD08F4.subtitle = The Student Government Association (SGA) office sits just outside the cafeteria. It’s a great place to meet other students and ask about getting involved in student organizations and clubs on campus. Find your voice and grow your leadership skills, they are always seeking new faces. panorama_117E1BE5_1A33_8462_41B2_F989AC37FE47.subtitle = The Student Government Association (SGA) office sits just outside the cafeteria. It’s a great place to meet other students and ask about getting involved in student organizations and clubs on campus. Find your voice and grow your leadership skills, they are always seeking new faces. panorama_116990FD_1A33_8462_41A0_FD2435F7DADA.subtitle = The Student Union is the Grizzly hangout and central to student life on the El Dorado Campus. It sports the Butler Bookstore, cafeteria and quick snacks, the Help Desk for direct assistance, as well as computers and study spaces for quiet time or group work. The pool table and TVs are ready when it's time to take a break. Whether you're hungry for excitement or just plain hungry, the student union is the place to be! panorama_117E2C30_1A33_83E2_41A7_DD4B0934CD13.subtitle = The Student Union is the Grizzly hangout and central to student life on the El Dorado Campus. It sports the Butler Bookstore, cafeteria and quick snacks, the Help Desk for direct assistance, as well as computers and study spaces for quiet time or group work. The pool table and TVs are ready when it's time to take a break. Whether you're hungry for excitement or just plain hungry, the student union is the place to be! panorama_117FAD2B_1A33_BDE6_4182_C4149F877A90.subtitle = The Student Union is the Grizzly hangout and central to student life on the El Dorado Campus. It sports the Butler Bookstore, cafeteria and quick snacks, the Help Desk for direct assistance, as well as computers and study spaces for quiet time or group work. The pool table and TVs are ready when it's time to take a break. Whether you're hungry for excitement or just plain hungry, the student union is the place to be! panorama_41B1E614_1FDB_6507_41B1_E9D8262456F4.subtitle = The Student Union is the Grizzly hangout and central to student life on the El Dorado Campus. It sports the Butler Bookstore, cafeteria and quick snacks, the Help Desk for direct assistance, as well as computers and study spaces for quiet time or group work. The pool table and TVs are ready when it's time to take a break. Whether you're hungry for excitement or just plain hungry, the student union is the place to be! panorama_1168BF97_1A32_9CAE_41B6_F34AFFB1CA64.subtitle = The Student Union is the Grizzly hangout and central to student life on the El Dorado Campus. It sports the Butler Bookstore, cafeteria and quick snacks, the Help Desk for direct assistance, as well as computers and study spaces for quiet time or group work. The pool table and TVs are ready when it's time to take a break. Whether you're hungry for excitement or just plain hungry, the student union is the place to be! panorama_1139C235_1A56_87E2_41A7_3BD50DCF929D.subtitle = The Testing Center provides support for students who have difficulty taking exams. It’s a comfortable and quiet atmosphere for those who want no distractions when testing. New students may need to come here to take a placement exam. panorama_113A105D_1A56_83A3_41A7_D91D28D5AC9E.subtitle = The Testing Center provides support for students who have difficulty taking exams. It’s a comfortable and quiet atmosphere for those who want no distractions when testing. New students may need to come here to take a placement exam. panorama_117E0C10_1A33_83A2_41B4_6A7662EB7307.subtitle = The cafeteria sells three meals per day Monday through Friday. Meal plans are available for students living on and off campus. Visitors can also just swing in and buy individual meals with cash or credit if they prefer. panorama_1727C444_1A56_83A2_4102_C564B60C9840.subtitle = The flexibility of the indoor space allows for hands-on learning all year long. Various livestock pens allow for direct animal research and training. panorama_17279D8B_1A56_9CA6_41B3_35B5A8F0D02F.subtitle = The flexibility of the indoor space allows for hands-on learning all year long. Various livestock pens allow for direct animal research and training. panorama_172667A6_1A56_8CEE_41B0_B0852D83FB7A.subtitle = The flexibility of the indoor space allows for hands-on learning all year long. Various livestock pens allow for direct animal research and training. panorama_1724EA79_1A53_8462_41AF_5DA36252D6D9.subtitle = The highlight of the Champions Training Center is the state of the art 4,500 square-foot weight room. Equipped with 10 fully functional weight racks and other workout equipment, the weight room is used by all the Butler athletic teams. The weight