6 Ways in which Google Street View takes your business to a whole new level

If you are a business owner who stays on top of things when it comes to online marketing, you must have heard of Google Street View. This cool feature on Google Maps lets people take a virtual tour of your business’s surroundings as well as interiors. And they can do it while relaxing at home or while taking a walk in the park or during lunch break at the office. Now, that’s an awesome way to boost online visibility, engage your potential clients, and give them a sneak peek into what you offer. After all, this is the road that will lead them towards conversion. Whether you are a hotel, café, gym or spa, using Google Street View for business has plenty of benefits. Read on to know all about them.

  1. Makes customers trust you – Having a Google Street View virtual tour means you have nothing to hide from your potential customers. They can explore your property whenever they want and from wherever they want and put all their doubts to rest. Customers will also know that you are not making tall claims for nothing!
  2. Eases the decision process – With Google Street View, small businesses can clearly show prospects how their establishment looks like, the things they stock up on, and what kind of atmosphere they promise. Naturally, this makes it easy for your customers to compare your business with others, research easily and make a decision quickly. In absence of such a tour, they have to waste a lot of time reading other people’s reviews and hunting for pictures before taking a call.

    Read – Why Visual Marketing is the Future for Businesses

  3. Attracts the right kind of audience – Imagine that you are a small boutique that sells only vintage wedding dresses and have some really unique pieces in your collection. Google Street View will help you reach out to the target audience for such dresses easily. When prospects take a tour, they will quickly realize where your specialty lies and why they should choose you over others. Also, by adding such a virtual tour to your Google My Business listing, you can attract more local customers.   
  4. Spreads a good word about you – This is among the top benefits of Google Street View as someone who has purchased something from your store or dined at your café can show the virtual tour to others while talking about the nice experience he had. For example, if a man buys a pair of stylish loafers from your store and talks about it to his friends while showing your street view, they will be more likely to believe his words. And, who knows, they might visit you too!

    Read Also – 5 Ways in Which the Real Estate Industry is Benefitting from Virtual Tours
  5. Prepares potential customers – The reason why most forward-thinking businesses are adopting Google Street View is because it tells people what they might expect when they reach your store, hotel, restaurant or any other establishment. Like, they will know beforehand where to park, how to approach, how to dress, and will be able to gauge the vibe and safety of your locality too.  
  6. Creates a lasting impression – Since the human brain tends to process images faster and retain them more than plain text, Google Street View for small businesses or even big ones can ensure better recall and make a positive impression. Even still images have become passé as immersive and realistic experiences are in. Hence, virtual tours are the way to go if you want to create a deep connection.

Now that you have a fair idea about the various advantages of Google Street View, it’s time to take action. Give your business a special boost with all-encompassing virtual tours, especially if your competitors are yet to warm up to the idea. Need a little help to get started? Shoot us an email at info@massinteract.com.  

Read Also – Google Interactive Tours vs Street View: Which is Better?


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