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What Makes University Virtual Tours Essential

What Makes University Virtual Tours Essential

Universities today are witnessing something unprecedented—the new generation of students who are now entering universities are among the first few generations of the digital natives. For the first time in generations, universities will be populated with students who have collectively experienced living completely in the digital age, without the residual memories of a different time than the one they live in now. What that also means is the way they experience the world is not divided by a virtual world and a real world—but  rather a blend of the two, one where they both exist, complementing one another. Universities recruitment teams therefore need to understand better how to leverage to cater to the students better. 

A University Virtual Tour over the recent years has become a sought-after experience by prospective students during the college application process. In this blog, we’re taking a closer look at the rising popularity of the university virtual tour and exploring how they are taking shape as an essential part of offering a holistic student recruitment experience. 

Showcasing Campus Facilities and Resources

One of the most useful, and perhaps preferred, use cases of the university virtual tour is the ability to see the campus up close. From the campus quads and the hallways to the classrooms, labs, and dormitories, students and parents are both in equal measure keen to take a closer look at what the university has to offer. By including exclusive videos, narratives, and talking points, universities too can offer very comprehensive walkthroughs, helping them make the most of the opportunity to showcase their facilities and resources that enrich student life on campus. 

Creating engaging and informative experiences

Another compelling reason that makes a university virtual tour essential is the fact that it truly is all-encompassing and inclusive. By expanding its reach to students from anywhere in the world and including the university virtual tour in various kinds of high-quality multimedia formats, it’s catering to a wider audience and offering them information in formats of their preference. This way, they are not only engaged in what universities have to offer but are also equally excited to know more about it. 

Supporting prospective students’ through their decision-making process

Choosing a university is one of the bigger decisions a student makes. Therefore, it’s crucial that they have the right kind of visibility and  support in their decision-making process. Aiding them with the right tools to seek the information they need, showcasing campus life, and helping them assess their natural culture fit into the university are all useful pointers for them. The University Virtual Tour offers a glimpse into the life they will be entering, guides them to the myriad of resources they can access to get more information, and simply helps them stroll to the different corners of the university grounds to experience it better. By bridging the ‘experiential’ gap through the university virtual tour, universities often emboldened the students to make the right choice for their careers and have greater confidence and greater trust about their safety when they arrive on campus. 

 Adapting to changing educational landscapes

Students entering university courses today are more well-versed with what is happening around the world than their predecessors, thanks to the interconnected, digital world we now live in. Universities need to be better prepared to meet students’ expectations and be digitally savvy to cater to their curiosities and adapt to the way they engage with the world. Enabling a university virtual tour is just simply a step in that direction to stay relevant, connected, and competitive for a generation that is forward-looking and highly motivated.


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