room is sectioned off from the turf area by a curtain which allows for use of both areas at the same time or for multiple teams to be training at the same time. panorama_17252EE6_1A53_9C6E_41B1_2BE06F79FF94.subtitle = The highlight of the Champions Training Center is the state of the art 4,500 square-foot weight room. Equipped with 10 fully functional weight racks and other workout equipment, the weight room is used by all the Butler athletic teams. The weight room is sectioned off from the turf area by a curtain which allows for use of both areas at the same time or for multiple teams to be training at the same time. panorama_167B3833_1A31_83E6_41AD_4756D3154761.subtitle = The on-campus apartments house 32 woman students and are fully furnished with a full kitchen and carpeting. There is also a washer and dryer in each apartment. panorama_11680882_1A32_84A6_41B9_E9C1950D181C.subtitle = The on-campus apartments house 32 woman students and are fully furnished with a full kitchen and carpeting. There is also a washer and dryer in each apartment. panorama_1168DAAE_1A32_84E1_41A3_3000819E6D24.subtitle = The on-campus apartments house 32 woman students and are fully furnished with a full kitchen and carpeting. There is also a washer and dryer in each apartment. panorama_11688D06_1A32_9DAE_4191_C6B39EC0B7F2.subtitle = The on-campus apartments house 32 woman students and are fully furnished with a full kitchen and carpeting. There is also a washer and dryer in each apartment. panorama_11688998_1A32_84A2_4135_C6EBADCDE060.subtitle = The on-campus apartments house 32 woman students and are fully furnished with a full kitchen and carpeting. There is also a washer and dryer in each apartment. panorama_10A79387_1A31_84AF_418F_BE5A5309FB4B.subtitle = The pool table and TVs are ready when it's time to take a break. Whether you're hungry for excitement or just plain hungry, the student union is the place to be! panorama_116BCF23_1A31_9DE6_41B9_6063D0B9AD65.subtitle = The radio station is a live station that reaches surrounding communities. Students gain valuable hands-on work experience in broadcast journalism, learn what it takes to operate and deliver a weekly radio show, and travel to broadcast our nationally-known athletics live. Scholarships are available for this award-winning program that prepares students for either transferring to a four-year university or entering the workforce. panorama_116BAED6_1A31_9CA1_4185_AF1B577127EE.subtitle = The radio station is a live station that reaches surrounding communities. Students gain valuable hands-on work experience in broadcast journalism, learn what it takes to operate and deliver a weekly radio show, and travel to broadcast our nationally-known athletics live. Scholarships are available for this award-winning program that prepares students for either transferring to a four-year university or entering the workforce. panorama_11681E85_1A31_BCA3_41A4_03474427C086.subtitle = The radio station is a live station that reaches surrounding communities. Students gain valuable hands-on work experience in broadcast journalism, learn what it takes to operate and deliver a weekly radio show, and travel to broadcast our nationally-known athletics live. Scholarships are available for this award-winning program that prepares students for either transferring to a four-year university or entering the workforce. panorama_17251460_1A53_8C62_41B0_53A598E048EB.subtitle = The turf area inside the CTC is a 40-yard section of artificial turf that allows for multiple sports to use the space. Drop down batting cages allows the baseball and softball teams to hit indoors in the winter while the two lanes of running track allow for sprinters to work on a familiar surface inside a climate controlled space. The size of the turf allows all teams to practice indoors during inclement weather along with the ability to host camps and clinics during the winter months. panorama_1118C76E_1A53_8C7E_41A0_C6ABF90AD249.subtitle = This building is seldom quiet because it's home to a dynamic fine arts program that's recognized across the country. Students rehearse and perform several theatre, vocal music, dance, and instrumental music concerts throughout the year. Private lessons in vocal and instrumental like piano and guitar are also available. This building also houses the Erman B. White Gallery of Art. panorama_1167BDDB_1A2E_7CA6_419E_A05FC2E5F8E4.subtitle = This building is seldom quiet because it's home to a dynamic fine arts program that's recognized across the country. Students rehearse and perform several theatre, vocal music, dance, and instrumental music concerts throughout the year. Private lessons in vocal and instrumental like piano and guitar are also available. This building also houses the Erman B. White Gallery of