How Google 360 Virtual Tours Can Highlight Hotel Amenities

How Google 360 Virtual Tours Can Highlight Hotel Amenities

The new generation of travelers today are keen researchers. They like to plan and prepare for their trips and make all the necessary arrangements before they head out to their chosen destination. Google 360 virtual tours have become the go-to tool used by digitally savvy travelers planning for their next big adventure. They not only offer great insight into the place you’re visiting but it can also be an incredibly useful tool in case you’re looking to scour for the best place to stay. Hotels have a great opportunity to position their myriad offerings using Google 360 virtual tours

In this blog, let’s explore how hotels can use Google 360 Virtual Tours to highlight their hotel amenities and, in the process, give their customers the best experience. 

Immersive Exploration

One of the most distinct benefits of a Google Maps virtual tour of a hotel is the feature to explore the property. It has the ability to pull your audience in and facilitate their walkthrough at their own pace. With static photos and videos that most hotels use, they are only able to offer you a glimpse into a specific angle or a part of the hotel. With Google 360 Virtual Tours, there is so much more your customers can do. It helps them witness the place from all the different approaches, explore surrounding walkways, etc., helping them gain reassurance in the choices they make. 

Increased Online Visibility

In our highly visual world, hotels that are able to offer a Google Maps tour virtual experience are sure to gain greater traction online. The high quality of engaging and rich content that can be provided with a Google 360 virtual tour is unbeatable for capturing customer attention. The more engaging and interactive the content, the higher your chances of creating a lasting impact on them, leading to greater competitive advantage, online and offline. 

Showcase unique features

For anyone wondering ‘how to create a Google virtual tour’ that makes guests want to visit you, it’s really easy. Use Google 360 Virtual Tours to pick out the unique stories and interesting factoids that make your property special. With a virtual tour of Google Street View, you have the opportunity to really create a compelling story for your brand and build a unique POV for your hotel through powerful visual storytelling. Think of what makes your hotel’s offering different and capture that well. For the well-intended traveler, a carefully curated showcase of what really sets your hotels apart and what you can do for your guests is what helps make a decision. 

Improved customer engagement

The Google 360 virtual tour cost often gets thought of as an expensive investment. But that’s truly a myth. When you take into account the skyrocketing virtual engagement hotels experience with 360 Google 360 virtual tours, this number begins to sound more and more reasonable. For any hotel in the hospitality industry right now, it’s really important to remember that customer engagement and satisfaction are no longer limited to when they arrive at the property. In fact, it starts right at the time you upload an engaging social media post or add a compelling property listing. Right from the moment your audience has engaged with you digitally, to the time they use a virtual tour of Google Street View to explore the neighborhood of your property, and to the time they arrive at the hotel, at each step, you’re able to create a customized engagement experience that will inevitably lead to greater customer satisfaction. And in the hospitality business, that is the ultimate prize!


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