Art. panorama_11678E5A_1A2E_9FA6_41B6_1339BEEDDE89.subtitle = This building is seldom quiet because it's home to a dynamic fine arts program that's recognized across the country. Students rehearse and perform several theatre, vocal music, dance, and instrumental music concerts throughout the year. Private lessons in vocal and instrumental like piano and guitar are also available. This building also houses the Erman B. White Gallery of Art. panorama_1118AF15_1A52_7DA3_41AA_6EBD47D117C4.subtitle = This building is seldom quiet because it's home to a dynamic fine arts program that's recognized across the country. Students rehearse and perform several theatre, vocal music, dance, and instrumental music concerts throughout the year. Private lessons in vocal and instrumental like piano and guitar are also available. This building also houses the Erman B. White Gallery of Art. panorama_1119BED9_1A52_9CA2_4173_B9026C1F1E42.subtitle = This building is seldom quiet because it's home to a dynamic fine arts program that's recognized across the country. Students rehearse and perform several theatre, vocal music, dance, and instrumental music concerts throughout the year. Private lessons in vocal and instrumental like piano and guitar are also available. This building also houses the Erman B. White Gallery of Art. panorama_111850D1_1A52_84A2_419B_BFCDB7483652.subtitle = This building is seldom quiet because it's home to a dynamic fine arts program that's recognized across the country. Students rehearse and perform several theatre, vocal music, dance, and instrumental music concerts throughout the year. Private lessons in vocal and instrumental like piano and guitar are also available. This building also houses the Erman B. White Gallery of Art. panorama_11188F35_1A51_9DE2_419C_801D98431F6A.subtitle = This building is seldom quiet because it's home to a dynamic fine arts program that's recognized across the country. Students rehearse and perform several theatre, vocal music, dance, and instrumental music concerts throughout the year. Private lessons in vocal and instrumental like piano and guitar are also available. This building also houses the Erman B. White Gallery of Art. panorama_1726FCF1_1A51_9C62_419E_CBE7A9BC6434.subtitle = This is a program built on a strong tradition of excellence. Students attend this program from across the country which is an added benefit as they share their unique farm and ranch experiences with classmates. Their awards prove they are very serious about what they do – our graduates consistently transfer to top programs across the country. panorama_1726BA67_1A51_846E_41B0_14627A332DBE.subtitle = This is a program built on a strong tradition of excellence. Students attend this program from across the country which is an added benefit as they share their unique farm and ranch experiences with classmates. Their awards prove they are very serious about what they do – our graduates consistently transfer to top programs across the country. panorama_1726F305_1A51_85A3_41B1_38FE22D9E4DB.subtitle = This is a program built on a strong tradition of excellence. Students attend this program from across the country which is an added benefit as they share their unique farm and ranch experiences with classmates. Their awards prove they are very serious about what they do – our graduates consistently transfer to top programs across the country. panorama_17262C30_1A56_83E1_4177_7F4064094AE2.subtitle = This is our Male Dorm, and it sleeps 8. Each bunk has closet and cabinets and two desks. It also has a full bathroom located in the dorm with showers. Students are able to do laundry as well. panorama_17264F17_1A56_BDAE_41B6_E8EF8511D226.subtitle = This is the Day Room for our students who are in our Residency Program. It has a full kitchen, patio area for grilling, and seating. It has a lounge area with TV and gaming. The Residents who live here are responsible for cleaning and keeping the day room picked up. panorama_172645D0_1A56_8CA2_41AF_489AF9994724.subtitle = This is the Female Dorm Room. It sleeps two, and has it’s own restroom with shower. It has two desks, and two dressers. panorama_16A351E1_1A57_8462_4193_C2BD6795B3CE.subtitle = This is the administrative side of Butler. In here you'll find Human Resources, Finance, the Vice President of Academics, and Accounts Payable. This building is especially important for new hires and for student workers needing to turn in paperwork or check on a timecard in person. panorama_11736355_1A3F_85A2_417C_8D4492596482.subtitle = This is the science and math headquarters at Butler of El Dorado. The majority of students on the El Dorado campus will spend time in this building. The math lab, A&P lab, microbiology and biology are all here on the first floor. Vocal students also rehearse in the Kansas Room on the west side of the 1500 Building. panorama_1172A15D_1A3E_85A2_419F_20C577F5720B.subtitle = This is the science and math headquarters at Butler of El Dorado. The majority of students on the El Dorado campus will spend time in this building. The math lab, A&P lab, microbiology and biology are all here on the first floor. Vocal students also rehearse in the Kansas Room on the west side of the 1500 Building. panorama_1172F9CF_1A3E_84BE_4162_4951931C73C1.subtitle = This is the science and math headquarters at Butler of El Dorado. The majority of students on the El Dorado campus will spend time in this building. The math lab, A&P lab, microbiology and biology are all here on the first floor. Vocal students also rehearse in the Kansas Room on the west side of the 1500 Building. panorama_11750194_1A3E_84A2_41B6_0E4959B3CDC7.subtitle = This is the science and math headquarters at Butler of El Dorado. The majority of students on the El Dorado campus will spend time in this building. The math lab, A&P lab, microbiology and biology are all here on the first floor. Vocal students also rehearse in the Kansas Room on the west side of the 1500 Building. panorama_1172E90E_1A3E_85BE_41A5_046136D1B604.subtitle = This is the science and math headquarters at Butler of El Dorado. The majority of students on the El Dorado campus will spend time in this building. The math lab, A&P lab, microbiology and biology are all here on the first floor. Vocal students also rehearse in the Kansas Room on the west side of the 1500 Building. panorama_1172D12D_1A3E_85E2_4187_EB1B94D1F1D0.subtitle = This is the science and math headquarters at Butler of El Dorado. The majority of students on the El Dorado campus will spend time in this building. The math lab, A&P lab, microbiology and biology are all here on the first floor. Vocal students also rehearse in the Kansas Room on the west side of the 1500 Building. panorama_1173A315_1A3F_85A2_41B7_2B71856ACC09.subtitle = This is the science and math headquarters at Butler of El Dorado. The majority of students on the El Dorado campus will spend time in this building. The math lab, A&P lab, microbiology and biology are all here on the first floor. Vocal students also rehearse in the Kansas Room on the west side of the 1500 Building. panorama_11699031_1A33_83E2_419A_D338BBCD9999.subtitle = This is the science, math and nursing headquarters at Butler. You can also find the Kansas Room here which is a practice room for the performing arts. panorama_11756059_1A3E_83A2_41AB_2BFF05B2A416.subtitle = This is the science, math and nursing headquarters at Butler. You can also find the Kansas Room here which is a practice room for the performing arts. panorama_1169703E_1A33_83DE_4188_E3D31B7433EB.subtitle = This is the science, math and nursing headquarters at Butler. You can also find the Kansas Room here which is a practice room for the performing arts. panorama_117E5E1C_1A32_BFA2_41B7_A0978831172D.subtitle = This is the science, math and nursing headquarters at Butler. You can also find the Kansas Room here which is a practice room for the performing arts. panorama_11756013_1A3E_83A7_41B4_745CFAB11B62.subtitle = This is the science, math and nursing headquarters at Butler. You can also find the Kansas Room here which is a practice room for the performing arts. panorama_117530C4_1A3E_84A2_41B2_0856EB465A09.subtitle = This is the science, math and nursing headquarters at Butler. You can also find the Kansas Room here which is a practice room for the performing arts. panorama_10A96373_1A36_8467_41A2_14FE1EF5BDE6.subtitle = This is the tech hub for Interactive, Digital, and 3D Technology programs. Students become proficient in Stop Motion Animation, Game Design, Video Production, 3D Virtual Environments, and 3D Animation. This is where the magic happens! panorama_5AF77651_1F47_A51E_41A6_C828B9F701BA.subtitle = This is the tech hub for Interactive, Digital, and 3D Technology programs. Students become proficient in Stop Motion Animation, Game Design, Video Production, 3D Virtual Environments, and 3D Animation. This is where the magic happens! panorama_113E9BB8_1A53_84E2_41AF_B133F46E2A7A.subtitle = This is where hands get dirty with clay, paint and charcoal as students get a deep understanding of two- and three-dimensional art practices from instructors who are also active artists. Learn drawing, painting, jewelry making, ceramics and stained glass while becoming part of a close-knit network of experienced artists and art educators located around the globe. panorama_113E70AD_1A52_84E2_419A_0D9B495F8378.subtitle = This is where hands get dirty with clay, paint and charcoal as students get a deep understanding of two- and three-dimensional art practices from instructors who are also active artists. Learn drawing, painting, jewelry making, ceramics and stained glass while becoming part of a close-knit network of experienced artists and art educators located around the globe. panorama_11397E36_1A53_9FEE_41B6_8D87C81D86FF.subtitle = This is where hands get dirty with clay, paint and charcoal as students get a deep understanding of two- and three-dimensional art practices from instructors who are also active artists. Learn drawing, painting, jewelry making, ceramics and stained glass while becoming part of a close-knit network of experienced artists and art educators located around the globe. panorama_1118BE72_1A51_FC66_41A6_0B0E500A911C.subtitle = This is where the action happens. From dramatic plays to exciting Headliner performances, this stage rarely gets a break. Our vocal music department hosts high schools around the region for vocal workshops, and our theatre department invites grade schools from the area to enjoy children’s plays every semester. panorama_11188F83_1A51_9CA6_41B9_350FFFCA44B9.subtitle = This is where the action happens. From dramatic plays to exciting Headliner performances, this stage rarely gets a break. Our vocal music department hosts high schools around the region for vocal workshops, and our theatre department invites grade schools from the area to enjoy children’s plays every semester. panorama_10A854C8_1A31_8CA2_418A_637E3D29B05B.subtitle = This is your place to ask questions and get guidance on a variety of items, including technical issues, to help you more easily navigate Butler. Helpful students are trained and ready to assist you whether face-to-face or online. panorama_10ABD614_1A32_8FA2_415C_1CCC7790E252.subtitle = This is your place to ask questions and get guidance on a variety of items, including technical issues, to help you more easily navigate Butler. Helpful students are trained and ready to assist you whether face-to-face or online. panorama_10A94213_1A32_87A7_41AB_362EB18FF1F6.subtitle = This new facility houses the Manufacturing, Engineering Technology, and Construction Technology programs. panorama_10AB312C_1A33_85E2_4198_23690C4F9400.subtitle = This new facility houses the Manufacturing, Engineering Technology, and Construction Technology programs. panorama_10A95354_1A32_85A2_41B6_73A19209C368.subtitle = This new facility houses the Manufacturing, Engineering Technology, and Construction Technology programs. panorama_10A932A4_1A32_84E1_4195_ADE47CE8B37B.subtitle = This new facility houses the Manufacturing, Engineering Technology, and Construction Technology programs. panorama_11687BFA_1A2E_8466_41A3_804A289F6278.subtitle = This popular building houses classes from English and computer applications to chemistry. It has several computer stations available for students and it's also home to the largest classroom on the Butler campus. . .and it's not really that large which is a good thing. No 200-student classes at this college. panorama_116850A8_1A31_84E2_41A0_43C13395F720.subtitle = This popular building houses classes from English and computer applications to chemistry. It has several computer stations available for students and it's also home to the largest classroom on the Butler campus. . .and it's not really that large which is a good thing. No 200-student classes at this college. panorama_11681B49_1A2E_85A2_419D_6AE83FEE2090.subtitle = This popular building houses classes from English and computer applications to chemistry. It has several computer stations available for students and it's also home to the largest classroom on the Butler campus. . .and it's not really that large which is a good thing. No 200-student classes at this college. panorama_1168709E_1A33_84DE_4198_633DFB4D41FB.subtitle = This popular building houses classes from English and computer applications to chemistry. It has several computer stations available for students and it's also home to the largest classroom on the Butler campus. . .and it's not really that large which is a good thing. No 200-student classes at this college. panorama_11683AC5_1A2E_84A3_41B8_2E51FD96689C.subtitle = This popular building houses classes from English and computer applications to chemistry. It has several computer stations available for students and it's also home to the largest classroom on the Butler campus. . .and it's not really that large which is a good thing. No 200-student classes at this college. panorama_1168D2CA_1A2E_84A1_41B2_5C5FC183E28B.subtitle = This popular building houses classes from English and computer applications to chemistry. It has several computer stations available for students and it's also home to the largest classroom on the Butler campus. . .and it's not really that large which is a good thing. No 200-student classes at this college. panorama_11680A69_1A2F_8462_41A6_BC3EF966C877.subtitle = This popular building houses classes from English and computer applications to chemistry. It has several computer stations available for students and it's also home to the largest classroom on the Butler campus. . .and it's not really that large which is a good thing. No 200-student classes at this college. panorama_116861C0_1A31_84A2_41BA_39C7CF2C7B12.subtitle = This popular building houses classes from English and computer applications to chemistry. It has several computer stations available for students and it's also home to the largest classroom on the Butler campus. . .and it's not really that large which is a good thing. No 200-student classes at this college. panorama_1168CA47_1A2F_87AF_418C_E929E720923B.subtitle = This popular building houses classes from English and computer applications to chemistry. It has several computer stations available for students and it's also home to the largest classroom on the Butler campus. . .and it's not really that large which is a good thing. No 200-student classes at this college. panorama_1168F244_1A2E_87A2_41AC_360A2AD3A68A.subtitle = This popular building houses classes from English and computer applications to chemistry. It has several computer stations available for students and it's also home to the largest classroom on the Butler campus. . .and it's not really that large which is a good thing. No 200-student classes at this college. panorama_116832A0_1A2E_84E2_4192_556438A5646A.subtitle = This popular building houses classes from English and computer applications to chemistry. It has several computer stations available for students and it's also home to the largest classroom on the Butler campus. . .and it's not really that large which is a good thing. No 200-student classes at this college. panorama_1167EDB5_1A2E_9CE2_418D_68C6524F4FD7.subtitle = This popular building houses classes from English and computer applications to chemistry. It has several computer stations available for students and it's also home to the largest classroom on the Butler campus. . .and it's not really that large which is a good thing. No 200-student classes at this college. panorama_11687C7C_1A2E_FC62_41AB_49716A35AE48.subtitle = This popular building houses classes from English and computer applications to chemistry. It has several computer stations available for students and it's also home to the largest classroom on the Butler campus. . .and it's not really that large which is a good thing. No 200-student classes at this college. panorama_1173BD2E_1A36_BDFE_4176_AF4F55799342.subtitle = West is a residence hall for men that offers community bathrooms, two lounges, a computer lab, and laundry facilities. College health and public safety are also located in this building. panorama_11729DDF_1A36_7C5E_41A9_295CF5469E40.subtitle = West is a residence hall for men that offers community bathrooms, two lounges, a computer lab, and laundry facilities. College health and public safety are also located in this building. panorama_1173BD6A_1A36_9C66_41A4_87DDFABC7A92.subtitle = West is a residence hall for men that offers community bathrooms, two lounges, a computer lab, and laundry facilities. College health and public safety are also located in this building. panorama_11736E89_1A31_9CA2_41B6_43239BBD75FA.subtitle = West is a residence hall for men that offers community bathrooms, two lounges, a computer lab, and laundry facilities. College health and public safety are also located in this building. panorama_1173EDBD_1A36_FCE2_41B8_CA9708314125.subtitle = West is a residence hall for men that offers community bathrooms, two lounges, a computer lab, and laundry facilities. College health and public safety are also located in this building. panorama_1173BF76_1A36_BC61_415D_5B41DC486D5E.subtitle = West is a residence hall for men that offers community bathrooms, two lounges, a computer lab, and laundry facilities. College health and public safety are also located in this building. panorama_1173CCD3_1A36_9CA6_41A5_98011C5A4E56.subtitle = West is a residence hall for men that offers community bathrooms, two lounges, a computer lab, and laundry facilities. College health and public safety are also located in this building. panorama_1172DCD3_1A37_FCA7_41B9_9A40B9785851.subtitle = West is a residence hall for men that offers community bathrooms, two lounges, a computer lab, and laundry facilities. College health and public safety are also located in this building. panorama_11728B44_1A37_85A1_4162_CA058DE823B5.subtitle = West is a residence hall for men that offers community bathrooms, two lounges, a computer lab, and laundry facilities. College health and public safety are also located in this building. panorama_11188F69_1A51_9C62_41A8_C210AAF018EC.subtitle = When you reserve your tickets for any Fine Arts performance, you’ll pick your tickets up at the Box Office. Butler students are admitted free to performances with their student I.D. panorama_11184FD7_1A51_BCAE_418B_761C9C05BA94.subtitle = When you reserve your tickets for any Fine Arts performance, you’ll pick your tickets up at the Box Office. Butler students are admitted free to performances with their student I.D. ### Title panorama_172538A3_1A53_84E7_41B2_85F6C09E7AA5.label = " Grizwald Gruffy the Grizzly " panorama_1725284C_1A53_83A2_41B4_E15B49DDA899.label = " Grizwald Gruffy the Grizzly " panorama_1169AFA3_1A33_BCE6_41B0_14DED031CF06.label = "The Reader" panorama_1169B0D2_1A33_84A6_41AF_1784805191CC.label = "The Reader" panorama_1169A0A2_1A33_84E1_4193_AAE33B2B862F.label = "The Reader" panorama_117E5DB0_1A32_9CE2_41B9_4C9C6EDEF6DE.label = "The Reader" panorama_117E4DFE_1A32_7C5E_41B7_52129578E435.label = "The Reader" album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_0.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_001 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_1.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_002 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_2.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_003 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_3.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_004 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_4.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_005 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_5.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_006 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_6.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_007 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_7.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_008 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_8.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_009 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_9.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_010 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_10.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_011 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_11.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_013 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_13.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_014 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_14.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_015 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_16.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_016 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_18.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_017 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_20.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_018 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_22.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_019 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_24.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_020 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_26.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_021 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_28.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_022 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_30.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_023 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_31.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_024 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_32.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_025 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_33.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_026 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_34.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_027 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_35.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_028 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_36.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_029 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_37.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_030 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_38.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_031 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_39.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_032 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_40.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_033 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_41.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. White Gallery (Edited)_034 album_4506E02B_24E4_E55D_41BD_A5B756468C5E_42.label = 05.21.21 - E.B. 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